Thursday, July 05, 2007

'clarion call'

I am so disgusted with the opposition, what a lack of class both Dion and Layton have shown, using the murder of 6 of our troops for crass political announcements.

Thankfully, the military called them on it, asking for a 'clarion call'.

So, what is a clarion call?

An old kind of trumpet with a shrill sound, used to call men to arms, etc.
Example: a clarion call

Used to call men to arms. Used to call Canadians to arms, to support our troops, to let the families of our newest fallen know that we grieve with them, that we are sending prayers out daily to all our troops.

"I would encourage all of you that at this point in time, that the focus must be on repatriating these valiant soldiers and ensuring their families hear a clarion call of love and support from Canada," said Col. Jon Vance.

"The families are well aware that there is debate on this mission. Nonetheless, at this particular point in time, the most sensitive and, I think, mature approach, would be to show them ... love and support. These soldiers died in a mission that they believed in, and saw progress occurring."

Can it be any clearer? Can Dion and Layton, not stop being political long enough to hear the clarion call? Are they so politically motivated that they will use the deaths of 6 more of our valiant troops as a political weapon?

A 'clarion call', will Canadians answer?


Anonymous said...

Thank you Hunter,

for seeing through the flimsy veil of protestations of sympathy for our fallen troopers by this Layton blowhard and the thin-lipped, effete, Dion.

It is just too, too, unbelievable that the majority (the polls) of Canadians are as gullible as they are to believe that Canada is a 'peacekeeper' not a 'peacemaker' and all that entails.

Quite frankly the Layton and Dion fops and every Canadian anti-war activist bleater are simply cowards. Or, socialist bedwetters, more specifically.

How many years did it take for Canada to become such a snivelling, whining, country of non-entities whose only claim to being Canadian is not being American?

How terribly demoralizing for not only our Canadian forces and their friends and families but for any and all Canadians who had hope that finally having a young, strong, Prime Minister who appears to be graced with the spirit of a long lost true Canada, we would all be able to hold up our heads and be proud once again to be a Canadian!

Keep up the good work on your blog, Hunter

hunter said...

Great post Sasha!

Hopefully real Canadians will get behind our PM and demand that our troops get the honour they deserve, from fellow Canadians. As you say, quit the snivelling and whining, get behind the troops, not just by saying you "support them", but by actually listening to what they are saying!