Let's look at which female Ministers the opposition have attacked since 2006 when the Conservatives won power.
Now, correct me is I'm wrong, but first up was Rona Ambrose, they hounded her endlessly, even yapping about her hair, until Baird took over the environment portfolio, they then stopped the attack, even though he was saying the same things.
Next up was Bev Oda, they attacked her because of a mythical cut to the SOWS, then when they replaced her with Josee Verner, the attacks continued until she was moved into a different portfolio. So far the progressives have tried to tangle with Helene Guergis, but no luck there, she doesn't take any lefty garbage. James Moore has now taken over the portfolio of Heritage, and the progressives, especially the feminist Bloc members, have very politely been put in their place.
Now we have the progressives attacking Lisa Raitt for something she had no control over, a bad communications assistant who couldn't keep secret documents secret, nor private audio tapes out of media hands. They have brought Leona Aglukkaq into this mess, but they have to be very careful because not only is she a woman, but she is also aboriginal. So, they made it appear that Lisa had attacked her, when is reality, she had called her competent! They even made fun of Diane Finley because she had to wear sunglasses for an eye condition. Very progressive, not.
I'm beginning to think that it's not sexy, it's sexist.
What female Minister haven't the progressives attacked? Gail Shea come on down!!! I suspect you are next! Funny they won't attack Diane Ablonczy..... scared??
Progressives do not like strong, independent Conservative women, witness what they did, and are still doing to Sarah Palin. What is it about strong independent women that progressives hate? Are feminists so insecure that they fear a woman who can have a career and a family? Do they have to turn every male into a metro-sexual, just like them before they are happy?
Progressives want everyone to join them in their ideal Utopia, where men and women are not just equal, they are indistinguishable from each other. Where everyone runs around fed and happy without having to work for it. Where home ownership, and a big honking TV for everyone, is a right.
Where being green means that you hop on carbon spewing planes to Bali and cry about the drowning polar bears. Where a bird killing wind turbine that takes up huge tracks of agricultural land is okay but an oil rig that kills nothing is bad.

They are blinded by their ideology, and if attacking Conservative female Ministers gains them one convert to their way of thinking, they will do it without so much as a blink. Don't you DARE call them sexist though, progressives can't be sexist, only us white, knuckle dragging, redneck, religious, gun loving nuts suffer from sexism, racism, and various other afflictions.
The opposition has attacked every Conservative female Minister, but this time they had massive help from the MSM, how progressive. Funny how IRuby was protected by the MSM, and by the way, where are all the interviews with the fired assistant.....crickets.
It's not sexy, it's sexist!
Watch for the progressive attack in comments!
"...only us white, knuckle dragging, redneck, religious, gun loving nuts suffer from sexism, racism, and various other afflictions."
This was the only statement you got right in your whole rant. Were you in the sun too long yesterday?
Hunter - you called it right. SQ was the first commenter other then yourself. SQ never disappoints.
If a cabinet minister cannot withstand comments about her hair, maybe she does need another job, eh?
Well they have to attack female MPs, if they did it to their wives, especially in Queerbec, they would get the crap beaten out of them. It makes them feel like real men instead of the pansy boys they are.
way to go Huntsy- you are winning friends and influencing people!
mystereeoso who is Liberal Supporter who is Canadian Cynic who is nuts opines thusly...
"you are winning friends and influencing people!"
so are you cc/mysti/libby...so are you.
I'm soo hungry I could eat a whale...oooh wait, I already have.
regards, matt bin
Nothing here is stopping you from stuffing your cakehole, m@ but I would remind you, since you think we're all one and the same, I'm also Spartacus.
Huntsy, I thought Oda was criticized primarily because she spent all that money on limo rides. You know it never looks good when you spend so much money driving around in the car. Jose cat got your tongue Verner? Well she was always out of the office wasn't she? Attending a pie bake or a ballon launch? Taking great care of Canadian culture. Raitt is going to encounter the same inevitable fate - she'll be shuffled and remembered as the minister who said yes PMSH every day. What a loser.
Yes PMSH, I also think it would be a great idea to tell Canadians the Maples can't be fixed! Canadians are so stupid, especially lefty jerks, they'll never notice a couple of dozen scientists know how to fix the problem. Then when we win this one, we get all the credit! Sure a few people won't get cancer treatments, but that's nothing. Teehee.
Excellent Hunter - you hit the nail on the head with this one.
And of course the usual suspects drop by with their inane comments that show how shallow they really are.
Do you have a link to prove that ABG?
mystereeoso/libby/canadian cynic who are all one and insane proclaims...
"I'm also Spartacus."
you got a link to prove that?
yummy, stuffed cakehole, i love my stuffed cakehole, i don't like the empty cakeholes though, there's nothing in 'em.
I'm sooo hungry i could eat 10 maybe 12 stuffed cakeholes.
regards, matt bin
Do you have a link to prove that ABG?
Why yes I do Mysty....
"SQ. This was the only statement you got right in your whole rant. Were you in the sun too long yesterday?
Friday, June 12, 2009 2:55:00 AM"
"SQ If a cabinet minister cannot withstand comments about her hair, maybe she does need another job, eh?"
Friday, June 12, 2009 4:05:00 AM
"Mysty..Nothing here is stopping you from stuffing your cakehole, m@ but I would remind you, since you think we're all one and the same, I'm also Spartacus.
Huntsy, I thought Oda was criticized primarily because she spent all that money on limo rides. You know it never looks good when you spend so much money driving around in the car. Jose cat got your tongue Verner? Well she was always out of the office wasn't she? Attending a pie bake or a ballon launch? Taking great care of Canadian culture. Raitt is going to encounter the same inevitable fate - she'll be shuffled and remembered as the minister who said yes PMSH every day. What a loser.
Friday, June 12, 2009 5:48:00 AM"
I can get more Mysty...
And of course the usual suspects drop by with their inane comments that show how shallow they really are.
Do you have a link to prove that ABG?
Only the link from every single topic post on this blog.
And here you are. :D
Yawn. No attack. Just pity for such a bitter and angry person.
I know it if off the primary topic but still on the topic of sexism.
Did anyone catch the Letterman Top 10 list on Sarah Palin? I see it has been updated in the form of an apology but OMG now talk about sexism.
That has just opened the door for attacks and disgusting digs at any politicians, FEMALE daughter(s).
How LOW could he go?
The only one left to chime in is Gayle with her trademark two words, 'Prove it'.
"Progressives want everyone to join them in their ideal Utopia, where men and women are not just equal, they are indistinguishable from each other. Where everyone runs around fed and happy without having to work for it. Where home ownership, and a big honking TV for everyone, is a right. "
You got a link on that?
mystereeoso who is Liberal Supporter who is Canadian Cynic who is nuts opines thusly...
I am not mystereeso.
I am not Canadian Cynic.
You, however, are using the same name as "m@" (13408488215496128814) but you are not. You are 17299653357837514127.
Your writing style sounds a lot like "mahmood" who keeps using the same name but a different newly created blogger ID every time. Are you?
"Funny how IRuby was protected by the MSM, and by the way, where are all the interviews with the fired assistant.....crickets."
You must have missed the news for about 10 days in a row. HELLLOOOOO..
Progressive hypocrisy really reared its ugly head when Rona Ambrose' hair was fodder for comments. Really, the progressive element would have us move away from seeing women as objects and there they were talking about her hair. And Sarah Palin's looks. And her daughter. It seems that they love to attack women on superficial or gender-specific issues like looks, pregnancy, love life, etc.
The cracks about Finley were unconscionable - she had a medical issue with her eyes and had no choice but to shield them from the light for some time. I'd love to see those same people poke fun at Fletcher but, no, they wouldn't do that, would they. Better to pick on a woman.
In a way, the progressives are showing how progressive they are. They no longer think of women as weak little damsels in distress so they attack to prove that they see women as equal or even stronger than men.
I love Raitt's hiding behind my skirts line. That was classic.
I also notice that they never attack anything Islamic. They know that Muslims, unlike the rest of the country's faiths, would not tolerate one derogatory word. Funny how you don't hear them protesting about treatment of women in Afghanistan or Saudi. They also won't say a word against FLDS because they're afraid - even though, if you read any of the books by women who have escaped FLDS, this cult is anything but progressive when it comes to women.
It seems that the progressive sorts are very selective. They'd prefer to make fun of strong, capable women rather than stand up for oppressed women.
Thank God, I am a right-wing, religious, conservative man.
SQ - you have completely ignored the salient point - there should be NO comments about a female or male MP's hair. Of course she can withstand the comments - she should not have to endure the stupidity of those comments. Imagine how it feels to be a woman after all these years of liberation and hard work only to be judged on your hair.
I guess you are that superficial if you think hair comments are fine. As for me, unless a woman is in my life, I really don't give a hoot about her hair but I do give a hoot about her abilities and character.
I know who I am but who are you Libby?...your writing style sounds a lot like Mysti/Libby/Cynty...I am M@, I am M@, I am M@...hahahahaha, guess in hindsight we didn't quite figure this whole "faux Wilson/Neo" thing thru, did we?...oooh teh stoopid burns...are we done here? yeh, I think we're done here.
You know Mysti/Libby/Cynty, I am sooo hungry I ate Uranus...and Uranus bit back.
regards, Matt Bin
Hey SQ, if they can attack Rona's hair, how about linda duncan's hairdo. Weird is not a word for it.
Then we have Delacourt, and JVD and many others who should spend some of their pay on a hairdresser.
Way OT, but how many of you believe in fate. We all were horrified at the crash of Air France. We were happy when 2 people were interviewed saying they had missed the flight. Now we learn that that couple took another flight to Munich, got off the plane, rented a car to drive home and had a serious car crash. She died, he is hanging on by a thread.
Same thing with a woman who survived 9/11, died two day later in car crash.
Perhaps the liberals should pay attention to fate, instead of giving false hope to those with cancer that if liberals were in power they would all be cured.
I know who I am but who are you Libby?.
You'll never know.
..your writing style sounds a lot like Mysti/Libby/Cynty..
Your writing style is of a bot that synthesizes content based on what it reads. I mention "your writing style", you do the same. Get some new material, troll, or a new programmer, bot.
.I am M@, I am M@, I am M@...hahahahaha, guess in hindsight we didn't quite figure this whole "faux Wilson/Neo" thing thru, did we?.
I agree. You didn't figure your sock puppeting through at all. So it was you doing capital W Wilson and the fake Neo, eh? You just admitted it. Pretty pretentious using the royal "we" though, fool. Isn't it funny how neo still thinks small w wilson is the phoney?
What's funny is mystereeso's comment about deletes at neo's doesn't read properly unless you remove words that were likely unintended. "like at I am Neo C's blog " is grammatically wrong. It would read properly as "like at Neo C's blog " though.
But based on that, and an incorrect reading of the ambiguity, you are now making claims about me that are untrue. You make much of having never seen mystereeso comment at neo's, yet I have never seen you comment there. That would prove mystereeso could have read and noted neo's deletion silliness without commenting, just as you have.
..oooh teh stoopid burns...are we done here? yeh, I think we're done here..
Now you are using bad paraphrasing of wording that I've seen CC use. Said paraphrasing is vintage "mahmood" style.
You know Mysti/Libby/Cynty, I am sooo hungry I ate Uranus...and Uranus bit back.
You can claim I am the same person as other bloggers till the cows come home, just as neo does. Yet your bleating cannot make it true. I have never commented here under any blogger id except this one, though I would drop the occasional anon comment, but that is not a blogger id.
Mary - there are times when your posts leave me speechless - and not in a good way.
That last one was quite surreal.
Eskimo - it's cute the way you pout about the way I do not simply accept your outrageous statements as being true. Are you one of those people who think the best defence is a good offence? If so I suggest you try to mount a good offence.
Hunter - I am a strong independent woman. Like any other such woman, were I to accept a job where I would face public scrutiny and criticism, I would not suggest such scrutiny is based on sexism. In fact, as a strong independent woman I find your suggestion that women should not be criticized insulting, demeaning and sexist.
Finally, gayle is speechless. But the facts in my post are true.
Maybe sureal, but true.
Hunter, our PM had a 15 minute interview by Cuvoto on Fox this pm. He was asked some hard questions and did great.
But the facts in my post are true.
Maybe sureal, but true.
Are we to simply bow down and accept your words as true on your say so? Or could you be so kind as to tell us when the Liberals said that if they were in power, the cancer patients would be cured.
Meanwhile on the hair topic, wasn't an entire news cycle devoted to "does he or doesn't he", questioning whether Obama dyed his hair gray?
You might recall the Rona hair stuff was from environmentalists complaining that she did absolutely nothing but stonewall at an environmental conference.
LS, have you not been following the questions by outraged liberal MPs and the media saying without isotopes etc cancer patients will not be treated and die. Did you not hear Goodale say there was never a shortage during his reign.
The sublime message is, liberals save cancer patients, conservatives don't care.
That woman that showed her scarred breast left us with the impression it was our fault she got cancer.
Maybe that is not the intentional message by the faux outraged liberals, but that is the message getting out. Read all the comments on media sites and lib bloggers. Liberals using cancer for political points is unspeakable.
Yo, Mary! 12,000 patient in Quebec have had their treatment postponed because of the isotope shortage. Do you think Dear Leader gives a $hit? I don't think so.
And who care if he gave an interview on Faux TeeVee?
mysti/libby/cynty wails...
waaah waaaah..."get some new material, troll"
hahahahahahahahahaha...that's lame pal, your diatribe is lame and weak and pathetic...I'll ask again, are we done here?...yup, I'm sure we're done here.
I'm sooo hungry i could eat a wagon wheel.
regards, matt bin
Hunter, request from Jen who has problems posting here.
Will you be attending the BBQ for Rajotte tomorrow at noon in Leduc at the civic center.
Jen, request completed.
As for the PM and buy American, no he did not support it. He said something about how it could backfire as municipalities etc are passing laws to not buy american.
This will not be good for either country.
I think Clark is assuming non of his viewers will have seen the whole interview so he can/will twist to iggy's advantage.
I hope someone can record the interview and put it up somewhere.
Or link to it once it is up at Fox.
Passports were also discussed, and the 700 new border guards.
Sorry for the reply to Jen, thought I had gone to BLY. Reposted it there.
Hey Jen, I will be attending the BBQ for James, look for the lady with a teenage kid about a foot taller than her, with her hair in a pony tail. Just come up and say "Hunter", that's how Ardvark found me.
Thanks for relaying the message MaryT!
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