Friday, June 01, 2007

Opposition Wants To Stay And Run The Country!

That's a quote by Sun media guy Weston on Don Newman's show Politics. Click on Friday, you can torture yourself watching the whole show, or just go to around 38:00 of the broaaaaaaadcast.

Why are all the Pundits Liberal? Why does the Liberal rag, Toronto Star get two reporters? Why can't the CBC even try to pretend that they are non-biased? Why do I even bother to watch that garbage?

Delacourt says the Liberals are going to bring down the government? Sure, them and who else? How could she even say that with a straight face? (I would say she can't smile because of her face lift, but it's obvious that she hasn't had one, or if she has, it was a bad job. Sorry, just my catty female remark, because she is so self righteous about knowing everything, she's in the public eye, so she is fair game!)

All those questions, and no answers.

I actually don't think Weston was too far off with his, "the opposition want to stay and run the country" remark. That's what they have been doing, in both the House of Commons and the Senate, the opposition has the upper hand, and they have been using it to damage Canada, Kyoto is a good example.

This minority is working for the opposition, they have the majority in committees and in the Senate, and they are using that majority to stop important legislation, like the age of consent from getting through Parliament. They are all lefties, so even though a formal pact has not been announced, that's what is happening. I'm amazed that the Conservatives have been able to get as many bills as they have passed. The only thing that saves them is that they control the purse strings.

So, any fool who actually thinks a minority government works, is just that, a fool.

The good thing is that the Conservatives have all summer to work hard and run the government without the interference of the opposition, who will be invisible in their riding's. So, many good things can happen for Canadians during the summer, and the Conservatives will have all their ammo ready by the fall. Delacourt was sneering about how the Conservatives have no ideas, and have run out of gas, I seriously think she's wrong. Well, okay, she's dumb, and wrong.

Back to Weston, why does he even work for the Sun? He's so Liberal, I bet he faints at the thought of interviewing Dion.

That's my anti-media rant for this glorious Friday, I'm going outside to battle some mosquitoes, they at least, are honest blood suckers.

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