Sunday, May 20, 2007

Know Your Senators.

Well, I was going to blog about each provinces Senators, but, I put myself to sleep writing the blog, so I gave that up as a bad idea. While listening to a Senate committee the other day about Kyoto, I wondered what kind of backgrounds our Senators had to make vital decisions. So, here's a quick list of our Senator's talents:

22 lawyers
14 former politicians
13 business people
12 teachers
5 DR/psychologists
5 MBA's
4 journalists
4 ???? (I had no idea what they heck they had ever done)
4 entertainers
2 B Comm
1 B of Arts
1 Construction
1 Architect
1 Hockey guy
1 MA
1 Military
1 Hunter
1 Engineer

I was shocked,(HA) of course, that most were lawyers or failed politicians, like Grant Mitchell, a badly failed Alberta politician, made Senator. So, a sad lot for sure, full of themselves, and slurping up our tax dollars at the trough.

Grant Mitchell, come home, resign, and let Albertans vote for your replacement!

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