Sunday, November 18, 2007

Just Watched Goldhawk Live...It Was A Slaughter!

Not for Mulroney, for the journalists. Stevie Cameron was on, talking about how Mulroney had a safe as big as a fridge at Sussex Drive and how he loved dealing in cash, how did she know that? The former chef told her! Wow, I'm impressed, her informant was the chef (I always thought that it was the butler that did it). That's the first time I have ever seen this lady, but, wow, does she have an agenda. She got called on it too! The callers were not believing the journalist's hype.

The fun part was the callers, they were really seriously MAD that PM Harper was being dragged into this whole issue. They were really MAD that the journalists were so biased against Mulroney. I missed the first 15 minutes of the show, but from what I saw, people don't care about the $300,000, they care about a former PM not getting the respect they think he deserves.

One caller went after Goldhawk and the journalists, he was livid. Good for him!

Funny, when asked about reporters being called before the inquiry, Stevie Cameron could not see why they should be called. Obviously she has done no wrong, in her own mind. Yet she had just strongly implied that Mulroney was taking cash while in office. No proof except a safe in the kitchen, and a chef who saw it.

All the journalists did agree that PM Harper would not feel any big impact from this, although L. Martin did hint a few times that it might hurt the Conservative brand. So, who do I think it will hurt?

Honestly, maybe it's only a gut feeling, or that famous six sense that us females have, but there is a shift happening, not just in Quebec, but everywhere, you can just about smell it in the air (oops, that's the snow I'm smelling), people are liking the job the Conservatives are doing.

More than that, they are starting to feel that PM Harper is THEIR guy, and they are getting protective. Those callers were a good indication of the mood of the people. They clearly were sick and tired of the spin by journalists, one guy wanted the CBC to pay for the inquiry. Goldhawk and his guests were clearly taken aback by caller after caller calling THEM out. Frankly, it looked good on them.


Platty said...

I think Canadians like the job that the Conservatives are doing because the PM is not trying to cram it down our throats.

He is very methodical in his actions and , in my opinion, that is why it is a slow process.

It is the correct process, just a slow one.

You can tell that it is also killing the die hard lefties, if you listen very carefully, you can hear them screaming in the night,

Mulroney!!Mulroney!!Mulroney!!Mul..ah DAMN, that didn't work....;^)


hunter said...

Good one! If you can find the session on CPAC it's worth watching.