Monday, May 03, 2010

Money Pits!

The government can not fix everything, but special interest groups rely on the government to keep their organizations running. It is a money pit.

Equalization is a Canadian tradition, take from the rich and give to the poor. Supposedly this will give the poor the same advantages as the rich and everything will become neutral. No rich, no poor. Equalization is a money pit. Saskatchewan and Newfoundland have taken responsibility for their own destiny and become HAVE provinces. The other have not provinces take the productive workers money because they feel they are entitled to it. Take PEI for example, they have the best potatoes I have ever tasted, it has something to do with the red soil. Do they bother to market them? I saw some in a store once here in Alberta.

How about what is happening to Greece? Their bonds have been rated as junk, they are in serious trouble, but the unions are protesting any disruption to their benefits. Are they really that stupid? Germany, one of the only productive nations in the EU, will have to bail Greece out to keep the Euro viable. What happens when Portugal, Spain and Ireland need help too? Money pits, with no end.

Canadian taxpayers spend 10 BILLION a YEAR on the First Nations, yet the reserves are disgusting places to live. Recently it has been reported that the Chief's are paying themselves $250,000 or more while their people live in over crowded homes. Money pits.

Then we get to the all important issue of aid to third world countries. Canada and every other western nation have poured trillions of dollars into helping developing countries and what has it done? Name one developing country that has become self sufficient with the help of aid. Money pits.

EU helping socialist countries......FAIL
Indian Act..........................FAIL
Aid for third world countries.......FAIL

If something doesn't work, why continue to pour our tax dollars into these socialist schemes. It's time for the taxpayers to stand up and stop this charity for life institution.

It's a money pit and the more you throw into it, the more the people depend on government to solve all their problems.

As a taxpayer, I am sick and tired of supporting this culture of welfare.


Anonymous said...

Socialism, in whatever form - equalization, "spreading the wealth around" etc is simply wonderful, wonderful I tell you, until it runs out of other people's money to spend.

CanadianSense said...

The "culture of entitlement" is difficult to end.

This is the disconnect with the Liberals of with personal responsibility and consequences.

Look at the recent changes being pushed through our public education system.

West Coast Teddi said...

"We are our brother's keeper"

It is "easier" to work and pay taxes than to participate directly in the "keeping of our brother".

If we don't do it ourselves then we pay someone else to do it.

Anonymous said...

Off topic but you have to get Sarah Palin's book Going Rogue. I'm just starting it but that lady is something, let me tell you. The media sure did a total number on her and I think it's because the Dems were afraid of her. The lady is smart, determined, moral, and downright effective. She's also very humourous - some of her anecdotes are hilarious. She sure turned the tables in her favour. Obama has turned out to be nothing but vapour and Sarah is on her way to becoming a multi millionaire. No flies on that lady, that's for sure.

Mark my words, if she ever ran again, I think the odds of her becoming the first president of the USA are high. That hopey-changey thingy of Obama's sure ain't workin' out too well.