Lord Monckton barred from Copenhagen conference – pushed to the ground by security
Today the gloves came off and the true purpose of the “global warming” scare became nakedly visible. Hugo Chavez, the Socialist president of Venezuela, blamed “global warming” on capitalism – and received a standing ovation from very nearly all of the delegates, lamentably including those from those of the capitalist nations of the West that are on the far Left – and that means too many of them.
Previously Robert Mugabe, dictator of Rhodesia, who had refused to leave office when he had been soundly defeated in a recent election, had also won plaudits at the conference for saying that the West ought to pay him plenty of money in reparation of our supposed “climate debt”.
....So the dictators got standing ovations, and Lord Monckton gets roughed up:
Once again, conscious that a police helicopter with a high-resolution camera was hovering overhead, I thrust my hands into my pockets in accordance with the St. John Ambulance crowd-control training, looked my assailant in the eye and told him, quietly but firmly, to take his hands off me.
He complied, but then decided to have another go. I told him a second time, and he let go a second time. I turned to go and, after I had turned my back, he gave me a mighty shove that flung me to the ground and knocked me out.
I came to some time later (not sure exactly how long), to find my head being cradled by my friends, some of whom were doing their best to keep the police thugs at bay while the volunteer ambulance-men attended to me.
I was picked up and dusted me off. I could not remember where I had left my telephone, which had been in my hand at the time when I was assaulted. I rather fuzzily asked where it was, and one of the police goons shouted, “He alleges he had a mobile phone.”
In fact, the phone was in my coat pocket, where my hand had been at the time of the assault. The ambulance crew led me away and laid me down under a blanket for 20 minutes to get warm, plying me with water and keeping me amused with some colorfully colloquial English that they had learned.
I thanked them for their kindness, left them a donation for their splendid service, and rejoined my friends. A very senior police officer then came up and asked if I was all right. Yes, I said, but no thanks to one of his officers, who had pushed me hard from behind when my back was turned and had sent me flying.
The police chief said that none of his officers would have done such a thing. I said that several witnesses had seen the incident, which I intended to report. I said I had hoped to receive an apology but had not received one, and would include that in my report. The policeman went off looking glum, and with good reason.
The lefties have gone way out of control, and I'm not sure what will stop them. Are their brains wired wrong? They post contest pictures of our Prime Minister being assassinated, and the supposed leader of their party doesn't even have the balls to formally apologize. That shows they have no class. It shows the level that the Liberal party has fallen to, classless, immature and dishonest. Now, my parents are Liberals and they are none of those things, so I guess the Liberal party do not represent them that well anymore. This is not just a Canada thing, it's gone global. Like what happened to Lord Monckton, he was barred from the conference....so much for free speech, listening to other opinions, and being mature.
I want Prime Minister Harper, Minister Prentice and all other Canadian delegates, gone from that cesspool. The dictators get standing ovations, the "deniers" get denied access. Even Hitler couldn't have planned things better than the corrupt and useless UN, aided by the eco-nuts. Truth is no defense, our Human Rights Commissions yell. Climategate does not exist, the eco-nuts shout. This whole conference is about global governance and the "Robin Hood" myth. Take from the rich and give to the poor.
Even our wonderful Olympic torch run got hit by protesters in Toronto today. The Olympics, that wonderful spirit of sharing and competition is being used as a tool by the lefties. I guess some people hate Canada, because they see the torch run as a means to their own ends, not Canadian wishes.
Funny how different the coverage is on the protest:
TORONTO - The Olympic torch relay through Toronto didn't go according to the script Thursday evening when about 100 anti-Olympic protesters blocked a downtown street.
Officials took the torch by convoy to the Hospital for Sick Children where several torchbearers displayed the flame for cheering young patients gathered in the lobby.
Several runners who missed their chance to carry the torch (but the protesters didn't care) on the planned route passed the flame from torch to torch in the hospital.
Then we have this:

TORONTO • The planned celebration for the Olympic flame in Canada’s largest city was briefly derailed Thursday night by hundreds of protesters who stormed up Yonge Street.
Protesters filled the streets shouting, “No Olympics on stolen native land” until they reached a barricade of officers with bicycles just south of Bloor Street. Dozens of officers with batons, along with at least six officers on horseback, blocked the street behind the demonstration. Delayed by nearly an hour, the Olympic flame was eventually diverted west along Wellesley Avenue as it continued towards its final destination, City Hall.
CTV wasn't very honest were they? Hiding facts? Why? They think Canadians are stupid. They think we only elected the Conservatives because the Liberals needed a short timeout. They do not see the rot in the Liberal party. The rot was exposed this week in both the Liberal party for their stupid contest, and in the UN with their money sucking scheme, to reduce the prosperous countries to third world countries so we can all be "equal" in the eyes of the socialists.
It is a sick, festering piece of pus filled lefties propaganda, aimed at those who can do, because of those who will not do. The pus needs to be lanced!
Excellent post tonight, Hunter. I have stayed up to watch this disgusting, disgusting, outrage and I am in SHOCK at the nature of these people.
I am starting to become very frightened and sense that there is so much more to why the Canadian media has stayed out of so many of these important National stories.
What is the agenda? Are they attempting to keep the idiocy of TORONTO out of the international ,public eye?
Copenhagen, is a lost cause for them. Hook up the IV drip to keep them alive, yes?
NONE OF THIS is okay and ALL CANADIANS need to drop the partisanship and WAKE UP!
Bec, I am just as scared as you are. It's not just eco-nuts anymore, it's abortion supporters, and charities for third world countries that want more funding and now third world country dictators are getting the applause from the lefties. It's now about the lefties all uniting to destroy capitalism and our way of life. They want a one world government, and they will not stop until they have it.
Too bad, most of us go to work everyday, and hear none of this, that's why blogs and the people who care enough to comment are so important.
I have been watching the evolution of these people on television, and I still don't know the best way to deal with it besides viligence. The Yes Men need to be charged, before they become the norm rather than the exception. Did you see the interview on the CBC with the Yesman Bossman? This guy is certifiably crazy. Do we fight fire with fire? Do we create satires of the far left to show the rest of society how nuts they really are?
The greatest irony of all, Stephen Harper was one of the first people I can remember who told us what Kyoto really was, and he was demonized for it. Now we see that they are who we thought they were. They aren't even trying to hide the redistribution of wealth motivation anymore. In the dying days of this conference, they are reduced to talking entirely about how much wealth they can acquire to redistribute.
"I've been trying to make some sense of it all, but I can see it makes no sense at all"
-Stealer's Wheel, stuck in the middle with you
Iceman, I agree, PM Harper and most Conservatives knew it was a money sucking transfer of our wealth to others.
Alberta lived through the NEP, and it was as ugly as it could get, suicides, people walking away from their homes, massive job losses, and the east ignored what was happening.
No wonder Alberta will never vote Liberal, they did their best to kill our province, and they did actually help kill people who became so desperate that suicide was the only option, so that their families would have something.
It is a very dark period that Albertans will never forget, and Kyoto reminded us of the NEP. Now we have the GLOBAL community telling us that the oil sands are the biggest polluters in the whole world.
Would you blame us if we separated from Canada? Ontario and Quebec made it clear, they don't want our "dirty oil", so why should we stick around.
It was sickening that fellow Canadians went to Copenhagen and proceeded to slam Alberta and Saskatchewan to look "GOOD". What shallow pathetic people they are to care more about their image than their country, Canada.
A standing ovation for Chavez? The left are truly insane, and I don't mean that as an idle insult.
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has it figured out that if the eco crazies got their way, it would cost each and every Canadian family $3000.00+ per year.
For what?
Absolutely nothing!
The left have become ranting lunatics, working every angle that they can to try and regain the power they once had.
The desperation in the Liberal Party, the desperation on CBC, it is so blatantly obvious.
I want to hear Peter Mansbridge say the following words,
"CBC is predicting a Conservative Majority. Good night ladies and gentlemen, I'll be quitting now."
poor old red neck Canadians slowly losing their "lifestyle" *sniff* *sniff*
"Too bad, most of us go to work everyday, and hear none of this, that's why blogs and the people who care enough to comment are so important."
You can' even tell the truth. What you really meant to say say: "...and the people who AGREE WITH ME are so important."
Maybe this is the year that someone buys you "The Elements of Style", by William Strunk. We can only hope...
Lord Monckton is listed as a "Global Warming" expert for the Heartland Institute, a Chicago-based freemarket think tank. The Heartland Institute frequently attacks the scientific evidence for human-caused climate change. The Heartland Institute has received over $791,000 from oil-giant ExxonMobil since 1998.
The tobacco industry has also been a regular funder to the Heartland Institute, with at least $190,000 coming from Philip Morris since 1993. The Heartland Institute maintains a smoker's rights section on its website called "The Smoker's Lounge."
Why is Searching for Liberty parroting the same words exactly as a poster on MooseandSquirrel called Wednesday Jones?
I see that the Crapenhagen supporters have made it to this blog. New world order, here we come.
"poor old red neck Canadians slowly losing their "lifestyle" *sniff* *sniff*"
IT's YOUR lifestyle too, SQ. We are just trying to get that through your head.
Remember, 9 billion last year from Alberta and YOUR governments fleet of Audi's while Alberta's drive Taurus's.
You are such a bitter and hateful person.
''Southern Quebec said...
poor old red neck Canadians slowly losing their "lifestyle" *sniff* *sniff*''
I laugh in your face,
it is YOU who is losing.
Scandal after scandal after scandal in Quebec.
Organized crime running the province and political parties waist deep in corruption.
The day Quebec can survive without the rest of Canada paying your way,
is the day Albertans will give a shit what you say.
Until then, I laugh in your face.
SFL is also posting with another name at BLY.
The House will re-convene on January 27, and a new budget will be presented. Let us all encourage the Finance minister to remove the 1.95/vote and refusal to fund any NGOs, the UN, and stop equalization payments. What would iffy do, defeat the govt for an election during the Olympics.
I am glad that Charest has made it clear that provinces do not have to follow the deals signed by the Feds.
That gives AB the right to opt out of any funding for Quebec and Ont.
Poor Bennett, upset that her sex toys are dangerous to women's health.
Wasn't it liberal senators that stopped/ammended the product safety act, and now Bennett and her sex toys are a problem. Who knew.
Did you guys read Ezra Levant's post on KAIROS and how they are shills for the hard-left while pretending to uplift the poor in the name of Christianity.
Be very careful when donating to Christian orgs, many of them are in disguise and working full time for the Left.
This particular group that Levant is talking about used to get 7+ Million from the Canadian govt. until Jason Kenney cut them off because of their blatant anti-semetic views.
We are living in an upside down world.
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