Tuesday, November 27, 2007

God Appears To Be Laughing!

As I sit in my basement, wearing double socks and layered clothing, I get the feeling that God is laughing.

If he created everything, why didn't he create a thermostat for this world? Or did he?

How is it that Alberta and Saskatchewan have all that natural gas and oil? Could it be that millions of years ago, God knew we would need it to survive our winters? Did he create the natural hole in the ozone so that all those nasty CO2 non-polluting fumes, had a way to leave earth's atmosphere? Just asking. I'm sure some well versed scientist will enlighten me.

Why is it that China is a developing country when they have been around for thousands of years more than Canada and the US? How many more centuries are they going to need to develop?

God must surely be laughing. Environmentalists are trying to predict what he has in store for us 50 years into the future, and nobody is calling them on it. Even a first year statistics course tells you never to predict beyond the data you are using, meaning if you are studying yearly data, you can accurately predict the next year, but no further. Look at the hurricane predictions, for two years they have predicted a very intense hurricane season, for two years in a row they have been wrong. So, how can bug guys like Suzuki, know what's in store for us 10/20/50 years from now? They can't, that's why God is laughing.

Don't get me wrong, I am a denier! That does not mean that I do nothing to conserve this earth, remember Conservatives have the word conserve in their name.

I recycle, compost, use no chemicals in my yard, and only have to go 20 steps to get fresh strawberries, raspberries, and vegetables from my garden (in season, right now everything is hibernating, like me in my basement). I have 4 rain barrels to catch water to feed my plants, those nasty CO2 eating plants keep my family healthy by clearing our stale house air in the winter, we have just installed a 92% efficient furnace, and I never drink lattes, or line up at Timmies, but I do start my car early in minus 20 weather, so sue me.

I am sick and tired of the eco-nuts, flying all over the world spewing carbon to tell us how we should live our lives. I suspect God is laughing, and will show us this winter, that only he has control of our earth, get those long johns out, it's going to be a cold one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good point hunter...and read Psalm 2!
Also Psalm 102: 25-26.
