Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Quebec Might Save Canada!

Quebec and Alberta are natural partners, we both want the feds to stay out of our business. We both want our provincial powers respected.

So why does the Bloq party constantly attack Alberta because we have oil? Envy? Every time I watch question period, the Bloqheads are attacking Alberta. Do they not realize that our tax dollars are supporting them, and their socialist province? They have hydro, a nice clean power, good for them, but why does the Bloq in every question have to bring Alberta oil into the equation? We don't slag Quebec, our tax dollars support that have not province.

Guess it's good politically for the Bloq to make Alberta into the enemy, us rich westerners are somehow suppressing Quebec from reaching it's glory. Have they ever stopped to think that Alberta is great because we do not suppress our industries? Has Quebec ever thought that their unions are killing their province?

Yet, Quebec might be our saviour, they are starting to realize before other provinces that accommodating other cultures will kill the culture they treasure. They are starting to realize that multiculturalism is a farce. They of all our provinces might be able to save us from immigrants demanding we accommodate their cultures.

Quebec might save Canada.

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