Over 30 years ago, my sister got grants for attending university, so she didn't have to pay the money taxpayers lent her back, it was free money. By the time I attended university, the grants were gone and getting a student loan depended on your parents income. I finally qualified for a loan in my last year, $770.00 to pay for tuition fees.
I had to move away from home to attend university, so I not only had to pay for tuition and books, but also rent, food, and everything else. I worked two or three jobs during the summer to save enough for the next year of university. I started saving for university at 15 years old by working and saving the money, not spending it on shoes or clothes, that is why I can not understand this whiner.
Rob Lang ·Poor old Rob thinks that taxpayers didn't GIVE him enough to live on. Well Rob baby, maybe you should have worked and saved your money, then you wouldn't have had to be a parasite on taxpayers backs. Rob is responding to this article:Top Commenter
Student debt bankrupting a generation
In 2006, Nereid Lake was a single mom with an undergraduate degree in French linguistics from Simon Fraser University and well on her way to a master’s degree in linguistics when Canada Student Loans informed her she had exceeded the lifetime lending limit of the federal program and would have to leave university — without her degree.Hey freeloader, cry me a river! Taxpayers do not owe you your education, pay for your 10% yourself! Just ask some of those lefty university students whether their tuition pays for their education, and they will say yes. Tell them that tuition only makes up about 10% for the actual cost of their education and they are shocked. This is the next generation set to run our country. Scary.
At the time, she had accumulated about $60,000 in student loans.
“Even though I had an armload of academic awards, I was forced to leave,” she says. “My aspiration was to work in the field of voice recognition cognitive science, getting computers to understand human language. Instead I had to take the first job I could, as a low-earning court clerk. Now I’m nearly 40 just barely making ends meet and still owe more than $50,000 in student debt. I naively thought student loans would be the great equalizer. Instead I’ve plunged into a student debt nightmare.”
My aspiration was...??? I aspire to be a world renowned best selling author, does that mean that I should get loans and grants to do it? NO! You can aspire all you want, but not on the taxpayer dime. Get a job and save your money. Nobody in the article challenges why these students have so much debt. No reporter asks them about their ability to go on an European vacation while attending school. Cry Me A River.
My son is working part time,.He has manged to save enough for tuition and books for the next year. Why can't those art student's do the same?
There is nothing wrong with student loans. You borrow the money, and you pay it back after you finish school. I had loans all the way through university, and paid them ALL back after I graduated.
What I do find interesting is that it is always about you. You did this, you did that so everyone else should too. (You sound like a very bitter person, but I digress).
How come you have a problem with students getting a hand, but when the Corporate Welfare Bums come with their buckets out, you think throwing cash at them is somehow AOK?
PS I never toured Europe...and education is a right!
Maybe you should have toured Europe and stayed there Southern Quebec.You still bitter about your separatist party losing to the commies.
SQ said:
"What I do find interesting is that it is always about you. You did this, you did that so everyone else should too. (You sound like a very bitter person, but I digress)."
Your entire comment SQ, is ABOUT YOU. I noticed that, did you?
It should also be pointed out that this is Hunter's blog and it can be about anything her little heart desires so yes, you did digress with your sarcasm.
As for handouts VS hand ups, ask any kid with a real work ethic that paid their own way and they will proudly display their accomplishment. The 'cry me a river' types will complain that it wasn't enough.
SQ ... education is NOT a right!! full stop nadda no way. If it were then I want to see you demand it.
"I demand that you educate me ... it is my right, and by the way I demand the right to get all A's on my transcript for my resume"
I call BS on "your right" - put a gun to my head!!
If education is a right, then getting passing marks are also a right. lol
I love the idea of distributing marks to average them out over the entire class. Wonder how many lefties would like that. But that would be the only way a lot of them would pass.
Having just completed a tax season, I did lots of returns for students, and the amt of carry fwd they have for tuition, books, etc is amazing. Perhaps those students with a great debt should have taken courses that lead to employment. I should also mention that the interest these students are paying on their loans is really not that much.
Sure glad all my kids and g/kids are in the trades, with journeyman tickets in several areas.
I don't know if "education is a right", but the Country provides you with a good free education through high school,after that, you're on your own,though there are lots of grants and scholarships available.
The federal government in the late 60's decided to give university education grants to people in chronically poor areas of Canada. My Mother lived in one of those areas,and got the grant,along with about twenty others.
She graduated in the top 10% of the class and went to work as a teacher until she retired.
Mom was lauded by all as she was the ONLY one to complete her degree and use it,all the others dropped out before they finished their degree.
Sometimes people just won't be helped.
SQ ... where are you? Your education right is waiting. Please school me as that is my right!!!
WCT nails SQ to the wall! Education is NOT a right. I wonder how SQ would feel if everyone graduating could get free education to be an accountant like she is. Does university educated SQ understand that her degree would be meaningless? That her wage would drop because everyone would have the same degree, making hers useless.
Actually eduction is a right, schooling is not. Anyone can get an eduction from a wide variety of sources. Yes, this can be from a school, and depending on what field someone is training in, that might be the most efficient way to get a specific education. Or, you can utilize such resources as the library, apprenticeships, mentorships, and experience (direct or indirect).
What debt-ridden students are complaining about isn't education costing so much, but the cost of schooling in very expensive institutions - and there's no right to that.
The commentor you quoted was pretty prolific in his idiocy. I would have taken him more seriously if he's use the English language properly. It doesn't show much for the quality of his schooling!
Nereid Lake here. Yes: THAT Nereid Lake. I admit I’ve made some bad choices. There was the choice that saw me raising a child alone with no support. There was the choice that had me believing the rhetoric of the counsellors at my junior college: “The government would rather have you become a taxpayer than stay a welfare mom.”
Maybe I SHOULD have given the kid up for adoption. Maybe I SHOULD have shrugged my shoulders and said, “My parents had no money to put me through school: I guess I’ll just work as a waitress for my whole life, and my children will also remain bound to the menial-labour caste.”
But I don’t really believe that. What I actually believe is that Canada has probably lost award-winning intellects to our American-style education system, which is little more than a self-perpetuating oligarchy in drag.
By the way, I am not whinging about owing the debt that I owe. Whether or not I was sold a bill of goods, I took on a debt and I’m trying to take responsibility for it; I’ve never gone into default. It doesn’t come through well in the National Post article, but my major problem with the system is that the programs instituted to “help student debtors who have difficulty making their payments” are actually designed to fail: you become ineligible for these programs if you ever fall behind. It’s tempting to view this as having been engineered by the oligarchy to punish those of us who come from humble family origins for having dared to step beyond the menial-labour caste.
If you have managed to arrange your life so that you got through school without incurring significant student loan debt, I salute you; I am now married, and my husband has managed to do that too. I, however, found myself on Social Assistance (go ahead and take your pound of flesh for that one), a single parent (I suppose I should be flogged for that, too), and believing that Student Loans was the right course of action, the equalizing force that would permit me to crawl out of crippling poverty and utilize my (since then proved to be award-winning) intellect.
Incidentally, I have never been to Europe. I can’t afford to go on vacation. I live within my means, and don’t even use credit cards. But I can see that you don’t have enough perspective on Canadian poverty to appreciate that. So just go ahead and vilify me for trying to participate in society and finding the terms imposed on me for doing so rather difficult to live with.
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