Saturday, January 17, 2009

Found Money!

Are you bored? Try this. Remember a few years ago the guy would said he could find money you might have forgotten? You could phone him and he charged you by the minute to look it up?

Of course it was a scam, but my husband phoned him, and he was told that he had left $5 in an account in PEI, the cost of the call was $20. How was the guy doing it? How was he finding all that money for people?

I'm pretty sure he was using this:

The Bank of Canada has a service called Unclaimed Balances, all you do is put in your name and up comes the result. Try it, maybe someone you know has forgotten some money somewhere. It's really easy to claim the money, and some amounts are substantial.

Have fun finding money for free!


maryT said...

Darn, my name is not on the list, and neither are any long lost relatives. Back to waiting for my 649 to come in. LOL

Anonymous said...

Decades ago, my father received a few solicitations from some company which would search for our family coat of arms and tartan - the implication being that we would be some sort of UK titled people. Uh, we're Lebanese and, as far as I can determine, we have no family coat of arms, nor do we have a tartan named after our family.

What is sad is that people fall for this stuff...along with the Nigerian mail fraud scheme. I can't believe how people still fall for it - for years, it has been exposed over and over again as a fraud but people still buy into it.

PS - I have no wealthy relatives who died with huge fortunes. Like MaryT, my name did not show up.

Southern Quebec said...

If you have the time, read this attachment. It is a twist on a Nigerian scammer by a British guy. It is hysterical -- but long. (Worth it though).

PS My name wasn't there either -- so you are stuck with me. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't be too hasty, SQ. I'll see about taking up a collection for you. I'll get back to you on that.