Monday, July 02, 2007

Babies Win!

It's not just a win for pro-life, it's a win for honesty, truth, and common sense. The facebook competition was interesting in that the pro-abortion crowd mobilized all their people, and still came up short.

The power of this win is that the wish wasn't just abolish abortion after 20, or 22 weeks, it was a clear statement to abolish abortion, full stop, period!

Why is it a win for honesty? Because people have to stop hiding behind phrases like "a women's choice" and honestly face the fact that babies die.

Why is it a win for truth? Because people must face the truth of the issue, babies are torn apart, and disposed of like garbage.

Why is it a win for common sense? Because people voted for life and not against it, those people had the sense to understand that this is an issue that must be taken out of the backrooms and brought into the light of day.

So, one small step forward, much more work still to be done. Most importantly this win should open the eyes of Canadians who actually think that we have a law against abortion. We don't, a 38 week baby can be killed, if the mother decides to do so. What mother or I should say non-mother could carry a baby to near term, and then kill it? Did she not hear the heartbeat? Did she not feel those tiny little butterfly movements of the baby? Did she not wake up because her baby had kicked her a good one?

God had to be smiling over this win, for babies, not choice! Babies win!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some time ago the pro lifers were voicing dissappointment that PMSH won't take a position on abortion. At the time I sensed that unless there is a real grassroots movement on this issue, then a top-down action or policy would be food for the media and pro-abortionists to smear him and the CPC. Who knew that the grassroot movement would be able to use the media this way!?!? This is democracy in action!I'm watching for some movement at the political level now. I still think it is too soon for PMSH to move on this. The MP's are responsible now to LISTEN to the people that vote.