Saturday, August 05, 2006

Women's Rights, Why The Silence??

If the Lib/NDP are the party of the people, why the silence when women are treated worse that animals in Afghanistan? Why do they call for us to withdraw from Afghanistan when the people there need us to ensure freedom for all Afghanistans, especially women. How can these parties justify siding with terrorists against Israel?

Here is one tough lady that the Lib/NDP need to listen to, but they won't, and even if they do, they will write her off as not representing their "values"!! They remind me of the blind leading the blind. Actually, I shouldn't disrespect the blind in that way, sorry!

Distorting of the news by both CBC and CTV is getting so sickening I refuse to watch either one, but I bet the idiots in Toronto are eating it up. I say, we should start to boycott any company who advertises on either of these networks until they start REPORTING the news instead of MAKING in up!

The silent majority has been silent for too long, the lefties think we are sheep, well, this sheep might not go out and protest, that is soooo unCanadian, but I will boycott, and I will tell them why I am doing it! Ford is first on my list, and we are buying 2 vehicles, money talks, something the terrorists fail to understand, until they have none to build schools that hid an ammunitions bunker.

The majority has got to stop being silent, we need to start showing our support of our military, we need to start using our wallets where it counts. Now who knows of a company that we should boycott??

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