Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Husband Calls BS!

I'm the political one, but tonight my husband actually watched Obama speak. He calls BS. This is a guy who will tell a woman he has just met, that her perfume is too strong, or that her lipstick is the wrong colour. He is usually right. I think he is right this time. I won't tell you what he thought of Michelle Obama, this is a family site.

My view, the speech was typical Obama, lots of preachy platitudes, no substance. It was too long, and flat. A chicken in every pot, and look at me, the poor boy who suffered. Sorry not buying it. He reminds me of a cousin I have. My parents gave him a camera for his birthday, he said thanks, and forget to ever open up the card which contained a cheque that he never cashed, because he was too self involved to even bother to read the card. The camera was just a small token, the cheque was the big prize, and he totally missed the prize.

I hope McCain surprises some small town by appearing there and accepting his nomination. Obama is spending millions for his speeches in stadiums, yet he attacks McCain for having too many houses. Typical Liberal, they don't even see their own hypocrisy. Fireworks? Are you kidding me???

I agree with my hubby, BS. This guy is a used car salesman.


West Coast Teddi said...

I tried to compare coverage between Fox and CNN on last nights speech. I did not watch the speech though (Cubs were on at same time) and frankly CNN was a washout - so pro Bama that I couldn't watch very long. Fox at least had some pro/con views but the moderator sure seemed to be a con!! At least they are partially "balanced". Should be an interesting contrast with the Republicans up next week.

maryT said...

Somebody tell Larry King that she is running for VP. He asks the question is she qualified to be the next commander in chief. Are the media planning to kill McCain, that is all they are talking about.

maryT said...

Previous comment was off topic, but LK just come on and made those stmts.
I thought the speech was dull, not what we had been led to expect. The ending resembled the ending of the olympics, so I have to wonder if it was computer enhanced.
What happened to O's passion and delivery. Dull. Agree with your MR.