Thursday, April 16, 2009

CNN Reporter AFTER The Cameras Are Off!

We have all seen the Chicago Tea Party video with the disgraceful CNN reporter, but have you seen what happened to her AFTER the CNN cameras were off?

Watch this, it starts with the video we have all seen, but after she has shut off the cameras, the crowd gives her a piece of their minds. That father with the baby has a few choice words for her.

Guess the MSM has forgotten that they aren't the only ones with video cameras! The arrogant CNN reporter thought she could frame the message, I'm sure CNN was patting itself on the back knowing they had distorted the true reason for the tea parties, and then we get the whole picture from a group with a video camera, turning the tables on them. HA! Too funny!

They also overstepped the bounds of reporting by constantly using the term "teabagging" which only a sexual pervert would have known the meaning of, but that's your lefties for you, it's all about power, money and sex.

UPDATE: My buddy Ardvark pointed me to this little video of Susan, she is such a fair and unbiased reporter. Well you decide.....


Ardvark said...

That is the most blatant bias I have ever seen in a reporter. It will be amazing if even CNN doesn't see this and she still has a job next month.

You may want to embed this little video below the one you just posted.

Compare and contrast.

maryT said...

CNN is losing viewers by the megatons, and is 3rd. Anderson Cooper is at the bottom for viewership. Stats at Drudge. After yesterdays coverage of the teaparties I think they will lose a lot more. Jon Stewart and Colbert tonight were terrible. Was there any reference to the fact that O ordered a university to cover up all religious symbols, before he would appear to give his speech. Also noticed at the easter egg roll that one of his daughters had to tell Michelle's mother to put her hand on her heart during the anthem. Another item the msm is ignoring is the negative press O is getting after the G20.
World leaders of Europe, the middle east and probably Cuba and Venezuala are laughing at him.

Bec said...

On the day this all happened, I plugged my nose and flipped on Canada's tax funded CBC.
The female gossip columnist, aka journalist was doing an analysis of the 'tea party' event.
Having watched this CNN video now,I suspect I know where she may have been getting her material.

It was equally biased and equally judgemental.
Why is it that a multiple trillion dollar deficit, taking several generations to eradicate through massive taxation, is okay with these journalists?
Do they not respect those that enjoy keeping more of their hard earned money?
It seems unconscionable to be disrespecting folks, that work hard and don't over extend, to bail out those that lived beyond their means.
To at least have been neutral, regardless of her personal opinion, would have made her human. This display showed her ZERO credibility as a journalist.

Shimmy said...
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Anonymous said...

Chuck Norris' drool on my lips - uh, I really don't want to contemplate that, at all. But, I think I understand your intended message.

Southern Quebec said...

Where were the teabaggers *teeheehee* when George Dubya was tanking the economy? Little Georgie is responsible for the mess they are in.

KURSK said...

Southern Quebec with a continuation of the weak minded sex references...

George w. created the problem?

I think it was the Dems that allowed much of the rot to begin with their ill informed policies in the 90's..

Southern Quebec said...

Those policies, Kursk, left W with a surplus. Which he then proceeded to piss away with tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

Martin said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Lovely. Our 'unbiased reporter' clearly has some pleasure in picking on individuals whom she can easily discredit instead of doing something resembling fair news coverage and debate.

KURSK said...

..and your mother wears army boots , Martin. Any other witty rejoinders in your Coles Notes book of Noel Coward?

I don't recall Rep. introducing the legislation that led to the biggest housing and financial crash in U.S. that spread world wide.

Forcing financial institutions to lend money to people for mortgages they obviously couldn't afford led to a disasterous results within 15 years.

That's all Bill Clinton, baby..

Southern Quebec said...

"I don't recall Rep. introducing the legislation that led to the biggest housing and financial crash in U.S. that spread world wide."

Keep repeating the lies, maybe someone (like maryT) will believe them.

No one forced the banks to lend. Another lie...

hunter said...

SQ prove that they are lies? It's easy to spout your mouth off, not so easy to prove that you are correct.

So, prove that Clinton did not bring in the bill that caused it all. Until you do, your comments will be deleted.

liberal supporter said...
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West Coast Teddi said...

It has been shown that Clinton changed the laws regarding loan applications for housing so that Freddy and Fanny could lend to previously disqualified borrowers. "It is the American Dream to own your own Home"

Bubble Burst

by the way - Thanks Hunter for taking back control over your blog. We need all points of view if they are set forth with some reasonableness as it stimulates the mind making for a sharper debate. I admit to "falling into the troll trap" and egging them on. I don't have the time quite frankly for that kind of discourse. So I apologize for any "trolling indiscretions".

And hey it's Friday!!

liberal supporter said...

And as the CPC continues to tank, we can see why in the above bit of censorship.

We are now forbidden to laugh.

We are now forbidden to call someone silly.

Thank God Harper will never get a majority and inflict Hunter's police state thinking on Canada.


liberal supporter said...

It has been shown that Clinton changed the laws regarding loan applications for housing so that Freddy and Fanny could lend to previously disqualified borrowers. "It is the American Dream to own your own Home"They changed the laws so discrimination in lending would stop. Private mortgage brokers created novel layered mortgages knowing they could stick Fanny with them. With heavy promotion targeted at an entire group of people who had little experience with mortgages due to past discrimination, it was easy to write these adjustable rate, negative amortization loans and still pocket the mortgage brokerage fee.

The real problem was in not regulating the kind of mortgages that could be written by the private secondary market.

It's not so different from what happened to Russia after the fall of the USSR. Everyone told them to have a free market economy without telling them all the Western economies (including the US) have lots of regulation. Instead, the Russians ended up with no government regulation, and the gangsters moved in and provided their own regulation.

Deregulation to get rid of red tape can be good, but no regulation always leads to fraud.

maryT said...

The truth will always come out, Liberal supporter is a Christain and believes in GOD. My prayers during Lent must have had an effect.
I am sure someone will link to the Democratic bill, that made banks lend to those who couldn't pay. And the democrats refused every effort by Pres Bush to put in controls. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are the real culprits.
Listening for 20 yrs to a preacher's sermons on how bad the USA is, and why one should hate their country has shown results in the great O. All he has done since Jan is apologize to the world. Sorry to tell him, it will not make the terrorists love him or his country.

liberal supporter said...

The truth will always come out, Liberal supporter is a Christain and believes in GOD. My prayers during Lent must have had an effect.You will swear before GOD that you prayed for ME? Really?

I already was a Christian, thank you very much. Though thanking GOD is also done by non-Christians, such as Jews. Even Muslims, though they often use the Arabic name.

liberal supporter said...

Listening for 20 yrs to a preacher's sermons on how bad the USA is, and why one should hate their country has shown results in the great O.I think the preacher was sermonizing about the persistence of racism in the US, no? And where is the problem with criticizing your country, we have PMSH who has told us for years how bad Canada is. Why the double standard?

All he has done since Jan is apologize to the world.America already apologized last November 4. He's now showing the world, America Is Back.

Sorry to tell him, it will not make the terrorists love him or his country.You make it sound like he expects to have any effect on the terrorists. What he is doing is taking away the support that terrorists get from those around them. Take away the despair and terrorism loses support.

He puts such a reasonable and rational face on the US that it is very difficult for rabble rousers to motivate anyone to support terrorists. He is simply peeling away their support. And the dead pirates is just the first glimmer of the fact that even a reasonable person will not tolerate criminals.

The world is breathing a sigh of relief. But they know that if they don't want to work with Obama, he may fail and in a few years they will have to deal with President Palin. GOD FORBID!

hunter said...

LS I deleted your first post because you were being an idiot, plain and simple.

I have left your other posts up because they show a glimmer of staying on topic and providing us with further insight into the liberal mind. Plus it is Friday, and everyone knows Friday is for the Friday Funnies, we are just getting started early.

liberal supporter said...

In the comment you deleted, I was ridiculing you, since you asked SQ to prove a negative. Kind of difficult, no? Deleting some but not all of someone's comments could lead to inaccurate insight into "the liberal mind" as you describe it, but you have to make your own judgments.

I think the conversation with Eskimo the other day really showed a lot of insight, actually. I tell him "economic rights" means the right to do business, while he says it is the right to a handout. He tells me "property rights" simply means you can't be expropriated, while I tell him it means you could be denied a mortgage because your property rights would apply.

The real insight there is how certain phrases (sometimes referred to as code words) have different meanings and implications to different parts of the political spectrum.

hunter said...

Lighten up LS, if your liblogs are so boring that you have to come over here ALL the time, you might be a conservative.

Think about that, you are drawn here like a moth to the flame, you can not resist that light! Are you climbing out of the dark, into the conservative light?

hunter said...

Welcome Miss P, fair news and debate? It would be interesting if we could achieve that goal.

maryT said...

The infamous Red Eye, on Fox, (got there via a blog link) did a number on this video, and cnn. Wonder if they have seen the follow up video, after the cameras were turned off. They also made some crude remarks about Anderson Cooper.
OT, but Dr Roy has another song by Susan Boyle, from a cd she made in 1999 for a charity event. Cry Me a River. Bet some of those copies will show up on e-bay.

Southern Quebec said...

You want proof Hunter? Read these articles.

Poor people were not to blame for the housing crisis. Greedy people were.