Monday, January 05, 2009

Thou Doest Protest Too Much!

Really lefties, we are tired of your endless bleating about any cause that cranks your engines. Think back to the "ban the bra" protests, how's that working out for you ladies, a little droopy now are you? Then there were the protests against the Vietnam War, blaming the soldiers that were fighting for freedom, while the hippies did LSD and forgot what had build America.

We have protesters for everything these days, the most recent, those protesters against Israel. Let's not forget the protesters for the Tamil terrorists, the childcare protesters, the union picketers, and the environmental protesters. The list is endless, and people are getting protested out.

I find myself getting immune to these protests. All those rallies, with flags from other countries flying, make me mad. Immigrants come to Canada to escape their pathetic lives in their "old" country, but they still protest what is happening back home. Tough, either get with life in Canada or go back to your conflicts. Either you want a new life here, or you want to bring your old hates here, but as a born and breed Canadian, I do not want your conflicts spilling over into my families life. Go back and help your people if you feel so strongly for your cause. Like the hippies of old, only you care about Hamas, Hezbollah, Tamil and the Taliban, all of which are terrorist organizations.

Some comments from CTV:
Remember this for here is truth!

As many have said before, if the Palestinians would lay down their weapons, there would be peace. If the Israelis would lay down their weapons, there would be no Israel.

Pat in Ontario
Does anyone "deomocratically" elect a terrorist regime? Didn't happen in USSR, didn't happen in Cuba. The Palestinians need to get rid of the Hamas, the cowards who hide behind their "people" (read pawns) & at any opportunity launch rockets into Israel. Palestinians are being terrorized by their own leadership!

Judging by the planned protests that have been televised, the Muslim leaders have orchestrated this whole event worldwide.

Let Israel & the Palestinians duke it out once and for all. As far as I'm concerned, Israel will be doing the Palestinian people a favor by getting rid of the Hamas.

Israel is acting in the only way that the Hamas understands. It was Hamas that started to fire rocket into Israel, hundreds every day so this is the only logical move to be made. If Hamas and the Palestinian people want peace then they should prove it and stop attacking any one that is not in agreement with their beliefs.

Jan Webb, Victoria, B.C.
From Jan. through Nov. of 2008, Hamas, who is funded largely by Iran, launched 1212 rockets and 1290 mortar bombs from Gaza into southern Israel. For many weeks, Israel had been imploring Hamas to stop shooting, to allow farmers to attend their fields. Hamas refused. Israel responded after a long 11 months with an offensive into Gaza. At least they telephoned prior to this, informing Hamas to move any civilians away from the targeted military areas to avoid casualties. It is not their desire to see innocent people and children suffer. Israel's offensive remains a military one, as opposed to Hamas. I have little respect for Hamas' bombing of Israeli day cares, schools, supermarkets with the INTENT to kill Israeli civilians. Their agenda remains to wipe Israel off the face of the map. I support Israel in her efforts to have an international team to help enforce the ceasefire. It seems the rest of the world is more concerned with the fate of Palestinian children that Hamas is.

It appears that Canadians are not being fooled by these protests.

Thou doest protest too much.


Southern Quebec said...

I guess it's different when Cons protest on Parliament Hill?

This post makes virtually no is rambling...massive FAIL!

Bec said...

It makes perfect sense and that was not a PROTEST, it was a RALLY.

Big difference and it wasn't just conservatives. To bad, we know you hate to hear that fact!

What I want to know is why these people hate Israel so much and support hamas? I cannot seem to have that explained to my satisfaction.

Alberta Girl said...

And right on que - SQ shows up to counter whatever Hunter has posted about today! Sheesh.

Yes, Bec - I too would like to know why so many lefties seem to be for Hamas and against Israel.

I heard a CNN reporter interviewing Michael Bloomberg yesterday on Adler; her questioning was the most asinine and stupid line of questioning I have ever heard. It was so obvious she was anti Israel.

Excellent Post Hunter

maryT said...

I also think this is a great post. I wonder how many reading it know what the ban the bra protests were.
The rally on Parliament Hill was to support the cdn elected govt, and against a coup by enemies of Canadaa.
I think anyone supporting the terrorists, here in Canada, should have to go back home and do their protesting there. What, you mean they would be killed, beheaded, raped, gee. We have a Canadian flag and it is the only one we should see cdns carrying.
Have Codere or Layton shown up at these protests yet.

Anonymous said...

SQ cracks me up - a typical lefty robot who just has to jump in with some sort of bullcrap which has not relevance or sense behind it.

I, also, am surprised that the lefties support Hamas and not Israel. Unless, of course, lefties are anti-Semitic. I'd love to see lefties living under a regime such as Hamas - that would be hilarious. I'd love to see lefties go and live in Saudi or Iran. Heh heh.

SQ - you are the massive failure, not Hunter. The fact that you don't know your butt from a hole in the ground is proof of that. What is your obession with Hunter? Are you that much in love with her that you just can't stay away? Get help. I do believe that Hunter is totally not accessible to the likes of you.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're still singing the us and them song, Hunter of voters. It sounds a lot like that speech of Ralph's you like so much.

Bec -

Rally: A gathering, especially one intended to inspire enthusiasm for a cause

Protest: An individual or collective gesture or display of disapproval.

Not a lot of difference between the two from where I sit - (Lefty Robot that I must be of course)

SQ is absolutely correct in asserting Hunter's post makes no sense. But it IS funny she's still tired of "burning bra" protests from forty years ago! Nice segway to the Middle East!I mean nice non sequitur! I'm protested right out already! Ha!

Hint - if you always take the chair on the right everyone else who sits down will be to your left.

robins111 said...

Seems like the leftards are finally waking up to the internet/blogsphere.

You are right Hunter, it seems that there is a sort of a rent a protest industry in Canada.

I believe that the same people show up for most of the sniveling, lefty complaint-a-thons.

Now it appears they are watching the blogsphere and making sure that an opinion which they object to is quickly slapped down.



I prefer rallies, they are cleaner, and the company is better, plus someone always has good coffee.

Anonymous said...


SQ's comment was dissenting but not rude. Surely there is no need to call anyone a 'tard. What is the point of MORE us and them? They protest and we rally? We're cleaner? Our company is better? And we have coffee?

Uh Huh. Coolio.

Anonymous said...

"Politics used to be about going to vote. That all changed as I became aware of all the harm lefties were doing to our social structure. Ordinary families are under assault, and have got to get involved, before it's too late, before society has been changed for good. My blog is an attempt to raise issues that impact families, or ones that just plain bug me!"

Hunter's own blog is a protest!

Anonymous said...

I agree Hunter.

I read somewhere (can't remember where) that there will be no peace in the middle east till the Muslums start loving their children MORE then they hate the Jews.

For those who are wondering when this conflict in Isreal will end the statement above is probably a good indication.

Anonymous said...


Good grief.

liberal supporter said...

I read somewhere (can't remember where) that there will be no peace in the middle east till the Muslums start loving their children MORE then they hate the Jews.
That is a quote from Golda Meir.

Anonymous said...

Good quote. Golda Meir was a very smart lady. It is pretty disgusting that the Muslim terrorists use their children as decoys or shields. It is as low as you can get.

Oh, Stereo-obnoxious, anybody can make a spelling mistake. You probably don't remember that it was once spelled Moslem. Jerk-face - you make spelling and grammar errors, as well.

Anonymous said...


"Oh, Stereo-obnoxious, anybody can make a spelling mistake. You probably don't remember that it was once spelled Moslem. Jerk-face - you make spelling and grammar errors, as well."

While it is true, anyone can make a spelling mistake and certainly, I am no exception - I do feel more care could be taken - ie in ascribing authors to quotes and spelling the proper name of a giant swath of a global population;)

Surely, it wasn't exactly obnoxious of me (though pedantic perhaps) to suggest that but more to the point and still on the topic of us and them politics, I want to ask you - how do you think calling me jerk-face advances the discussion?

Anonymous said...

Calling you jerk-face doesn't advance the discussion any more than your input does. So, I guess that kind of balances things out. Your input is usually silly and usually tries to put down Hunter. For you and Southern Quebec - if you don't like what Hunter writes, you are free to go elsewhere. But, no, you guys just have to drop in and make your little comments which disrupt our own discussion.

Anonymous said...

Silly? Oh please offer me an example.

Anonymous said...

I mean, if my remarks are silly, you should be able to refute them summarily without resorting to ad hominems and name calling.

maryT said...

Just read that the unelected interm leader has ordered his flock not to show up at Isreal protests. Who is the dictator now.
That explains why codere is absent.
Talk about stupid, read the NNW story of the skier who was rescued and says he will do it again. Bet he doesn't smoke as it is dangerous to your health.
How much are these rent a crowds paid to protest, and how do they get around the world. Who is paying them or their expenses.
Is the Syd Ryan that wants to ban Isreali professors, lecturers etc from Ont universities the same guy supporting the overthrow of our government.
Decertify CUPE asap.

Southern Quebec said...

"The rally on Parliament Hill was to support the cdn elected govt, and against a coup by enemies of Canadaa"

1) Only 3 a's in Canada. (Make a note.)
2) There has never been (or attempted) coup in Canada; and
3) Who are these enemies, and do I need to be afraid?

FWIW: I never, ever, name call. I AM sarcastic. My sarcasism is inversely proportional to the level of stupid posted. The wingers are always the first ones to resort to ad hominem attacks. Just sayin'...

Alberta Girl said...

"2) There has never been (or attempted) coup in Canada;

Yeah, there has


A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover:

Given that three unelected losers got together signed some papers and were going to take over within one weeks time is in my mind, the definition of Coup.

But nice try in justifying the unjustifiable.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong, ABG. It has already been established.

Anonymous said...

A proposed coalition of the majority in the face of non confidence in the minority is not a coup. In the face of a coup there would be no option to seek prorogation.

Alberta Girl said...

"You are wrong, ABG. It has already been established."

Yes, established by those who desire to sanitize this thing into something legitimate.

It has been established in the minds of many that it is a coup - plain and simple. I would say that the majority of Canadians would agree with me.

It is easy to justify anything - just listen to Wacko-Jacko on the "tapes" bringing up possible "cons" and then handing out the "talking points" to defend against them.

If something is legitimate, you don't need to dream up defenses to counter perceived attacks.

The whole thing stunk and still stinks even though there is a concerted whitewashing and sanitizing attempt at play though the media.

Anonymous said...

The proposed coalition has always been completely legitimate and completely within the protocols of parliament - all the way down to PMSH exercising his option to prorogue.

In a coup situation - you don't get to go to the GG and get permission to stall parliament. In a coup all bets are off. This is a fundamental difference you don't seem too clear on.

Your loyalty to your party is admirable but completely flawed on this issue, ABG. The majority of Canadians would probably NOT agree with you as the majority of Canadians are represented by the majority of elected parliamentarians, ie. NDP, Bloc and Liberals (potentially the coalition)! Also, the majority of Canadians have enquiring minds. They don't stand on received wisdom and they usually read more than one paper.

How did the public come to be in possession of those tapes again? Wasn't that Nixon's great trick? You're right it did smell like a fart at the time and the stench lingers and it's sticking hard to PMSH and his gang's corduroy trousers.

liberal supporter said...

It has been established in the minds of many that it is a coup - plain and simple. I would say that the majority of Canadians would agree with me.
Wow! I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see you actually wrote that.

By your logic: It has been established in the minds of many that Stephen Harper is scary. I would say that the majority of Canadians would agree with me.

Does that make such a statement true? We already see science being subjected to some sort of popularity contest, I suppose if enough people decided the law of gravity was wrong, we would all just start floating around. Now our very language is subject to a popularity contest? Do you really want to build your entire argument on a misunderstanding of the meaning of some word?

A coup, short for coup d'état is the unconstitutional overthrow of a government. That is not the case here. The Queen would continue to reign. The GG would continue to preside. Our government would not have been overthrown any more than elections cause an "overthrow". Not only would the GG continue in her role, she would actually be the one inviting any group claiming to have the confidence of the House to form a government.

I know you love to snigger about those lefties getting their knickers in a knot over the coalition being called a "coup", but do you think you could provide an actual argument?

The fact is, our Constitution does not make any mention of political parties. They are neither outlawed (as in dictatorships) nor are they required. The party system is only a convention that simplifies matters for the Head of State, but the Head of State can invite anyone to attempt to form a government, so long as they can gain the confidence of the House. Stephen Harper still technically has the confidence of the House, because the House has not had the opportunity to sit and vote otherwise.

If something is legitimate, you don't need to dream up defenses to counter perceived attacks.
Are you serious? After three years of non-stop "defenses" being dreamed up daily and dispensed by the CPC and the BTs, how can you make such a claim? Is everything the CPC has done not legitimate? I thought Stephen Harper was the master chess genius, always five moves ahead of everybody else. Would not being several moves ahead amount to dreaming up defenses to perceived possible attacks?

Southern Quebec said...

Life must be good when you can define your own "reality" eh, AG?

"Yes, established by those who desire to sanitize this thing into something legitimate."

It was

"I would say that the majority of Canadians would agree with me."

Wrong again...get real...

Southern Quebec said...

Real lefties don't wear knickers! :)

liberal supporter said...

For some reason, I have this image of Paul Hogan in front of a huge army, pointing to Harper and the coalition leaders saying "That's not a coup!"

Anonymous said...

For some reason I have this image of John Baird writing on his blog and finishing up by writing, "If something is legitimate, you don't need to dream up defenses to counter perceived attacks." And then signing off with his Alberta Girl handle.

Alberta Girl said...

Well Hunter - I see your resident lefties have taken over here.

Laugh all you want - if you are so confident in your legitimacy - let's have an election and put the Coalition on the ballot.

That way we will see,once and for all, how your 62% really falls out in the wash.

Or is the Coalition too afraid to put their name to a vote.

liberal supporter said...

Nice channel change, AG. So you must have conceded that the coalition is not a coup at all. Thanks.

I think before we have an election we need to deal with the fact that the CPC is supported by lots of religious people redirecting their church donations to the CPC. The problem is that those donations can be made up by others, such as corporations or foreigners, who are not bound by the $1,100 per person per year limit. It's completely legal, yet I think it is wrong.

hunter said...

Funny SQ for such a massively failed post, you sure keep coming back and bringing all your little lefty friends.

If the voters think it was a coup, then they will vote against it, so let's have an election and see how it all pans out.

LS what are you talking about? All parties have the same rules for fund raising, it's just too bad the Liberals can't fund their own cause. You do know that Catholics tend to vote Liberal now don't you LS?

Alberta Girl said...

"CPC is supported by lots of religious people redirecting their church donations to the CPC."


Where did you get that from. LS - if you have a link - please provide it. Otherwise it is just you spouting off.

Oh - and by the way - in no way do I concede that it was not a coup. No matter how much you say it wasn't.

liberal supporter said...

Where did you get that from. LS - if you have a link - please provide it. Otherwise it is just you spouting off.
It is still under investigation. I'm sure it will be revealed more formally at the right time.

It is well known that your people are busy whipping congregations to donate to the CPC, and the churches don't mind because the money is made up by others. Just another "in and out" to circumvent the laws from the party that invented "in and out".

Oh - and by the way - in no way do I concede that it was not a coup. No matter how much you say it wasn't.
And the sun is blue. No matter how much you say it isn't. Is that your argument? I have provided textbook evidence of the normal meaning of "coup". You have provided what? Your say-so?

We will certainly have an election, but not immediately. It seems you want to blow yet another $300 million when we just had one mere months ago. We do not have time for continued paralysis as the economy founders and the US makes decisions without any word from us while we are busy navel gazing. No. We need a government to govern, and while your party does not have the confidence of the House, others do. I suspect there will be an election this year, after immediate action is taken on the economy. A government with the confidence of the House will result in an economy with the confidence of Canadians. Look how the US is already seeing confidence improve and the new administration is not even in power. So it will be here.

As for an election deciding if the word "coup" means constitutionally allowed change of government, that is a silly reason to spend $300 million, again. Just look in a dictionary and save $300 million. Shall we also have a referendum on whether the earth is warming? How about a referendum on gravity? I would support the "no grav" faction, I'd make a fortune selling ground hooks to people in danger of floating away. Those full of hot air are an especially lucrative market.

Alberta Girl said...

Just as i thought LS - no link and too chicken to go to the people.

liberal supporter said...

Just as i thought LS - no link and too chicken to go to the people.
Really reaching, eh AG?
Just as I thought AG - no argument and full of sneers. I love revealing what is going on and watching you sniff and ignore it. Makes great "told ya so" stuff later.

Usually this is about where you will launch the ad hominem about my sexuality or lack of it, my body parts or lack of them, and my psychological makeup or lack of it. (Yawn).

Keep up with the smirking though. It may yet resonate with people other than your own partisans. You never know.


Alberta Girl said...

Riiiigghtt LS - that's it - you've figured me out...

Too funny...

hunter said...

You didn't answer my question LS, what about all those Catholics that support the Liberals, this is a well known fact. Aren't they religious?

Bec said...

"You can make a political donation to registered political entities only if you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada."

GO see the rest for your self.

This is all part of the accountability act, put in place after the theft of millions of dollars from the taxpayers of Canada by the Liberal Party of Canada. Commonly referred to as, ADSCAM.....

liberal supporter said...

You didn't answer my question LS, what about all those Catholics that support the Liberals, this is a well known fact. Aren't they religious?

I'm sure the RC's are religious, but the Roman Catholic Church restricts itself to moral suasion these days. It gave up on mixing religion and state years ago. It is certain evangelical churches who want legal enforcement of their religious views, who are throwing financial support to parties they like, and are involved in donation swapping.

A church with 10,000 members could donate over $10 million to the CPC. Just to put some numbers on it, suppose the LDS decided to support the CPC. This is the same church that supported Proposition 8 in California, spending $20 million on one proposition alone. While I am not suggesting the LDS is interested in the CPC, I am using this as an example of how the numbers would work. They have between 50,000 and 100,000 members in Alberta alone, 178,000 in Canada. So if just the Alberta members donated to the CPC, the CPC would get $50 Million, at $1000 a piece. Meanwhile the US LDS at 5.8 million members would need $10 each and they would be able to have a major influence on an election in Canada.

Considering they spent $20 million on a single proposition to ban gay marriages in one US state, it is quite easy to see they would be willing to spend a similar amount to get the entire CPC socon agenda implemented here. That would be very useful for supporting a similar agenda in the US.

It's a major loophole. The CPC benefits from it because of their radical socon agenda. Not content with that, they want to undo half of the previous arrangement without undoing the other half. You know, the one where all parties gave up corporate donations in exchange for having each voter send $1.95 to the party of their choice.

liberal supporter said...

"You can make a political donation to registered political entities only if you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada."
Yes, and every political contribution donor fits that definition and makes their $1,100 allowed limit. Many of these people already tithe to their church, so they can divert $1,100 of that to the CPC. But to make up that diverted money, the church can take donations of any amount from anyone, anywhere. See how donation shifting works?

This is all part of the accountability act, put in place after the theft of millions of dollars from the taxpayers of Canada by the Liberal Party of Canada. Commonly referred to as, ADSCAM.....
The so called "accountability act", which means that Adscam would never be found out if it happened today, was put in place by the CPC. The ban on corporate donations was put in place by the previous government.

hunter said...

Oh, I see where the lefties are going now.... after the religious of course! Who would have guessed?

LS if every university and college lefty donated only $10 to their lefty parties, you too could have $$$ in your political parties pocket.

Please go to elections Canada and see who has all the $1100 donors, and a few dead people donating to them, it's not the Conservatives.

Don't blame religious people for the Liberals lack of funding, too bad those Catholics don't maximize their donations to the Liberal party, problem would be solved.

How about all those lefty unions, they could do exactly what you are accusing the religious organizations of doing.

Get your head out of....the door and grab some fresh air, next you will be telling us that 9/11 was not Islamic terrorists. Or that Hezbollah is just a political party like your beloved Liberals...hey, I might be on to something there. HA.

Bec said...

Just go read the link.

It is very unhealthy for someone to actually believe the things that you do.
I am saying that with sincerity because I think it is great to debate but not with propaganda. The things you are saying cannot happen.
Besides all of that you are describing mind control and I can guarantee, you will not find 20 people in any church setting that agree politically let alone discuss it.

Nope,all the things in your conspiracy theory are completely illegal in this country.

However, something similar but with big business, was how the Liberals, fund raised until Chretien, changed the rules. We then had an update with the accountability act.

I won't be back so just go read the link!!Cheers...

liberal supporter said...

Oh, I see where the lefties are going now.... after the religious of course! Who would have guessed?
It's always "going after" with you isn't it? This is simply a major loophole being exploited by special interest groups and you appear to be defending the practice.

Please go to elections Canada and see who has all the $1100 donors, and a few dead people donating to them, it's not the Conservatives.
Well then, where is the CPC's money coming from?

Don't blame religious people for the Liberals lack of funding,
It is not a matter of "blame" it is a matter of a major loophole in financing laws, being exploited by some. The "in and out" was based on a loophole, wasn't it?

too bad those Catholics don't maximize their donations to the Liberal party, problem would be solved.
I suspect the RC church is not interested in donation swapping because it is a scam, though legal. Plus they probably realize it will eventually be exposed.

How about all those lefty unions, they could do exactly what you are accusing the religious organizations of doing.
No they can't. Your union dues are compulsory. Nobody donates to a union, so there is no shift possible. The donation swap works because people are already donating to their church. The money is simply swapped to the CPC and replaced by unrestricted donations from elsewhere. So the donor here is not changing their donation level.

Get your head out of....the door and grab some fresh air,
As predicted, my body parts again.

next you will be telling us that 9/11 was not Islamic terrorists.
Why would I do that? Have you some evidence of a wider conspiracy than OBL and the 19 hijackers most of whom were Saudis?

Or that Hezbollah is just a political party like your beloved Liberals...hey, I might be on to something there. HA.
For some reason it is ok to compare the Liberals with terrorists and with communist dictatorships. But any comparison of the CPC with nazis is verboten. Why the double standard?

Hezbollah is a movement with a political arm and a military/terrorist arm. Similar to the IRA and Sinn Fein, except the two arms in Hezbollah intermingle a lot more. It is more like the Church in the middle ages, when the Pope had an army as well as the network of churches. Considering it is the year 1430 in the Islamic calendar, it would seem they are doing what we were doing in 1430 AD. I hope the age of enlightenment comes to them a few centuries sooner than it did for us.

So, ad hominem to me and to the Liberal party aside, you continue to have not refuted my argument.

liberal supporter said...

Just go read the link.\
I know the elections law.

It is very unhealthy for someone to actually believe the things that you do.
It is even more unhealthy that it can happen.

I am saying that with sincerity because I think it is great to debate but not with propaganda. The things you are saying cannot happen.
Yes they can, and they do.

Besides all of that you are describing mind control and I can guarantee, you will not find 20 people in any church setting that agree politically let alone discuss it.
Interesting choice of phrase, "mind control". This is why I don't think the major churches are involved in this. It is not mind control, it is zero sum for most of the donors and they get the satisfaction of doing something to have laws changed to suit them, as opposed to the more mundane charity work that churches are supposed to do.

Nope,all the things in your conspiracy theory are completely illegal in this country.
Giving someone money for an indirect donation is illegal. Even in leadership campaigns. An example was the Joe Volpe campaign where money was allegedly funneled through various people. In this case there is no indirect donation. You can always ask someone to make a political donation, even from the pulpit. The fact that a similar amount of money is donated back to the church from elsewhere, specifically to compensate for the loss, cannot be readily proven, and if it was, it is still not an "indirect donation". A court would have to rule that it is.

However, something similar but with big business, was how the Liberals, fund raised until Chretien, changed the rules. We then had an update with the accountability act.
The limits were much higher, and companies would donate in hopes of getting government business. Many would donate to all major parties, so they would be in good standing with them all. Donations to get business seems to me as being a lot less troublesome than donations from socon groups who aren't after business, but are after new laws that suit them to be forcibly imposed on all of us.

I won't be back so just go read the link!!Cheers...
Cheers to you!

hunter said...

You have no argument!

Conservatives get their funding from the grassroots Conservatives, some of who are religious. Not like the Liberals, who get their leadership money from those 12 and 13 year olds with enough money in their savings accounts to fund the Liberal party.

Why do Liberals still go to Tamil fundraisers, they have been declared a terrorist organization? Why do Liberals march along with people carrying Hezbollah flags?

You could care less about your own parties image and prefer to make up conspiracy theories about religious groups? Why has Iggy told Liberals to stay away from Hamas protests? Maybe you should spend your time at Liblogs to help straighten your party out.

Conservatives know what we stand for, Liberals are to used to just having power given to them to understand that they lost the last two elections due to their own stupidity and lack of morals. Maybe you should go to a Church and see if you climb out of the dark, into the light!

Alberta Girl said...

"Well then, where is the CPC's money coming from?"

You idiot - it comes from ordinary people - like me - who hasn't set foot in a church in years. For you to even suggest that their is some conspiracy with churches is beyond the pale.

The fact that you even believe this kind of idiocy tells me that you are a nut case.

"Nobody donates to a union,"

If you think that their is some vast conspiracy whereby churches get money under the table to the CPC; believe me the same thing could happen with the unions.

Do I think it does - no - BECAUSE THERE ARE RULES!!!!!!

BUT - since you brought up the Unions - I wonder about the list of them supporting the Coalition - I wonder about the professional signs, the paid advertising, the brochures. Where does that money come from LS - if not from your union dues. Yet they are out their lobbying for a political party - and you are paying for it, LS.

liberal supporter said...

And with a nice segue back to the topic:

"hunter and AG doth protest too much, methinks."

I'll have to call it for today though...

hunter said...

Hey Alberta Girl, I think LS has gone to lick his wounds, he had no backup (like I did) to agree with his point of view. It's hard for a Liberal to get support on a Conservative site, I wonder why that is? Which makes me wonder, why to lefties come to Conservative sites to get beat up?

Thanks for all the comments on this post, everyone obeyed the rules. Life is good!

maryT said...

What rubbish, I go to Mass every Sunday and have never heard a request for donations to any political party. And, as a tax preparer I know lots of people, myself included who do not use their donations receipts to Church or political party for deductions.
No way I want rev can to know what church I go to or what political party I support.