Neda, was protesting with some friends, and by now we have all seen the video of her death. You can actually see the light go out of her eyes. Like the guy who stood in front of a tank in China, Neda's death will be the rallying point for the world. Let us hope she did not die for nothing.
"Neda, don't be afraid. Neda, don't be afraid. (There is yelling and screaming.) Neda, stay with me. Neda stay with me!"
I found some very good coverage of what is going on at the Huffington Post of all places. If you have not seen the video of Neda dying, it is there, with lots of other videos. I am still upset from watching it, so make sure you really want to see it.
The Canadian MSM has been more interested in what Iggy thinks about EI, and rubber duckies, than reporting what is happening in Iran. I am waiting for all the massive rallies across the world, protesting the unfair election and the treatment of the protesters. SILENCE. Muslims erupted into massive protests because of some cartoons, where are they now? Where is the support throughout the world for those who are trying to gain democratic rights in Iran? SILENCE.
It is time for Muslims to take up the cause. Those Muslims living in free society who can and have protested without fear of being killed, must now, show us that they want freedom for all Muslims. We are waiting for a sign that Muslims understand what freedom and democracy actually mean.
One thing that stood out for me was the number a females marching in the protests. Neda was one of them. I doubt I would have been as brave. I sit here in a quiet, peaceful country and I can not imagine what made Neda feel so strongly that she went out and protested the election. May the person who killed her live in torment for the rest of their lives and beyond. Why does the song "Four Dead In Ohio" keep running through my head?
Neda, I never knew you, but I watched you die. Your death will be remembered, may it be the rallying cry of a people who just want a quiet, peaceful country to live in.
The Revolutionary Guard must lower their weapons against the people of Iran. You don't need to drop them just refuse to kill your own people. Field commanders are key and need to order their men to stand aside. A couple hundred people is a mob, thousands mean you are on the wrong side.
I think you should stick with posts about prayers for the ladies on daddy's computer.
"I think you should stick with posts about prayers for the ladies on daddy's computer.
Why is that, mystereeoso?
So mysty - by that comment, you are saying that you agree with the killing of Neda?
And you call yourself a "progressive"??
Good one, AG. I was thinking the same thing. It is amazing how these progressive types always show their true colours eventually.
Hunter - great post. Queen Rania of Jordan is a lady whom I admire very much. She is doing more for women's rights in the Arab world than any so-called feminist in North America. She is admired internationally and is doing everything to bridge the gaps and she, herself, openly admits on YouTube that there are some areas which need to be improved.
I think she is a lesson in how to be progressive...as opposed to people like Stereo.
Ahmadi Nejad is, in my opinion, a madman. He puts me in mind of Hitler with his obsession with Israel and his penchant for harming his own countrymen and women. It amazes me that our loudmouthed freedom fighters in Canada are silent on Iran's abuses of human rights.
So mysty - by that comment, you are saying that you agree with the killing of Neda?
Classic far right projection is alive and well I see. So if anyone doesn't support your radical right wing agenda, they must be supporting whatever outrageous points of view that you spew forth. Okey dokey.
And you call yourself a "progressive"??
And you call yourself literate?
Ahmadi Nejad is, in my opinion, a madman.
No, he is quite sane. He would be easy to deal with if he was mad. The real problem is the mullah-ocracy.
He puts me in mind of Hitler with his obsession with Israel and his penchant for harming his own countrymen and women.
He does share with Hitler the tactic of channel changing. The Iranian economy is a mess, with high unemployment. He tries to distract from the domestic problems with his outrageous foreign policy statements and by condoning the excesses of the religious police.
It amazes me that our loudmouthed freedom fighters in Canada are silent on Iran's abuses of human rights.
And you have been doing exactly what?
So typical of this crew, trying to make domestic political hay out of international problems.
LS - the difference is that I'm not a loudmouthed freedom fighter. You won't see me being turned away from Sri Lanka or any other country.
However, that being said, LS, I have supported a number of mission groups who have gone to Iran to provide care for people who are subjugated by their madman. I do this quietly and not for political gain.
When I was a young fellow, during the 1960s, I did quite a bit of protesting and speech writing. So, LS, don't try to change the channel to me. Nice try, though. Too bad you failed.
I have also noticed that your comments are becoming very offensive toward Hunter. Funny how you say we don't want to hear opposing viewpoints and yet Hunter lets your garbage stand. Kind of blows your argument out of the water, doesn't it?
Stick to the Friday Funnies.
There was a protest in Montreal over the weekend...
Oh, LS - your own Rae is the one who tries to make domestic political hay out of an international situation. You should be more careful when you compose your vitriol - you step on your toes all the time. It would be amusing if it weren't so sad and pathetic.
"So if anyone doesn't support your radical right wing agenda, they must be supporting whatever outrageous points of view that you spew forth. Okey dokey."
Pot. Meet. Kettle....
Grow up LS - Mysty decided to drop by and make some inane comment that insinuated that he does not agree with Hunter's post. To that end, I would surmise that he does not agree with Hunter.
You know those "radical right wing agenda" that killing protestors is somehow wrong!
Sheesh.....speaking of agendas - LS.
"The Canadian MSM has been more interested in what Iggy thinks about EI, and rubber duckies, than reporting what is happening in Iran."
On Thursday night the CBC led with the Iran story, and did not go with the Ignatieff/Harper agreement until about 15 minutes in.
OK, so I just checked the Globe, the National Post, CBC and CTV and Iran was the top story on each website.
I find it interesting that the leftist posters here seem to respond more to the fact that the right is concerned about the individual's freedom (and they should somehow not speak out against the loss of it..) then to the thugs oppressing their own people.
I don't think it is 'projecting' to say that leftists do not value the rights of individuals over the collective.
If this was not the case, why the misdirected venom?
Yes Gayle, the Globe, CTV and National Post are today headlining this morning's protests in Iran. The media appeared to be almost silent and slow in getting the story out about Neda's death. She was shot two days ago. I think this is what Hunter is trying to convey. CBC may have had the story of the early protests, but Thursday was the 18th, two days before the shooting of the girl. Perhaps because this happened on the weekend....
Kursk - if I say that I support the rights of an unborn child, the so-called progressives will say that I hate women, that I want to enslave women, that I want to take away ALL the rights of women. That's how the "progressive" people think. Some of the most virulent and vitriolic haters I have met happen to be "progressive".
"I don't think it is 'projecting' to say that leftists do not value the rights of individuals over the collective."
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms codifies and enshrines into our Charter the rights of the individual over the rights of the collective.
Last I heard, it was the progressives who champion the Charter, and you right wingers who don't.
That would be codified into our constitution...
Eskimo - Hunter has very directly stated that the media in Canada are more interested in Ignatieff's stand on EI than in what is going on in Iran - and that is demonstrably false.
Gayle: Conservatives, they lie about everything.
E of E
There is no such thing as an unborn child. It is called a fetus.
When I read this 'post' by Hunter the first word that came to mind was "schmaltz".
C'mon Gayle, the Canadian media were late to the party, so to speak. The girl was killed over the weekend and I'm sure Peter Mansbridge has a clause in his contract that no juicy stories can be aired on his days off. (*)
* Gayle starts typing the words 'prove it' in four...three...two.....
OK S.Q. I'll bite....What definition of the word schmalt are you using in your post? As you know, there are many interpretations of this word.
Blogger Eskimo said...
"I think you should stick with posts about prayers for the ladies on daddy's computer."
Why is that, mystereeoso?
Blogger Alberta Girl said...
So mysty - by that comment, you are saying that you agree with the killing of Neda?
And you call yourself a "progressive"??
Helloo Eskimo of the sneers and snark. And helloo to you tooABG, you little autoreformatiste. Top of the day!
What I MEANT by my comment is simply what I stated. Huntsy should stick with writing about Father's Day chez Huntsy. In other words, I think she should stick to writing about what she knows. Yesterday's post was better than today's effort. There you have it.
If you MUST INFER some other sort of "meaning" from that, you could, I suppose say I think Huntsy should put on her water wings before she goes in the deep end next time. Or that I think she sucks at writing about international issues. Or that she could do a closer reading of the Huffington Post (of all places!) anytime.
Chew on that tadpoles.Get back to me when you can. I know you're busy.
Eskimo - the media have been reporting on Iran since the demonstrations started. It is usually the lead story.
Hey - does anyone know where Harper stands on all this? Rumour has it the Canadian Embassy is refusing to take in the wounded. I do not use Twitter so I have no idea if this is true, but apparently they are discussing that there.
LS - the difference is that I'm not a loudmouthed freedom fighter.
And you claim I am?
You won't see me being turned away from Sri Lanka or any other country.
When did you last attempt entry into Sri Lanka? They might not be interested in Christian evangelists, considering they are Buddhist and Hindu.
However, that being said, LS, I have supported a number of mission groups who have gone to Iran to provide care for people who are subjugated by their madman. I do this quietly and not for political gain.
That's commendable, though mission groups are often accused of evangelizing, whether it is true or not.
When I was a young fellow, during the 1960s, I did quite a bit of protesting and speech writing. So, LS, don't try to change the channel to me. Nice try, though. Too bad you failed.
It escapes me what I have failed at. You'll have to be less veiled.
Your own support of missions into a Shia Muslim majority country is interesting, but hardly excuses your blanket claims about anyone you call "progressive", i.e. not agreeing with you. It also does not give you the right to claim all kinds of other people are unworthy because you do not see them doing as much for international situations as you believe you are. Perhaps they also do things quietly. We might never have heard about Bob Rae going to Sri Lanka had their government not refused him entry. I wonder if anyone in the Canadian Government was trash talking him to the Sri Lankan government?
I have also noticed that your comments are becoming very offensive toward Hunter.
Again, your statements is too veiled for me. I can think of only one recent comment, regarding how her kids can be rebellious by being normal. Don't you recall when we joked about how the kids of hippies could rebel by being normal? It's an old joke. I'm sure Hunter gets it. She's grown up enough to stand gentle teasing. Are you so humourless you can't see that?
Funny how you say we don't want to hear opposing viewpoints and yet Hunter lets your garbage stand. Kind of blows your argument out of the water, doesn't it?
The only thing blown out of the water are some comments of mine that Hunter chooses to delete, or never let out of moderation.
There is no shortage of bloggers who take comments out of context, engage in taunting and when they finally get a rise out of someone, delete the lead up, and only leaving some comments up with the intention of making the commenter look foolish. Stripping context from others to try and make them look bad. In other words, lying.
Hey - does anyone know where Harper stands on all this?
How about this Gayle
“The reaction of the Iranian authorities to the demonstrations in Iran is wholly unacceptable. The regime has chosen to use brute force and intimidation in responding to peaceful opposition regarding legitimate and serious allegations of electoral fraud.
“Basic human rights, including freedom of assembly and freedom of expression, are being ignored. Demonstrations have been banned and demonstrators beaten. Injured protestors have been arrested when they arrive at hospitals for treatment. Journalists have been prevented from covering protests and subjected to arbitrary detention and arrest. Foreign press credentials have been revoked.
“Canada calls on the Iranian authorities to immediately cease the use of violence against their own people, to release all political prisoners and journalists – including Canadians – who have been unjustly detained, to allow Iranian and foreign media to report freely on these historic events, and to conduct a full and transparent investigation into allegations of fraud in the presidential election. The voices of all Iranians must be heard. I have directed the Minister of Foreign Affairs to ensure that Canada’s views are conveyed to Iran’s top representative in Canada.”
“Canada continues to be a strong and consistent voice calling on the Iranian regime to fulfill all of its human rights obligations, both in law and in practice. For six consecutive years, Canada has led a resolution on the human rights situation in Iran at the United Nations General Assembly. Canada continues to support freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Iran and around the world.”
Now as for what else you said
Rumour has it and I have no idea if this is true.
Just so you know Gayle, I am only dealing with these 2 statements. Oh, and this one... 'I only deal with facts'. You can try and justify them how ever you want, but I would suggest you do it with your shrink, as I'm not interested in your spin. Somehow the facts that I see are that you are a liar.
Hey Lib Suppository, if you don't like it here, you can always find a new bridge to hide under.
It's Hunter's house and her rules. Go play at Kinsella's blog and then come back and whine about comment deleting and moderation.
JM - I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Are you suggesting that my clear statement that I had no idea something was true, and hence I was asking a question about it, was in any way an attempt to state that as fact?
See, when I refer to something as fact, I never say "I have no idea if this is true" or refer to it as a rumour.
It is called being honest.
Maybe you should look that word up so you might understand it better next time.
Or at least try to write a coherent post so your point, whatever it might be, as actually made.
Guess I have to slow this down abit so you can understand Gayle. You always say that you only deal with facts.(Fact!) You put out something that you, yourself said was a rumour and you had no idea if it was true.(Fact)
Now think about it. You only deal with facts, but you put out a rumour. They don't mesh. Which would make you a liar.
Hey Lib Suppository, if you don't like it here, you can always find a new bridge to hide under.
Who said I don't like it here? That's right, nobody. What you are doing is taking your own dislike of me being here and through some weird "thinking", you come up with the claim I don't like it here.
The best part of being here is asking you where I could buy a propane powered refrigerator that has a compressor in it, and then listening to crickets while you whine that Hunter should delete my comments because they are offensive. But they're only offensive to you because they mock you after you have sneered at everyone else you disagree with. If you had a blog I would mock you there.
It's Hunter's house and her rules.
Which I follow.
Go play at Kinsella's blog and then come back and whine about comment deleting and moderation.
Kinsella doesn't have a blogger blog so I won't go there. Left, right or indifferent, I won't go.
You can ask Canadian Cynic why going to non-blogger blogs is a bad idea.
Must be just a coincidence. Obama has reached out to the Muslim world, and now the people of Iran will no longer unite behind the theocracy. Despite the theocracy's best efforts to claim the U.S. is waiting to invade while they are sorting their internal problems out, the people no longer believe them.
It's not anything like Pope John Paul the Great saying "do not be afraid", but it seems clear the Iranian people are not going to be stampeded by fear of the US anymore.
The Iranian theocracy is toast.
"You always say that you only deal with facts."
Is that what I said?
I am pretty sure I suggested people stop allowing their opinions to masquerade as fact.
But if you think the fact that I admit something is NOT a fact, makes me a liar, then I think you really do not understand the meaning of truth, lie or opinion.
While I will concede to you the compressor, which was unfortunate on my part and I do humbly apologize, your naming said refidgerator after that false prophet Suzuki borders on that of a cheesy Vaudville act. I suppose you've even given a pet name to 'little liberal supporter', but I digress....
Obama has not reached out to the muslim world. Good grief, what's with the mushy lib-speak of there being some mystical 'muslim world' out there? As soon as you find it, please see if you can locate the 'Catholic world' or that elusive 'Foursquare Southern Baptist world'. He's not reached out to the muslims. Far from it. He's genuflected to them.
The radical muslims will only see him as a weak horse. They will even see right through his recent saber rattling with North Korea.
Like I said Gayle. Take your spin to your shrink. I'm sure he/she can help you deal with it. It won't work with me.
So what colour is your red face, Gayle?
Admit it Gayle, you got pwned. A digital wedgie,if you will.
Good on ya, jm!
Finally some of the news stations are covering NEDA. It's about time.
JM I noticed you printed the facts about PM Harper's stance on Iran and Gayle promptly ignored it. Do not get caught in her sticky web of "it's all about her", she goes around in circles like a dog chasing it's tail.
It saddens me that not one troll came here today and said how sad they were for Neda's death. Not one supported the people in Iran who are fighting for democracy. It gives a very interesting insight into the lefty mindset, and it's not pretty.
Wuberman had the best post today. It just takes the military to refuse to kill their own people.
Like I always say jm, when all you have is a personal attack, that generally means you are conceding the point.
So thanks for that.
And like I always say Gayle, when you try using that someone is attacking you personally, you got nothing to back up your spin.
Thanks for that.
Harper's release came out five hours ago and it doesn't actually address whether or not the Canadian Embassy is helping the injured - does it?
No, it doesn't. Back to twitter.
Re "It saddens me that not one troll came here today and said how sad they were for Neda's death."
Actually Huntsy, none of your regular non trolls said they were sad either. Actually, reading through your blog essay - you said you were upset from watching the video. You said you hoped she didn't die for nothing but you actually didn't say you were sad either.
Funny strange heh.
Oh jm - so cute the way you build in your excuse in your very first post, and then resort to it when you realize you were wrong in the first place.
In other words, simply calling something "spin" does not make it so.
Nice try though.
Where's the spin jm?
Where's jm?
Oh jm - so cute the way you build in your excuse in your very first post, and then resort to it when you realize you were wrong in the first place.
Just like you Gayle, I am never wrong. I do know you are a liar though. Just the way things work.
jm, in the mind of a lefty it's not a lie. It's 'nuance' or 'grey areas'.
mystereeoso you obviously didn't realize that my whole post was a tribute to Neda.
Look back at your first post and tell me you are proud of it! Then read LS, SQ and Gayle, what a bunch of sad people you are, the first post had to be deleted because of swearing, it seems to be a lefty thing.
LS actually complained about some of his comments being deleted, weeks ago, well suck in up ducky, it's my blog.
Re: "mystereeoso you obviously didn't realize that my whole post was a tribute to Neda. "
Evidently not. Recently you were complaining about Sri Lankans protesting peacefully in Toronto. But today you're ALL FOR protest. And when you get into deleting people's comments in the same breath as you go on about democracy I guess I basically call your BS brown. Sorry. SQ said your essay was schmaltzy and I agree. Especially the four dead in Ohio part! You should stick to what you know. Otherwise your bell rings hollow. That's all. BTW... you left us hanging. What did Dad get for Father's Day anyway?
Someone doesn't understand the difference between actual terrorists and people fighting for democracy....mystereeoso, would that be you?
Guess you haven't figured out that a blog is like the opinion section in a newspaper, I am allowed to have my opinion, you are allowed, under my rules to comment on my opinion, be thankful I don't delete more of the trolls comments.
Try this, go to rabble.ca and pretend you are a conservative, see how long you last at that progressive blog.
"I do know you are a liar though."
Prove it
(and in case you think otherwise, merely asserting something does not magically make it come true, so you will have to do better than you have so far on this thread)
Hunter - why do you think I am sad?
Unlike you, I have actually been paying attention when the media report on this issue. I did not have to wait for some poor girl to be killed before I started following the story. I knew there was trouble before that happened.
I am not sure why you think that makes me sad.
Poor sad Gayle, you have to hang around a Conservative blog to get heard. You come here for affirmation, that someone will notice you, give you any, even negative attention. That's why you are sad.
Maybe you are starting to understand that Conservatives are actually the compassionate ones, willing to allow other voices to be heard.
Or maybe you are like the moth driven towards the light, and they keep on bashing into that light, time after time. Climb out of the dark, you will find a new joy in life. Quit bashing your head against the wall, the door is to your right!
"Or maybe you are like the moth driven towards the light, and they keep on bashing into that light, time after time. Climb out of the dark, you will find a new joy in life. Quit bashing your head against the wall, the door is to your right!"
Good one Hunter!
See the thing about Gayle is that she couches her statements as questions and with enough vagueness that she leaves herself and out.
For example her "question" about whether the PM has made comments about the situation. She puts a question mark at the end to give herself and out should anyone come back with proof that she was wrong. Should no one come back, she can simply "ask" the question again and again and again and then say the no one has "answered her question".
But of course, it was proven wrong, so she resorts to her "out"; I was simply asking if it had happened or not. I didn't know.....
Gayle, everyone is on to your little games.
Hunter had it right, you are like a dog chasing it's tail. You always take everyone on a big wide circle right back to the start.
It is funny to get you going though.
Got any examples of me playing that "game" you describe? You know, the one where I assert something by asking a question?
I would be interested in whether you can find one - what with the fact that you just made that whole thing up and all.
I see you still believe merely asserting something makes it true.
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