Friday, November 23, 2007

Global Cooling...No Global Warming...No Climate Change

I'm confused, first it was global cooling, they were going to put ashes on the glaciers to stop the reflection to keep the heat in, then it was global warming, but people just laughed at that one, so now we have climate change.

I can live with that. I agree that the climate changes. So does PM Harper. Listen carefully to him, never does he say he supports global warming, not once has he said Kyoto is good. Listen to Baird, he talks about climate change, pollution and cleaning up our air, land, and water. Never once have I heard him talk about global warming, only climate change.

It's a tiny distinction, but a very important one. Conservatives have conserve in their name, so it is easy to understand why the government has just created the largest national park, in the world. We Conservatives, like to conserve. Did the media cover that announcement? Nope, you see Liberals, have the word lie in their name. Conserve versus lie, easy choice.

Now to this media created "scandal".

Canada is reportedly holding up a resolution at the Commonwealth summit in Uganda which calls for binding climate change targets, sources have confirmed.

Environmentalists and Commonwealth sources claim Canada has problems with the resolution despite virtually all other countries in attendance, except Australia, supporting it.

Bad, bad PM Harper, holding up third world countries from getting their goodies. Oh, environmentalists claim? Let's see, they have mental in their name...I'm starting to detect a pattern here. Conserve, lie, mental...hummm, whom should I believe?

How desperate are our liberal media, not one good thing said on air about PM Harper. Does anyone wonder why he doesn't talk to them? If I knew that I was going to talk to a hostile group, why would I go there?

Global cooling, global warming, now climate change, make up your minds lefties, your spin is getting old.


KEvron said...

"grow some balls and apologize, if you don't it shows you to be a bottom feeder."

now that rt has, indeed, issued both correction and apology, don't you think joanne should do the same (apologize, that is - i assume she's already equiped with balls)? shouldn't you hold her to the same standards you do rt?


KEvron said...

in fact, failure on your part to hold joanne to those same standards would show you to be a bottom feeder....


Anonymous said...

KEvron has appointed himself the blogging police?
There is something so silly about the arrogance of the liberals scorned.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Um, I'll ignore Red's personal bodyguard here, and speak to the substance of what you wrote.

Good post, Hunter. It's so important to keep emphasizing that global warming is not the same thing as pollution. I think a lot of people get confused on that point.

So you can still be concerned about the environment, and not necessarily buy into the concept of man-made global warming being THE most important issue that threatens us today.

hunter said...

Glad Red Tory has apoligized. The other Joanne can defend herself.

Thanks for actually reading and commenting on my post Joanne (true blue). Seems others just want to rant, accuse and rave without facts.

KEvron said...

"Seems others just want to rant, accuse and rave without facts."

lol! bottomfeeder!


Joanne (True Blue) said...

Hunter, Aaron's done a good post on this subject as well.