Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sorry America.

Pelosi got you, and Obama is leading you down a path that we Canadians have been on since we were stupid enough to elect Trudeau. It's all about the government taking over your life, and it is not pretty. Socialism is a sickness, it invades your society, and it is just about impossible to reverse.

Some people get it:

Listen to this speech, Boehner gets it right, but too bad it was all for nothing. (For some reason embedding doesn't work at Fox, if anyone can help me with that it would be appreciated).

I can only hope that in November you will make them pay. If you don't you will have to live with it. I cry with you!


Escaped MB, shine off BC said...

You are so right, I hope the Dems get crushed in November. They certainly have given the Republicans enough ammo. To top it off they went against public opinion.
One can only hope the majority of people understand the dam that has broken. They certainly don't understand the current mess Obama has made. ussually one tries to get costs under control to balance things not further incur.
However, I see the Dems bringing in more legislation trying to get as many no-yet-legal Americans that would vote their way, on the voting lists a la the CWB.
I wouldn't put anything past them.
What I can't figure out is this:
Is there some inside the Dems pulling the strings that is playing off naivety, good intentions,greed, power hungry elements of the Dems to intentionally destroy, bring what America stands for to it's knees?
Or......are the politicions that completely out of to touch and have no comprehension as to what they are doing?
If you believe the first part read the book, "Shadow World" by Robert Chandler. It would explain some of the actions of the political left on both sides of the border.

Southern Quebec said...

Hahahaha... Is this bill going to make John Boehner cry? It will ruin his fake tan. Maybe he can go on Glenn Beck's show and they can have a crybaby fest... Poor, poor teabaggers.

Southern Quebec said...

There is a plus to this you know. Rush Limbough said he would leave the country if this bill passed. But I guess, because he is a Conservative, that he was lying and really won't leave America. Bummer...

Anonymous said...

Re:"Pelosi got you, and Obama is leading you down a path that we Canadians have been on since we were stupid enough to elect Trudeau."

Huntsy I think you need to crack open a history book. - United Farmers of Alberta created provincial health insurance when Trudeau was only sixteen years old!

liberal supporter said...

Righties Blowing a Gasket! Too Funny!
