Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday Night Funnies: Cancelled This Week.

I'm sorry but after what has happened in Norway, I can't bring myself to do the Friday Night Funnies. The thought of all those innocent youngsters swimming for their lives, and over 80 of them not making it because of an obviously cruel, deranged person, makes me sick to my stomach.

I wonder if Norway has the death penalty? Could every parent/kin of a child killed by this madman be given a razor blade to make a cut, for their child? Let him get a sense of the fear those youngsters went through. Let him feel the pain he caused to those who died, and those who were injured. Take him back to that island and make him swim in the water while people shoot at him. Or would lefties feel that was too harsh? I don't think I could physically harm him if he had killed my child, but I wouldn't feel bad if he was legally executed by the government.

Some people are not redeemable. 


maryT said...

It seems the most this guy can get is 21 years, so how about making that 21 years per victim.

liberal supporter said...

He's not going to be a free person again for the rest of his life. He'll either be killed by other far right extremists so he doesn't reveal who they are, or he will be examined for many years to determine how a Christian Conservative could become so much more extreme than the rest.

I don't hear you calling for the murder of your political enemies.

JR said...

"... how a Christian Conservative could become so much more extreme than the rest."??

Don't be foolish. If this guy turns out to be have genuinely meaningful Christian and Conservative connections rather than simply being a lunatic he'll be a complete anomaly. Right-wingers will uniformly condemn him for his violent lawlessness. This would be in stark contrast with the fact that nearly 100% of the world's mass murder in the 20th century has been committed by leftists and that today's lib/leftists still romanticize the perpetrators (eg. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Fidel,etc).

"I don't hear you calling for the murder of your political enemies."
And you never will - that's strictly a characteristic of the lib/left mob.

liberal supporter said...

JR, you are despicable.

Are you now going to claim that Hitler was "leftist"? Or an "anomaly"?
Are we now to believe Timothy McVeight was a "leftist"?

Your blanket claim that today's lib/leftists romanticize Stalin and Mao sounds an awful lot like the ravings of the Norway terrorist, excusing himself for the murders he was planning to commit.

I was pointing out that extremists are not the same as the usual political ranters. You chose to use the murder of 90 people mostly children, to further your political agenda. When you can't win on the arguments, the right wing always goes for the kill. Either literally like the Norway terrorist, or figuratively like you.

hunter said...

Actually, LS, you are the despicable one. You come here to rant against anything c/Conservative and blame Christians at every turn, but don't dare to call out "radical" Muslims for their crimes.

You are a troll, and you are one comment away from being banned from MY blog. Go cry in your beer somewhere else, like rabble.

liberal supporter said...

You come here to rant against anything c/Conservative and blame Christians at every turn, but don't dare to call out "radical" Muslims for their crimes.
Bullshit. I am a Christian. You are a liar.

You are a troll, and you are one comment away from being banned from MY blog.
Make my day, Brenda.

Go cry in your beer somewhere else, like rabble.

Fuck off you silly bitch. I only say so because this thread is now auto-moderated and because it is true. I wouldn't dream of swearing on here otherwise, since you claim young people read this blog.

If you were not so stupid, you would see I was pointing out you are not an extremist, then JR drags out the "lefties are responsible for all evil in the world" canard. He's the eliminationist one you should ban. From his picture even looks like his hero Anders the mass murderer.

The tide is turning. First it was Murdoch, owner of your beloved Faux news being thoroughly discredited. Now it's the far right being held to account. And it's about time. Your selfish hateful cohorts are finding that the silent majority, that would be the majority who is left of centre, are getting fed up with your ilk and now we're telling you so. Even Stephen Harper knows this, see how he threw the anti choice fascists under the bus in the last election, knowing you have nowhere else to go. You can dream you'll get your precious nanny state over the wombs of the nation, but it will never happen.
