Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lefties Killing Van Doos!

These are Afghan children who escaped the Taliban and had to live in refugee camps.

You can bet the Taliban have heard about Quebec's lack of support for our troops. You can bet that they are going to be out to get them, because the lefties have "cut and run" on all of our troops, not just the Van Doos.

Another two of our brave soldiers have paid the ultimate price, my condolences to the families. I blame the lefties, from the Mayor of Calgary, who won't even allow decals supporting the troops, to the opposition leaders who are so intent on winning votes, that they have forgotten the fact that these are real Canadians, fighting a real enemy.

Both parties say they "support the troops", but neither does, and that's just sad. The Liberals are now so left of center that they won't even vote for a mission that they started! Who does Dion OWE for his leadership? I don't really care, what I care about is the fact that the defeatist attitude of the opposition, is putting our troops in more harm. That ticks me off.

Let's send Dion and Layton to Afghanistan so they can see first hand the great job our troops are doing. They should go while the crops of poppy are being harvested, a very dangerous time for not only our troops, but for Afghan kids coming home from school.

Life is cheap to lefties, even when an election is years away. As a Mother of two kids, I am so glad that we live in Canada, I can't imagine how the Afghanistan Mom's can live with the fear of losing a child. After you have carried a child in your womb for nine months, that child becomes your life, your reason for living, every Mom will tell you that, but, because these are Afghan children, they don't mean as much as Canadian children? Hogwash! It appears that the lefties don't care, not for our soldiers, and not for the Afghan people.

The Conservatives want to win the female vote, here's the way. Bring the focus onto the Afghan children, show us Mom's how they are living and what our country is doing to improve their lives. It's not enough to say more females are in school, show us some pictures, I can guarantee that any Mom, anywhere will support the party that is helping those babies. Look at how beautiful they are, nobody should live in fear, especially not children!

Lefties spout about supporting the helpless, but I guess when it comes right down to it, the hopeless are their supporters.

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