Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Liberal Government Will Bring Down...

Yes, you read it correctly, the Liberal government will.... brought to you by CTV and Craig Oliver. The Liberals are still living in Liberal lala land. They truly believe that the Conservatives only won because of Adscam. They seriously think that most Canadians are socialists. They remind me of those elites that ignore the common poor in Canada to sell coal to China.

CTV and Craig Oliver are all over the Conservatives for calling Dion's bluff/s. Bad Conservatives, good Liberals. Watch this little gem, it gives us a good idea of how the media operates, and how biased they really are.

Craig Oliver makes 3 mistakes. First he talks about the Conservatives losing 3 by-elections. Hold it! Don't the Liberals presently hold those 3 seats? Wasn't it Liberals who retired prematurely? Premature election??? HA! So, it's the Liberals who stand to lose, not the Conservatives.

Second, he spouts about the Liberal government taking down the....oh wait....the Liberal Party....dang Oliver, you are way past your "best by date".

Then he returns to his rant about Conservatives losing 4 by-elections. Hello Oliver, they lose nothing as none of the seats are presently Conservative, but don't let the facts get in the way of a good Liberal rant. CTV looks like fools over those three blunders by Oliver. CTV is also revealing that it's no better than CBC with rants like those that Oliver goes on. CTV has often been worse than CBC, remind me to point out their bias when I see it. Better yet, please point out their bias when you see it. With an election coming, all ammo is needed.

Biased media??? Oliver still thinks the Liberals are the government, what does that tell you??


wilson said...

Well, the good old boys know that once Tory TV gets fired up, minute 3 of the election campaign, they will not be able to twist and manipulate the 'news and events'.
Live feeds into local stations, PMSH will get his message out.

byebye Senate seat, Craig.

Alberta Girl said...

Every time C.O. talks about the Tories, you can see the Hatred in his face, it gets all pinched and pursed (well more than usual) and he just about spits out his words.

I wonder what connection Craig has to the Liberal party?

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Great catch, Hunter. Well done.

frmgrl said...

We're going to have to watch the MSM closely from now on and during the election campaign and there after like never before.
The MSM have no scruples and will get down right dirty trying to smear the Conservatives at every corner while at the same time lifting up and supporting the Liberals.

The lies and twisting will just get worse.

This I suspect this will be one of the most dirtiest campaigns ever.

Alberta Girl said...

"This I suspect this will be one of the most dirtiest campaigns ever."

I agree.

Firstly, blogs had just started to become a mainstream tool during the 2006 election. This time, there will be dirty, dirty partisanship (on both sides for all you libs lurking here ready to call me a "partisan hack" or the c word)

The MSM will be relentless in their attempts to portray the Tories in a bad light and Dion as the saviour of Canadian politics. It has already started.

Hopefully the Tories have some tricks up their sleeve for getting to the people because the MSM will not be on their side.

Johnathon said...

With all due respect I don't know how anyone can take Craig Oliver seriously.

He is a great friend od Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

Enough said.

me dere robert said...

lose: fail to win

If the Tories don't win 3 bi-elections then they lose 3 bi-elections. I'm not sure what your definition of win and lose is. He didn't say the Tories would lose the riding, he said they would probably lose the bi-election.

I'm not sure how you can argue that Oliver wasn't telling the truth or was being biased. I think most people accept that the Tories will probably lose 3 bi-elections. You don't agree?

Calling Oliver's (who's old as the hills) mistake mixing up "government" and "party" deliberate is also a stretch.. or perhaps wishful thinking so you have something to complain about.

Take off the paranoid partisan goggles for a bit.

Anonymous said...

Blogger me dere robert said...

lose: fail to win

If the Tories don't win 3 bi-elections then they lose 3 bi-elections. I'm not sure what your definition of win and lose is.

How can I make this simple, since the Conservative's don't hold these ridings, they are not theirs to lose only to win. They are the Liberals to lose only.

Oliver suggested that the Conservatives losing these ridings might signal a shift in support to the Liberals. Since the Conservatives don't currently hold these ridings, Oliver's statement is misleading.

Reid said...

If it wasn't so sad it might be funny.

And speaking of funny (damn I'm good with sequiters) did you see Garth's blog today? He's single handedly taking credit for the upcoming election and Dion's "surge" in popularity.

Jeff said...

They seriously think that most Canadians are socialists.

just a gentle reminder that 65% of canadians did not vote conservative.

since you consider anyone who sees things differently from you as a "leftist", i guess it's pretty safe to say your statement is incorrect. that is, if we use your own logic.

as far as the by-elections go, harper realizes that his party's failure to pick up seats from liberal or bloc ridings looks bad for the CPoC.

the name of the game is to win seats from the other guy no?

using the strange logic here, if harper won back all the seats he currently holds and nothing more, but the libs won a bunch of NDP or bloc seats and had the larger total, the CPoC still wins?

Jeff said...

oh yeah, what, exactly , is admin?

have you hired staff?

Anonymous said...

"just a gentle reminder that 65% of canadians did not vote conservative."

You still flogging that dead horse Jeff? Nice try.

How many didn't vote Liberal....?
How many didn't vote NDP....?
How many didn't vote BLOC....?

More voted Conservative....

"using the strange logic here, if harper won back all the seats he currently holds and nothing more, but the libs won a bunch of NDP or bloc seats and had the larger total, the CPoC still wins?" what's your point? Are you talking the by-election or a general election?

By-election...aren't they already Liberal seats...nothing gained then right?

General election...obviously the Liberals would get to form the government.

me dere robert said...

Kitchener Conservative wrote...

Oliver suggested that the Conservatives losing these ridings might signal a shift in support to the Liberals. Since the Conservatives don't currently hold these ridings, Oliver's statement is misleading.

He said that Harper would not want to go to an election after the bi-elections because they were most-likely going to lose them. He then said the bi-election loses may shift the momentum to the Liberals. Is that statement misleading?

Anonymous said...

"He then said the bi-election loses may shift the momentum to the Liberals. Is that statement misleading?" Sure, how does hold onto your seat shift momentum? Looks more like status quo.

Jeff said...

More voted Conservative....

hunter suggests that most canadians support political agendas that are right of centre. she says canadians are not socialists.

since hunter considers anyone who doesn't vote conservative a socialist, the stats prove that she is mistaken.

further, if the positions were reversed and the sitting govt was liberal and unable to pick up a seat in 4 by-elections, would you not view this as problematic for them?

West Coast Teddi said...

Jeff PLEASE review the "victories" of Creten / Martin et al and TELL ME how many voted Liberal - You Can't and YOU know it. Same logic - so WARPED.

Anonymous said...

"if the positions were reversed and the sitting govt was liberal and unable to pick up a seat in 4 by-elections, would you not view this as problematic for them?"

Certainly if they held them in the first place, if not then again, it's a signal of the status quo.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Interesting how CTV is part of BellGlobemedia which on OTTP's page of major investments.

That could partially explain the animosity towards the Tories, who are usually not big union fans.

Jeff said...

my point is that hunter is incorrect in her belief that the majority of canadians are right leaning or conservative.

clearly the vote on the centre to centre left to left is split among green, ndp and liberal voters.

since the majority of voters split their votes among parties decidedly left of conservative positions, is it not safe to say hunter, by her own definitions, is incorrect when she states that the majority of canadians are not socialists?

( i don't believe that the majority of canadians are socialists per se either, however, it is clear that most of us support parties with views quite different from the CPoC )

West Coast Teddi said...

Jeff ... why did the "NDP voter" support the Reform Party in BC for some 10 years?

Anonymous said...

I would agree Jeff....It's impossible to gauge how many Canadians are left or right. especially based on our parties....

Liberals....both (the name doesn't indicate political leaning)
Greens...both (same as Liberals...I know someone that ran for the Green Party and he had pretty conservative views on many issues that were shared throughout the party)

West Coast Teddi said...

KC ... was Joe (Who) Clark a Red Tory, a Blue Liberal, or a Who Knows??

I support the CPC but my "politics" is indeterminate based on issues. There are trends and if you want a linear scale then I am more right than left, but the "trap" is putting linear classifications on all people - doesn't work. You need both dimensions of thought - vertical and horizontal.

Anonymous said...

All good points teddi!

Peter L said...

Left, right, far left, centrist, whatever....it makes no difference to most folks, those are just names the media and those that want to appear smart and aloof toss around those they consider "lesser".

What should be the most important factor in any upcoming election is how Eastern Canada is going to survive if they elect a Liberal government. Because if the Citoyen becomes PM western separatism will become a real problem. And unlike Quebec, we CAN go it alone. The Republic of Western Canada, has a nice ring, Doesn't it?

Monkey Loves to Fight said...

I wouldn't say most Canadians are socialists, but the majority are definitely to the left of the Conservatives including even some who are slightly right of centre (I am thinking of some of the old Progressive Conservatives here). In addition, I would argue your typical Conservative voter is generally more centrist than your typical party member. Most Conservative party members I have met are pretty ideological and hold views that I don't think our held by the majority.

Monkey Loves to Fight said...

As for the party positions, here is where I would say each stand on the spectrum.

Conservative - Right
Liberals - Centre
Green Party - Centre-left
Bloc Quebecois - Centre-left
NDP - Left

So really on the NDP are socialists, so in that sense only around 17% voted for a socialist party, however 64% voted for a non-right wing party.