Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Silent Majority!

It's not the politically active the Conservatives are going after, it's the silent majority. You see, the politically active have already picked their sides, they will not change their positions, but those silent Canadians, those Mom's and Dad's that toil away everyday, so they can give their kids a better chance in life, those are the Canadians the Conservatives are hoping to attract. The family people. The Tim Horton's crowd. The average Canadian not the elitist. Will they do it? I think so, here's one example of why I think they will get the silent majority on their side.

Today at lunch with some office mates, someone piped up and asked, "Will there be an election?" I think the guy was baiting the one outspoken Liberal in the crowd, knowing it would revoke a reaction. It did.

The guy went into a rant about the Conservatives having no agenda, how all the scandals lately were bad for the Conservatives and that they had nothing to offer. All your typical Liberal talking points, offered to us peons. You need to understand that this individual is the most arrogant person on staff. He runs to the president so often that he has been banned from the open office hours. He's a pest. He thinks his view is correct, all other views are wrong. In other words, he's an a$$. How did people react to his rant? Smiles and winks all around, which he didn't see because he was too busy raving about everything wrong with the Conservatives.

You need to remember that this is Alberta, and we give our few Liberals a chance to spew because the poor things have no chance of getting a federal Liberal elected here.

Eight of us sat down to lunch, only one ranted about the bad Conservatives, seven of us were silent. That's a silent majority. Believe it or not, Liberals are arrogant even here in Alberta, where they have no chance of winning.

The silent majority, sits back and quietly laughs at the arrogant Liberals who lecture us, and then we go vote Conservative just to tick them off even more.


KURSK said...

O.k..does it pay well?

Joanne (True Blue) said...

I wish there were a silent majority of Conservative voters in Ontario.

Alberta Girl said...

"You need to understand that this individual is the most arrogant person on staff. He runs to the president so often that he has been banned from the open office hours. He's a pest. He thinks his view is correct, all other views are wrong. In other words, he's an a$$"

You have described Exactly my definition of a Liberal. Maybe it is a personality trait that drives people to become Liberals.

Even on the blogs, it seems that Liberals have that "we are better than you" attitude that comes across in their comments. Several names jump to mind!

Joanne, I wish you had a silent majority there too!!!

Renee said...

I do agree that the Liberal fellow you speak of is probably a rather rude dude. Most of us aren't like that - think of the typical Canadian demeanour (polite, non-confrontational, bacon-eating, intelligent, perceptive, beer-drinking) remember that this stereotype was formed throughout almost two hundred years of Liberal leadership. Sorry: most Canadians are moderate liberals. So I think your example is the exception, rather than the rule.

Alberta Girl said...

Interesting Renee, but even here in Alberta (I am sure Hunter would agree) conservatives are loathe to actually discuss their politics because if there is a Liberal supporter anywhere around, the backlash is not worth the trouble.

I have a "very Liberal" facebook friend who, whenever I jokingly post about wishing global warming would hurry up and get here, then posts about how stupid some people are and how she wishes that Albertans would realize that their is more to the world than Alberta. I would however not reply in kind to her posts about the tar sands, or the arts funding, or the fat Harper jokes, or the greenpeace rallies.

Hunter's post is totally accurate to my experience with Liberal supporters.

Of course, we both live in Alberta where the Liberals are shut out, so it may be that they are just expressing their frustration - lol.

maryT said...

A very good reason to vote for PMSH is to get that smug pinched look off of Craig's and Boag's face.

Hugh MacIntyre said...

Actually Rennee has made the classic Liberal mistake. he/she (I'm not sure if the name is fem or masc) has assumed that government and society are the same thing. By saying that Canadians have developed those good traits with the leadership of the Liberal Party she is denying the fact that society is in motion without the government. Government does not control or dictate how society develops. They can effect society but they rarely do so in the manner that they had planned.

The moment you stop thinking government is society's leader is the moment you stop being a Liberal.

Renee said...

No, Hugh, Government follows society.

Hugh MacIntyre said...

If that was even remotely true than why does the government tell people what to do? Why tell them what to put into their body and their minds? Government doesn't follow society, not even in a democratic country. Government does everything it can to control society.

Michael C said...

I totally agree!