Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tax Freedom Day!! Wow, I Feel Richer Already!

We slave through the long cold winter, through the spring, and finally, just before our short summer starts, we reach tax freedom day! Why don't I feel richer?

Could it be because 46% of what I make goes to governments? Think about that for a second, close to 50% of what you make gets taken away from you, most of it before it even hits your bank account! How do you benefit from those taxes? Let me break some of them down:

Municipal property taxes, these pay for my:

Roads (pothole city),

Schools (Kids go to a Catholic school, contrary to what people think, only Catholics pay for Catholic schools. We had to sign a special letter making sure that our portion of school taxes go to the Catholic schools, because my husband isn't Catholic, they wanted 1/2 of the taxes to go to the public schools. If you are non-Catholic and your kids go to a Catholic school, your taxes still go to the public school system.)

Sidewalks (we had our taxes raised because they needed to replace our sidewalks)

Provincial taxes, these pay for my:

Healthcare (Can't find a family doctor since ours retired, thank goodness we are healthy, I haven't seen a doctor since I had my last kid and he's 11 now.)

Environment (Going green has killed oil exploration here in Alberta, so watch all of Canada start to tank soon, very soon.)

Infrastructure (Costs are sky high, we can't afford to build anything here anymore, and don't have the workers even if we could afford it.)

Federal taxes, these pay for my:

EI (I've been working since I was 15, have used EI twice, once for 4 months, when my first child was born, once for 8 months when my second was born.)

CPP (If I live long enough, I might get some benefits from that tax.)

GST (Never have seen a rebate cheque.)
Childcare (For a few years my 2 kids received a $40 cheque for both of them. We couldn't even use our total childcare expenses, as the lowest wage earner is the only one who can claim the expense.)

So, 50% disappears from my paycheque, and very little helps me. I don't take the bus, I don't use the foodbank, I don't use EI, I pay extra for Alberta Bluecross, I pay for water, I pay for sewage, I pay for gas to heat my house, on and on it goes.

Who's benefiting, if it's not me, who is it? Special interest groups, have not provinces, government workers, seasonal workers, and welfare recipients. I get tired of listening to question period, because all the lefties want is more money for their socialist ideas. The Bloq is particularily disgusting, always wanting more for Quebec, they want layed off workers who are 55 to be able to get EI until their QPP kicks in, instead of having them look for new work. The NDP is now after help with prescription drugs, another healthcare sink hole. The Liberals are still yapping about their national daycare and Kyoto, both are money pits.

So, tax freedom day, WOW, I feel richer already! NOT!

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