Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Consensus Is A Swear Word!

You have to admire the eco-nuts, they are selling us a bridge to nowhere and some countries are buying it.

Think about this, a group of engineers decide that a mathematical equation is wrong, and by "consensus" they change it. They use this new formula to build a bridge, but some other engineers come along and state that they have errored in some of their calculations, and that the bridge will fall into the river, if a 70 KPH wind blows. They say, no way, we have "consensus" among us that our new formula will work. How likely are you to drive on that bridge?

What about a group of doctors that decide by "consensus" and "peer reviewed" articles, that cancer can be cured by large doses of garlic, and if any other doctor dares to reject their theory, they should be jailed as "deniers". How likely are you to go to that doctor?

A bunch of plumbers get together and decide that when you flush the toilet, the water should go back into the tank and be reused, instead of down and out. They agree by "consensus" to reverse all toilets, and call the other plumbers who tell them they are wrong, "deniers". How likely are you to call those plumbers to your house?

An oil field worker gets a herd of his friends together so that they can form a "consensus" about how best to clean up the tailings ponds. They decide that protesting like the eco-nuts is a great idea. By "consensus" they grab some eco-nuts and throw them in the tailings ponds to prove the theory that tailings ponds only kill ducks. How likely are you to chum around with the oil field worker?

"Consensus" is a lefty term, because no lefty can actually stand up for themselves, without the approval of their friends and family and anyone else they can corral. Conservatives, take responsibility for their actions and do not expect the government to support them for life. To a Conservative, "consensus" is a swear word.

A nurse gets "consensus" to up the medication of a patient, with no idea what it will do to that patient, and no proof that it will help, but she has "consensus".

A mechanic, doesn't fix your brakes because he asked for a "consensus" and his buddies just wanted to go to the pub, so they all said the brakes were fine!

Wow, "consensus" is a wonderful thing, especially if it is combined with "peer reviewed". Let me see....I have a "consensus" of people who "peer review" my blog everyday, and they all think the trolls should be banned, giving them no voice...sounds good, it is "settled". That's just so progressive, I could get into this lefty thing. Ban everything, get "consensus" from my "peer reviewed" buddies, and TAKE OVER THE WORLD! HA.

To end on a happy note, watch this:

1 comment:

The Red Fox said...

Thing is ,all the professions that you have named are peer reviewed by governing bodys and job perfomance on a daily basis.A bridge falls down ,poof the iron ring is gone,the doctor becomes a quack and loses their lisence,the nurse is fired never to practice again,etc.However ,if Mom and Dad buy me a chemistry set and computer I can call myself a climate scientist.The worlds politicans/media elites will then be in awe of my every utterance without question.We can scoff at fortune tellers who read chicken entrails and tea leaves but I am having a difficult time telling the differance.