Friday, March 16, 2007

Auto Sector Is Still Exempted Under The Liberal Plan!

Dion and the Liberals are just helping the Conservatives win a majority! With Dion's latest Kyoto money grabbing (it's not a tax) announcement, more Canadians are grabbing their wallets and holding on tight. Thank goodness the Conservatives are in power. Keep it up, I'm enjoying the media trying to spin his announcement into something good for the economy and jobs.

One thing I noticed of the 700 big polluters, the auto industry is still exempt. Now, I know you are going to want proof, so, here it is, click on the link and go to Friday, at about 7:00, David McGuinty clearly states that the auto sector is exempted! Buzz will be happy, little Liberal Stronach puppy that he has become, too bad he can't get an interview with PM Harper, or not!

Alberta oil and gas, was mentioned a zillion times, those nasty Albertans, who never vote for Liberals, bad, bad, Albertans, but the auto sector aren't polluting! I had someone from Toronto in my office yesterday, he couldn't believe how clear our skies are, right here in big bad polluting oil country. Never had a smog day, but no-one will believe us nasty polluting Albertans.

So, just for you Dion, it's that big yellow ball up in the sky, called the SUN, not CO2. I know it's a lot of English words, but give it a try, you might learn something.

Today’s global warming is part of a natural 1,500-year, plus or minus 500-year, solar cycle operating for at least a million years. The Earth’s climate has warmed and cooled nine times in the past 12,000 years, in lock step with the waxing and waning of the sun’s magnetic activity (Science 2001;294[7 December]:2130-2136). Over the last 1,200 years there has been a "Medieval Warming" (900-1300), when Greenland was green; a "Little Ice Age" (1300-1850), when New York harbor froze, and people could walk from Manhattan across the ice to Staten Island a mile away (in 1780); and the current global warming (1850-?). Rather than "global warming," a better term for this phase of the solar cycle is "Modern Warming." Since 1850, temperatures have risen 0.8 degrees C, most rapidly in 1850-1870 and 1920-1940. Temperatures in the 1,500-year solar cycle fluctuate within a 4 degree C range – two degrees above and two degrees below the norm.

So, can we stop trying to kill our economy Dion, and start spending that Kyoto money, on cancer research instead? You know something that is really killing people? Or do you buy your carbon guilt credits from Gore and Chairman Mo?

Follow the money people, follow the money. The Liberals are infested with people like Chairman Mo, Martin Steamship Lines, and Stronach's . Money grabbers, all, in the first degree.

If you are stupid enough to think that a carbon tax will not be paid by consumers, go read any economics text.


Anonymous said...

Please be sure to save that post. I could not believe my ears and eyes, and this must get out to Canadians!

Joanne (True Blue) said...

What was the reason given that the auto sector wasn't included?

paulsstuff said...

Allow me to explain. I've been a CAW autoworker for 27 years. Buzz and Dion already have a photo-op planned for the next election, where Dion will receive a jacket matching the one given to Paul Martin, only it might be green.

Buzz is taking a page out of Garth Turner's book, having an ongoing hissy fit since the last election because he thinks he is more important than Harper.

But fear not. This little photo-op will backfire like the last one. That one cost the Liberals some seats, including Oshawa.

You see, we are well paid, and because of that, pay quite a bit in taxes. So do they really think we want to vote for a party who steals and wastes those tax dollars?

Exempting the auto industry might give Hargrove better optics, but the workers he represents will look at the plan put forth by Dion and realize costs of items we buy are going to go up.

Call it a levie, its still a tax.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised that Dion would exempt the auto industry.

It's just one more reason to believe that Dion's environmental policy in more about politics and less about the environment and science.

Buzz must be happy