Friday, August 24, 2007

Support The Troops, Not The Mission? BS

Okay, I'm sick and tired of the lefties mantra, "I support the troops, but not the mission". BS! This gives me a headache, because it's not possible to do both.

First of all, how many people really know what our troops are trained to do? Do they understand that they have guns, and know how to use them, to you know, kill the enemy? They have tanks, grenades, bombs, and other useful tools that they use to help them survive, while killing terrorists. This I suspect is the problem for lefties, our troops are trained to do a job, very few of us would be willing to do ourselves.

Police, firefighters, and paramedics all help people. Let a police officer actually use their guns when under attack, the lefties shout "police brutality", and the criminal becomes the victim. That's how their brains work, violence by anyone is wrong, even if it's someone like our troops who are protecting the very freedoms that we hold dear. Don't even get me started about our liberal judges, they disgust me.

Should we pull all police off our streets, because some of them have gotten killed this year? How about firefighters, maybe they shouldn't go into fires anymore, some of them have been killed this year too.

Go over to the G&M, if you can stand it, the comments there give a good idea of how lefties think, they are going to wear black on Fridays, because wearing red to support our troops is too American. BS, they are upset because Canadians ARE shouting them down just by wearing red on Fridays and putting stickers on their cars. How they must hate seeing those stickers. How they must cringe when they actually see a real soldier. Remember the "Troops in our cities" Liberal ad, that was approved, but was never "officially" released, that's their mind set. Troops bad. Period!

Here's a taste of some of the comments:

M j from Canada writes: What colour should I wear if I don't support the troops? Standing armies are a shameful waste of public money, particularly for a socialist democracy.(my bolding) Return one of those big planes and feed Canada's hungry for a YEAR with the money. I'll support that.

evelyn robinson from Canada writes: This is not about troops support; this is the government's attempt to
brain wash the public to pretend to support the war.
Ridiculous; to claim that wanting our withdrawal from the mess in Afghanistan means we do not support the troops. Leaving the troops in Afghanistan to die or get maimed is NOT support.
Wear black/ much more appropritate to mourn those we have already lost.

So, forgive me if the "I support the troops but not the mission" crap, gets called what it is, BULLSHIT!


Anonymous said...

Just a word of encouragement. You have a great blog, hunter, whether or not you get many comments! Another good one today.

An American

hunter said...

Thanks my American friend!