Monday, May 07, 2007

First Quebec, Now France.

It's interesting how first Quebec realized how socialism is killing their province, and now France has come to the same conclusion. Good for them!

So, our world is rejecting socialists. Expect them to yell louder, because yelling is all they have left. Their global world changing experiment is failing, and they have no bullets left in their guns, they are firing blanks. Oh, sorry I just offended all lefties talking about the dreaded gun, and horrors, bullets.

Now is the time for our Conservative government to stop catering to the lefties, and stop trying to be all things to all people.

A majority is only possible by sticking to principles, by not being scared to explain to people what Conservatives are all about, by being true to the base, and realizing that others will follow only if they think Conservatives are different from the Liberals, not the same.

Canadians want good governance, not fake Liberals.

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