Sunday, August 26, 2007

Who Has The Power?

This has been an interesting two weeks. I had a multifamily garage sale, made $600, but that isn't the interesting point. Our back alley was all chewed up by the huge garbage/recycling trucks that come down the alley. We now get two trucks, one for garbage, the other for recycled material, this means 4 trips down our alley. We had a huge hole in our alley, that was taking out our cars left and right, so I put a big sign out to warn people coming to our garage sale, and who showed up? One of our city counsellors, who promised to get it fixed. Which I have to admit, he did, just one week later, our alley was fixed, so thanks.

Then today we got a candidate who wants to be our new counsellor show up at our door. His big qualification for the job is that he forced University students to pay for a bus pass, whether they used the bus or not, kind of like the Liberal plan to make all people pay for a universal daycare, whether they use daycare or not. He's not getting my vote.

Here is the problem we face as voters, a city representative does not have to declare whether they are Liberal, Conservative, Green or NDP, but once elected their mindset dictates how they vote.

We have three levels of government, federal, provincial and municipal. Both the federal and provincial candidates have to declare what party they support, not so the municipal candidates. Yet they are the ones who get our roads cleared, get our potholes fixed, their impact on our everyday live is greater than the federal MP's, so why don't we know what party they are aligned with? This guy was NDP, through and through, just reading his brochure tells me that, yet we ignore the municipal politicians, we should not, they are the ones with all the power over our quality of life.

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