Monday, August 28, 2006

Feminists, Promote Women Beyond Their Abilities

I remember on campus in the 70's, the great cry for women to be in top management positions. Being in Commerce, one of only 25 women at the time, I agreed.

Then I saw what companies were doing, they promoted women that they already had working for them, into positions they were unprepared to take, but the feminists were applauding, making us women think we were getting somewhere, we weren't!

The smarter ones realized very quickly, that we were being used, good old Peter's Principle was coming into effect. The women who had been promoted, through no fault of their own, a pilot project, became a way for companies to say, "See, we tried to promote women but they failed badly"

So much for the feminist cause, they set us women back 20 years.

They are still bleating for 50% of Parliament to be made up of women. GET REAL!!!!

What woman would leave her family for 7 to 8 months of the year, to get into politics? Is it any easier for a man, I don't think so, but I'm not a man. As a woman, I could never go into politics, I could not leave my children for those long periods of time, maybe that's why, we don't have 50% females in Parliament! The feminists won't tell you that though, supposedly us females are being repressed.

I have no desire to be a policeman, or a fireman, or a candle stick maker.

If a female can do the same job as a male, great, but I can tell you, if my house is burning, and I see a 120 pound female coming up the ladder to rescue me, I'm going to shout for a male.

As for my two white, male kids, I, as a female, over 40, have a better chance of getting a job with the fire department than my kids do!

So, if you see an old, under 100 pound female coming to rescue you in a fire, blame the liberal thinking that says minorities should have preference, over, young , strong, healthy, white males.

Liberals cry about gender inequilities, they spend very little time using common sense!


Jeanne said...

Yeah, I agree, women should be able to do the same job as men IF THEY WANT AND ARE ABLE TO. They shouldn't be FORCED TO. There is a reason we don't tend to get into the same types of jobs. Women are different from men, and it's about time feminists realized that, because everyone else knows it.

As for becoming a firefighter, hee hee, I'd probably do as good a job as any man and better than some I know,... I happen to be a big strong female. :) Not that I am planning on going out and doing that any time soon...

Suzanne said...


You're so right about this.

But you know, just because you're not a candidate doesn't mean you're not in politics. Look at us! Look at what we're doing! We're stirring up dust and shaking things up!

Maybe some day, when my kids are older, I'll be glad to try to run for elected office (assuming I find an office I want to run for). It's true that women some networking years, but hey, here's the bonus:


See, that's not a plus in feminists' eyes.