Sunday, May 16, 2010

Support For Israel Is Bad?

I refuse to link to any article that is promoting a lefty book by an air head, but I will link to Ezra's take on the issue.

What bothers me about this is the amount of attention the media is paying to an author who is bashing Christians. I am a Catholic, and I vote Conservative, but I do so because the Conservatives line up best with my beliefs and morals. I do not try to convert anyone to become Catholic and I do not promote voting Conservative BECAUSE you are Christian.

I do not agree with abortion, swingers, carbon taxes, big government, the gun registry, the wheat board monopoly, legalizing drugs or prostitution, euthanasia, and many other things the left promotes. Being Christian will help me to decide what party to vote for and I see nothing wrong with that. It is who I am and what I believe.

My parents are Catholic, and they vote Liberal, maybe the author can explain that? Are all lefties non-Christians? Obviously not. So, why demonize Christians? Guess they are easy targets for the left because they turn the other cheek.


Joe said...

As a devout Evangelical Christian I will not mix politics with Christianity any more than I will mix commercial business with Christianity.

The problem Marcia has is that she is spewing her bigotry based on her own ignorance. She prattles on and on about "End Times" as if that changes anything. Yes we Christians believe that just as there was a Beginning so too there shall be an End. However we have as much influence over the End as we did over the Beginning. Over the last 30 years I have spent a lot of time in various Christian circles. Some of them so liberal you would be hard pressed to realize they were Christian if the word Church wasn't on their door. Others were so fundamentalist that they were seeing demons in their tea pot. Not one of them EVER expressed the idea that we Christians could hasten the End by acting or doing thus.

Here is the reason.

Since Christians want to get to Heaven they seek to avoid evil. Since the sign of the End is increased evil in order to bring about the end the Christians would have to partake in evil. However partaking in evil would result in their loss of heaven. We Christians are not so foolish as to lose the Eternal to gain the Temporary. After all the End is a Temporary event whereas Heaven is forever. Therefore Christians work for good in an effort to put off the End not speed it coming.

CanadianSense said...

My concern for the views is what Ezra, Adler has said. If she had written this about Muslims, Gays, Black trying to influence gov't would anyone take her serious.

They found this very offensive. Most of us don't think treating the "Christians" as a single voting block makes sense.

The theory of blowing each other up and bring end time as a reason to defend the only democracy in the Middle East?

I don't understand the religious bias or angle.

I support Israel because they don't treat women as property.

I don't see equal rights or a Free Press in Iran.

I don't understand how some in the left can align themselves against the only democratic government in the region while overlooking at the injustice and inequality surrounding them.

Reminds me of the China rebuke and the Liberals/NDP siding with the Communist gov't.

Just more anti-Harper and looks like Christians are allowed to be smeared.

Jan said...

I agree with you. What I don't understand is the CBC's "Current" host not questioning Marci MacDonald about her hate speech toward Christians (aren't we an identifiable group --isn't this Canadian Human Rights Tribunal material??). Ms MacDonald seems comfortable bashing Christians. I guess we are fair game. She doesn't refer to Moslems as having many similar values and beliefs to Christians -- they too, believe Jesus was a prophet. That would have no doubt landed her a lawsuit. What a coward she is!