Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Boom is off the Patch

As everyone knows Alberta is booming. Well actually, the boom is off the patch, things are quieting down, which isn't a bad thing. Quiet here in Alberta is still pretty hectic. Albertans aren't worried, the oil is still there, and heck, maybe we can get some of them there equalization payments, you thunk?

Lefties like to refer to us as rednecks, and we are supposed to be insulted. Do the lefties even know that a red-neck comes from working hard in the sun all day? Feeding people is a noble career, I wish I wasn't stuck in a city, my deepest desire is to start a "pick your own" vegetable farm. But liberals scoff at farmers, as the ruling last week shows, western farmers are not to be given the same freedoms as eastern farmers, discrimination I think.

I see the trucks and trains bringing goods to us and sending our goods on their way, and every time I do, I think of Ayn Rand's, Atlas Shrugged. When I first read it over 20 years ago, I thought it was a great fiction, with some hints of truth, now, I think it is very truthful, with hints of fiction. That's what liberals have done to our society, they praise the unproductive artist, and denigrate the productive farmer.

Personally, it makes me sick.

It makes me worry about my children's future, will the trucks and trains stop? Will the liberal values of sex (of any kind, swinger clubs come to mind), drugs, and as I get older, euthanasia, win out over conservative values of family, community, tough crime measures, and love of country?

Canadians have to get out of the cities and get back to their colonial roots. A deep love of country, with a big boost of common sense, added to pride of ownership, gives us a true Canadian, but liberals don't want that, they want sheep.

If you haven't read Atlas Shrugged, I highly recommend it, as you are reading it, substitute our political party leaders for characters in the book, it might open your eyes.

What really got me thinking about this was coming home from holidays, there had been a mudslide near Golden, and as we drove through, I could see parts of the highway dropping off, it was scary, and I told all my family not to go that way until the new road was opened. Atlas Shrugged, a train stuck in a tunnel in the mountains.

Crumbling roads, bridges falling, while special interest groups get millions of dollars, this is the Liberal legacy, this is Atlas Shrugged coming true. I suggest all like minded people come west, I feel that we are the last hope.

Read Atlas Shrugged, see who you identify with, who is your hero? Is the west the last hope, or are easterners going to wake up? For the sake of my country, I hope common sense prevails.

The boom is off the patch, because the lefties have made climate change a false issue.

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