Glenn Beck also talks about global warming/climate change/climate diversification (that sounds very intellectual), HA.
Here is my take on this Copenhagen science. It's JUNK! SHOW ME THE DATA! Can't, good no more money for you!
Inconvenient truth for Al Gore as his North Pole sums don't add up
There are many kinds of truth. Al Gore was poleaxed by an inconvenient one yesterday.
The former US Vice-President, who became an unlikely figurehead for the green movement after narrating the Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, became entangled in a new climate change “spin” row.
Mr Gore, speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit, stated the latest research showed that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in five years.
In his speech, Mr Gore told the conference: “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.”
However, the climatologist whose work Mr Gore was relying upon dropped the former Vice-President in the water with an icy blast.
“It’s unclear to me how this figure was arrived at,” Dr Maslowski said. “I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this.”
Mr Gore’s office later admitted that the 75 per cent figure was one used by Dr Maslowksi as a “ballpark figure” several years ago in a conversation with Mr Gore.
The embarrassing error cast another shadow over the conference after the controversy over the hacked e-mails from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, which appeared to suggest that scientists had manipulated data to strengthen their argument that human activities were causing global warming.
What does CTV post after Gore Apologizes? Look for yourselves, this has been up ALL night:

Let me make it clearer:

Do you see those wind chill warnings? Edmonton was the second coldest place ON THE PLANET...and I am supposed to buy into global warming? Not happening. The inconvenient truth is that Al Gore stands to make BILLIONS from the global warming scandal, just like the Oil for Food UN sponsored disaster. Just like global warming is a UN sponsored initiative. Anyone see a pattern happening here?
The UN is as corrupt and useless as global warming proponents. Al Gore and the bug guy are liars, plain and simple. Time to disband the UN, they are the useless nation.
Canada should stand proud, those of us freezing our butts off, know that climate changes, we are just hoping it's soon
Hotter is good!
Global warming is coming soon. It was -21F at 7.30a.m., and +32F at 2.00p.m. in my corner of the world.
I think it was the result of all the co2 lizzie spouted on Adler today.
I thought those protesters wanted cooler weather and they sure got it today in Copenhagen. They complained they had to stand in line for hours to get into the bldg. Don't they know the opposite of warm is cold. Isn't that what they want.
Another video catch of gore refusing to answer questions, and his security pulled the cord on the reporters mike.
I guess when you quote as fact a stmt made years ago and get caught by the person being quoted, it could be embarrassing.
If I had my way, the CBC would be shut down tomorrow and David Fruit Fly's assets would be siezed/frozen and he, along with Lizzy May would be charged with eco-terrorism and living off the avails of Al Gore's climate porn.
Climate change has always existed and it will continue until the end of time.
Global warming, on the other hand, is Marxist/socialist quassi-religous dogma cloaked in western liberal white guilt and predicated on junk science.
The IPCC and CRU have been caught with their thumb on the scale and the Romanesque orgy in Hopenchangen, Denmark would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic.
Hunter - I believe Diane Francis thinks she is a Conservative. She should have just quoted what the nutty organization was saying instead of giving her own views in the last few paragraphs .... that told everyone that she was far from being "conservative".
What a nutball!!
Hotter is good!
Tell that to the sahara. Or to the Netherlands. Oh wait, no, that's Somewhere Else(TM) and therefore doesn't matter ...
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