Sunday, August 27, 2006

School Supply Shopping! YUCK!

Okay, it's that time of year again, me and the kids headed out to get those school supplies!

Be prepared for long lineups at the cashiers, it takes time to ring in all those pencils, rulers, and duotangs. Still have no clue what a plastic magazine holder is, but got everything else!

What a money making time of the year for retailers! It's not just the supplies, it's the new clothes, backpacks, and let's not forget those new, non-mark leaving runners.

Then you get to go to the school's and actually register the kids, one kid's fees were $240, for text rental, locker, band, and whatever else!

Needless to say, we are now broke and exhausted!

What a treat back to school is! YUCK!

1 comment:

Kunoichi said...

I hear ya! We home school so, thankfully, we don't have to go through all that. We can buy what we need, when we need it - and don't have to help supply classrooms with things like facial tissues! I honestly don't see how families can afford it anymore! We're "middle income" earners, yet there's no way we'd be able to buy all the supplies schools require these days without going into debt. The sacrifices lower income families have to make really disturb me.