I am sick and tired of lefty protesters and misinformation from eco-nuts. I applaud every fossil award that Canada receives, it shows we are not buying into the eco-nuts agenda. We have oil, lots and lots of oil, in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland, and we don't kill anyone to get it to market. We are blood free. Yet eastern Canada buys blood oil, they ship it on huge oil tankers across the Atlantic, and yell at Alberta for our oil sands. They look down their huge noses at Conservative Alberta, but they see nothing wrong with getting their oil from dictatorships. The eco-nuts target the oil sands and forget about the Saudi's and Iran...now there's a great example of human rights justice. NOT.
Do people in eastern Canada even realize that they are using oil from Iran/Saudi Arabia and not Alberta oil?
Ricardo Acuña, Executive Director of Parkland Institute, points out that “Albertans will argue that there is enough oil in the tarsands to supply for all of Canada’s needs well into the future, but unfortunately people in Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces do not have access to that oil—it all flows south.”
Yup, you easterners are buying Saudi oil, not Alberta oil, yet Alberta sends over 8 BILLION a year to Quebec. How fair is that?
We get the fossil awards because the eco-nuts don't dare target China, a dictatorship or India. They get no money from those countries. They are eco-terrorists. Why are they all covering their faces?

The kids are running wild. I wonder who paid for all those protesters trips to Dopenhagen? Do they slurp up the caviar and then go out and protest getting there in their limos?
Hundreds arrested at Copenhagen protest rally
Hundreds of people were arrested in Copenhagen today after sporadic street violence broke out during a major protest march as UN climate change talks reached their halfway point.
The demonstration, organised to urge conference delegates to work out a binding deal to tackle climate change, was largely peaceful but was marred when a group of protesters threw bricks at police.
Nice, throwing bricks at police, maybe they should have thrown drowned polar bears instead!
Polar Bear Numbers Surge to 50-Year High, Obama’s Approval Rating Plunges to New Dismal Low
Yes, polar bear numbers have grown so much that discussion of culling to decrease their numbers is going on as I type; yet another stake into the heart of the truthfulness of the global warming hoax and the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade, climate change tax-Americans-to-death bill, which the US House barely passed last Friday.
There are 5 times as many polar bears today as there were 50 years ago:
I wonder if polar bears taste "gamey"? Would a polar bear coat be warm? Given that it is -30 below right now and set to drop even lower tonight, I'm willing to test out any fur coat someone gives me. Cotton just doesn't cut it in a deep freeze! Bring on the fur!
The eco-nuts want to kill any opposition to global warming, oops, climate change. Even Santa is at risk.
I hated that red haired guy, is he still around? Lefties, just a little deranged, they want to save polar bears, but they think humans should be able to kill their own kids.
Sunday marked the coldest Dec. 13 in Edmonton’s history.
Environment Canada recorded a frigid -46.1 C, or -58.4 C with wind chill, at the Edmonton International Airport at 5 a.m., Environment Canada meteorologist Pierre Lessard said.
The old record of -36.1 C was set last year, he said.
“To break a temperature by 10 degrees is very exceptional,” said Lessard.
SDA has a post up re the AP story on their vetting the leaked emails. Comments are great, but the best one was,
The media and believers (paraphrased) are using the Bill Clinton defence, I did not have e-mails with that person.
My question is, it is only 26 below zero F, here today, and that is warmer than the artic, so why isn't the snow melting.
'... but unfortunately people in Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces do not have access to that oil—it all flows south...'
So much misinformation out there.
Ontario refineries run on 39% Alberta oil, piped in by Enbridge.
Expansion of that pipeline was crushed by environmentalists a couple of years ago.
And if Eastern Canada and the US don't want our dirty oil,
who cares....we have other buyers.
(my hubby is working on a PetroChina project right now, in Canada)
Gateway Pipeline to the West Coast in the works, for importation to Asia.
New Asian oil sands entrants – PetroChina and the Korea National Oil Corp. – have helped raise interest in shipping crude to Asia, and Enbridge plans to submit a full Gateway regulatory filing late this year or early in 2010. '
And why is it that our media prefer to rundown our country rather than shine a light on what is good....they would be if it was a Liberal govt, no doubt.
This needs to be picked up by the media:
''..Never mind that in last year's exhaustive environmental survey by The Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and The Center for International Earth Science Information Network at Columbia University, Canada finished with the world's 12th best environmental record out of 192 countries -- including almost 50 that don't even compile enough credible data to be assessed.
Judged on 25 environmental factors, including climate change, Canada achieved an aggregate score of 86.6 out of 100 on the study's Environmental Performance Index, ahead of Germany (land of the useless wind turbines) in 13th place, the Moonbat's U.K. in 14th, and, oh, look, 14 places ahead of Denmark, whose capital is Copenhagen, site of the latest UN carbon dioxide-spewing festival of indignation on the dangers of spewing carbon dioxide...''
The U.S., home of Nobel Peace Prize winners and warmists extraordinaire Al Gore and Barack Obama, finished in 39th place, although no doubt Canada's self-loathing chattering classes, now aware there is such a study, will blame it all on George Bush.
Just talked to my g/son in Fort Mac and he is out working today, in -50 weather, so some idiot in Denmark can burn a car and throw bricks at police.
Looks like there will be no binding treaty, and O has said, there is just so much money donor countries can spare. Response, they should not be called donor countries, they should be called polluters.
What effect have those thousands of protesters in Denmark had on that countries resources, power, food, airports, police, hospitals, bet they never thought of that.
Who is paying for all that.
Wonder what those idiots who climbed the roof in Ottawa would have done if that cold snap and lots of snow would have left them stranded up there.
Breaking news, Italian PM smacked in the face, looks pretty smashed up. Wonder if it was with a shoe.
He will need a trip to the dentist. Will someone be charged with torture.
They're wearing masks mostly because a great many of them are "professional" demonstrators/protesters.
This, for them, is just another paid gig. A couple weeks from now they'll be burning effigies and throwing rocks in some other city in some other part of the world for some other cause.
They are 21st century mercenaries.
I don't doubt for a moment that learning who is paying how much for these roving bands of thugs would blow one's mind.
It's big business.
As they say, follow the money.
Hey, Edmonton broke it's previous cold record by over 10degrees C, bring on the global warming!
Nice post! I loved the Phelim McCaleer ambush of Gore. That was classic.
I think this Liberal blogger sums up the polar bear issue perfectly.
Global warming is here in my part of AB, it has gone from 28 below F, to 21 below F. Isn't a 7 degree raise very serious.
Will all those anti Albertans cheer for our two olympic curling teams. One from Edmonton and one from Calgary. Can't get better than that.
If we win gold in either of them, or both, will the media notice.
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