Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Williams, Cries Wolf!

Before you get mad at me calling out some Newfies, I've been married to a PEI'er for over 21 years, so, I think of myself as an honourary Maritimer, why else did I put up with one all these years?

Here in Alberta, we have a bunch of wonderful Maritimers, all hard workers, most like to party, none of them came here to collect welfare.

So, why does the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, want to collect welfare? If, they didn't get enough money, how can they afford an ad campaign to attack the federal government?

Full and half-page ads will appear in newspapers including the Globe and Mail, beginning Wednesday, that slam Harper for including oil and gas revenues in a new equalization formula as well as implementing a fiscal cap.

Williams was yapping about this minutes after the budget speech, so, he had not had time to read anything about the deal. Williams needs to get an accountant to read and explain the details to him and his cabinet.

Well, at least when we had Klein here in Alberta, he was protective of Alberta's rights, without being too stupid. Not sure we can say the same thing about Williams. Balance, Williams, it's about balance and fairness, not about who has the biggest mouth, and can shout the loudest. Even the Newfies here in Alberta are embarassed.

GROW UP! You look like a fool, and remember, you can only cry wolf so often.

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