Monday, May 17, 2010

Too Tired To Think!

I was busy all day; planting flowers, making potato salad, and doing some work with the puppy, so this will be a short post, as I am bone tired.

I think PM Harper is doing an excellent job of representing our country. I have a deep respect for his ability to unite the right and make it work. (and to my trolls, NO that does not mean I am sexually attracted to him, idiots) The left is babbling on about the "religious" right take over of the PMO. Bad Christians, you have morals, and therefore can not have a voice.

I have never gone over to some lefties blog and told them what they should believe. I could care less what they believe, unless it impacts me and my family. I can not understand why lefties feel compelled to come to Conservative blogs and try to "straighten" our thinking out. Why do they bother if we are so wrong?

As summer approaches, the media will have nothing to write about on the political scene, except PM Harper and the G8/G20. I wonder what stupid scandal the Liberals will come up with to take any positive attention away from the Conservatives. Hey Conservative MP's, be extra careful now, the Liberal media are on a hunt for some 30 year old video of you drinking a beer.

With the media losing their power, and the lefties wondering around bumping into each other, I predict next election gives the Conservatives a majority. Voters are not as dumb as the MSM and lefties think they are, so bring it on, I'm getting bored with faux scandals, and opposition incompetence. Wait until the fall though, our summers are way too short to be wasting them going door knocking.

PM Harper, an outstanding political mind and principled family man. We are very lucky for his leadership right now, look at Greece, or Quebec and you can see where we might have been without Preston Manning and now, PM Harper.

1 comment:

CanadianSense said...

If you look at the criticism from the fiscal conservatives against the PM and his massive budgets including bailouts you can see this government is not trapped by some economic theory based on ideological grounds.
This government has been taking steps in returning power back to provinces, respecting their division of powers.

Working in a partnership with the Premiers -(EAP 2 years).
A number of use believe in a stronger local voice, regional-local taxes as a solution instead of a large central planner in Ottawa dictating "one solution is best" culture.

The desperation, frequency of Christian bashing is being overlooked and is not part of a healthy debate.

This is becoming toxic. If you watch the MSM the Catholics are responsible for 100% of sexual abuse, child molestation.

Where is the perspective, natural justice, balance, indepth coverage and why is the MSM using their resources to target "criminal activity" in one area?