I know I am. I post daily, and visit the Blogging Tories daily, I enjoy all of the blogs, and feel like we are a community, where Conservatives can finally get our points across. I want to thank Stephen and Craig for keeping this community running. The Blogging Tories are not the problem, in fact, I think they are the solution for Conservatives who want a place to call home.
My problem is with the Conservative party, it needs a good spring cleaning. If we built up a party from the grassroots, the dandelions are now infesting the lawn. The party is pretty much useless from my point of view, and needs a swift kick in the butt.
As my profile states, I got off my duff and got involved with the party because I was so sick of the Liberals stealing from my family, and getting away with it. So, we won, a minority, but we won! We were now the government! Exciting stuff.
What I have noticed is that the CPC thinks it needs to tiptoe around and not offend anyone by showing their actual support of Conservative ideas. You are the Conservative Party of Canada, shout it out! I understand that with a minority government, some tiptoeing is needed, but can we have some backbone here? The Conservative party is now PM Harper, not because he wants that, but because he is getting no support from the party itself.
What is the party doing to advance Conservative issues? Heck, what is the party doing to highlight PM Harper and the Minister's? You decide....
I watch question period and other sources, if something interesting happens, I create a Youtube video and it is posted that night.
Visit the CPC site and this is what you get for video. The only video I could find was an announcement on arenas. Check out the Laureen Harper section. Lovely picture, and nice bio, but where's the information about what she is doing? I don't think that page has been updated since 2004!
If a lowly blogger can get more video posted in support of the Conservatives then the party itself can, a disconnect has occurred. Why can't the "war room" post some video? What the heck are they doing at headquarters? Check out the Minister's profiles, boring, boring, boring! No life, no personal touch, no comments from the Minister's, the whole site sucks.
WHERE ARE THE VIDEOS? If the media is so lefty, why isn't the Conservative party countering that with some videos of their own? All I hear from the party lately is requests for donations.
It's like the CPC is walking on egg shells afraid to offend anyone encase the voters realize that they actually elected the Conservatives. It's like just because the Conservatives are in power, the Conservative party can't broadcast any good things that are being done. Even Sandy from Crux-of-the-Matter has given up on the list of the Conservative parties achievements. Why isn't the CPC doing it? What are they doing?
Just because the Conservatives are "in" government doesn't mean that the CPC has to hide. Get some video up, update Laureen's page so we see what she is doing. Get moving, because just phoning me up and asking for more money is not cutting it anymore. This is from a staunch Conservative supporter, think about the sometimes voters, nothing at this site would make me want to vote Conservative!
Feeling disconnected? Me too!
Hunter, I agree fully. I have said many times that our party has to become vocal. Vocal about the mess they inherited, vocal about the lies being propogated by the LPC, vocal about our achievements to date...just plain vocal.
For some reason, our party is remaining silent and leaving the job to Conservative bloggers. Now, I appreciate all our bloggers and think that they are doing a superb job of communicating our achievements and exposing Liberal lies but...the job belongs to the party and the party has abdicated that job.
I'd love to know why our party is so silent.
Great post humter. I think the party needs to be out there more. Have various of HM Ministers do townhals. Have the Pm do a townhall. We only get these things during elections. Let;s be more bold!
Yeah, it's true, you guys could be more vocal. Or you could just let former Bush Press Secretary and torture apologist, Fleischer do the talking at 24,500 Canadian taxpayer dollars a pop! Hey Huntsy, you're big on averages Canadian - how much money does the average Canadian make in a year?
"The Conservative party is now PM Harper, not because he wants that, but because he is getting no support from the party itself."
Now go to the dictionary and look up the word ideologue
BTs are doing a fantastic job!
We are the Conservatives in the trenches, holding down the fort while our leader and party govern.
I do think that the non-bragging of the CPC is the right approach.
This is not a time to have a contest with Iffy and the opposition parties.
This is the time for our PM and Ministers and MPs to have their heads down,
working hard on the future of Canadians,
the job they were elected to do.
Prove that we don't need no stinkin' coalition of losers.
The msm and Libs 'want' Cons to produce some attack ads.
They want an advanced copy of what is coming down the election pipe.
They want the government to look petty.
No, no. Let the light shine bright on their gaffe prone American star.
Let them review Iffy's book and report on the convention about nothing.
If a Con had done/said something contraversal the same day as Iffy did his
'we will have to raise taxes';
which story would have been burried by the media?
I thought Iggy was the toture apologist.
Speaking of the carpetbagger, if Iggy were PM and he consulted with an Obama talking head, mysterymeat and the rest of the trolls would be euphoric, citing such words as 'bold', 'progressive', 'reaching out', and blah, blah, blah.
I agree, Hunt. The Harpies need to advance "conservative ideas" more forcefully:
Outlaw abortion! Repeal same-sex marriage! Flat tax! Lock up ten year olds! Eliminate public health care, education, the CBC, the Senate, equalisation and the province of Québec!
...send the Indians over the Bering Strait and back to Russia where they belong!
This is how it should be done.
''But 16 months after we told the world that the Durban “anti-racism” conference was anything but, we have been vindicated. Canada was the first nation to pull out of the Durban II conference and to cut off funds for NGO participation. Countries like Italy, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Israel and the United States of America followed us. ''
Reminder to BTs, when the Liberals were in power, they didn't even walk out of this racist gathering.
No, they sat there like stoodges, not wanting to offend anyone.
We've come a long way baby!
Looks good on ya Tri-guy. Sounds like a well rounded liberal approach to the world's problems. I'm sure that Iggy has been there done that.
Sounds like a racist to me. Back to your basement little one.
Congrats Hunter!!
You caught the biggest troll of them all!
Guess it must be boring over at Liblogs now that Spinsella controls the content, eh TiGuy.
Listen up, Hunter blog-fixtures: I'm not interested in anything you fools have to say.
Hunter amuses me. You don't.
Bi-Guy, like a moth to an electic bug zapper. Drawn toward its irresistable blue fluorescent light, much like Hunter's blog.
Bi-Guy, like a moth to an electic bug zapper...
I love how the fixtures avoid words like "fag" with clever little nicknames like this.
Conservative "civility," as it were.
Why is it Canadians learn the details of Fleischer's services to our PM through American accountability channels. Why does the economist PMSH need a former Bush Administrator to dial up FOX network? Can't spokesthingy do that already - what happened to keeping jobs in Canada?
And here we go.
Next comes the women hating comments.
Please vote this trolltrash off the island Hunter.
Maybe you could take a stab at my question wilson, Why is Ari Fleischer writing PR for the PMO? Why doesn't the PMO get people from the BT to take care of that?
I mean, wouldn't the twenty five grand be better spent here in Canada? Isn't there aCanadian in the PMO who can use the phone?
I mean, it seems to me you could be as vocal as you wanted and it would make no difference if all PMSH wants to do is consort with members of the defunct Bush admin...
I mean, if that's all he wants to do, hang out on FOX - someone has to ask him - what does he need the Conservative Party of Canada for and for that matter what does he need Canada for - if that's all he wants to do...on the other hand it's a handy analogy - that moth to a bug zapper you raised, Ekimo. Because Stephen Harper loves to be part of a minority hence he is drawn to those of Fleischer's ilk like a moth to a zapper - just like you said.
If I remember right mystereeoso, 2 communications experts, from the Bush and Clinton adminstration were hired.
PMSH can pick up the phone and talk to Obama, when ever he wants,
but it is the Congress and American people who are gung ho on protectionism.
So Canada needs to speak to them.
What did it cost Canadian taxpayers for Iffy to wine and dine his American buddies?
IMO your Interim Leader is way way way too close to the US.
And it is his US buddies that will influence him,
not the other way around.
We hired Ari because the CPoC collectivley doesn't possess an original idea in the entire organization.
And don't forget, despite our desperate posturing to appear moderate, we're actually a bunch of raving right wing nut jobs.
Hunter, if you keep criticizing the party, you will be disciplined.
"Next comes the women hating comments."
You can't hide your immorality behind that façade forever, Wilsie.
What happened to keeping jobs in Canada? Ask the Liberal party. They want a carpetbagging American who's on the record of being in favour of torture to be thier Prime Minister. All these backflips, flip-flops and cartwheels could get you on the Canadian Olympic gymnastics team. Maybe someone here can lend you a pair a tights.
Oh and speaking of Tri-Guy, if I don't amuse you, don't respond to me. I'm only extending the same courtesy you show Hunter and her visitors.
Funny how it's always a leftie that's first out of the gate with a snotty, whiney, 'that's not fair, you can't hurt MY feelings' sobfest.
Being a sissy is not a virtue, but to the entire left/lib spectrum, it's what defines them. Oh, they're quick to denounce anything remotely deemed 'conservative' as somehow evil, but they sit on thier collective thumb and fire up the doublestandard spin at the drop of a hat declaring such lib-speak pap like 'grey areas', and 'fairness' when confronting REAL evil in the world.
I've yet to hear a lefty try to convince me of the so-called moral equivelency of extracting information from a terrorist by pouring a bucket of water over his head versus the same terrorist's mission in life is to cut off the heads of the infidels.
It's almost funny how so-called feminists and girly-men will turn out en masse to the latest mob supporting the abortion-palooza pandemic, claiming it as a 'right', yet whistle past the proverbial graveyard when a hate-filled religion performs genital mutilation and downright murder of it's female population. Yeah, that's a real grey area isn't it? Good grief.
Hunter, if you keep criticizing the party, you will be disciplined.
Are you kidding?
Obviously, the latest CPC/BT fax went out, and the new strategy is "self criticism". The intention is to make the voting public feel sorry for the CPC.
Trying to get people to vote emotionally as usual. Just like marketers with the sorry task of making people buy things they don't need or want.
Get some policies people can live with, and you won't need all this "marketing".
I agree with you, Hunter, that the Conservative Party websites could do with more information and updates.
• Why aren't up-to-date transcripts of the PM's speeches posted on one website?
• Why aren't transcripts of pressers and Q&As not posted on that same website?
• Ditto for videos.
• Why aren't rebuttals of inaccuracies found in the media re: government policies, actions, statements etc - why aren't there firm rebuttals of those inaccuracies?
However, I advise caution in following your advice here:
"What I have noticed is that the CPC thinks it needs to tiptoe around and not offend anyone by showing their actual support of Conservative ideas."
I hope you're not advising going negative with attack ads. I believe going negative is the wrong tactic. It only reinforces the image of the "angry tory" the MSM and "progressives" have created for conservatives. And the general public, which does not follow politics as closely as political junkies do, can be easily manipulated into believing the Conservatives are "mean-spirited" blah blah blah.
I believe it was East of Eden over at BLY that mentioned the government should run "truth ads" - that is, state in clear concise language what the government plans to do, what it has achieved so far, and so on. That would be far more useful than going negative, IMO.
Don't forget that many inaccuracies are allowed to remain unchallenged in the public domain. Just one recent example:
"DETROIT -- General Motors Corp. could be majority owned by the federal government under a massive restructuring plan laid out Monday that will cut 21,000 U.S. factory jobs by next year and phase out the storied Pontiac brand. ..."
That announcement was used by the talk show host this morning to rail against the Canadian government for granting repayable loans to the car companies.
The host left the impression the 21000 lost jobs were IN CANADA.
So you see? That's the kind of battle the government faces. Both the government AND the Conservative Party need to have ONE website each where such inaccuracies and misrepresentations can be challenged.
While Liberals have their convention about nothing
to crown their American plant,
the Government of Canada is promoting our country.
''Together with the governor general is a delegation composed of representatives from different fields such as diversity, governance, arts and culture, civic engagement and the youth.
Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon will also be in Norway on Wednesday to take part in the Sixth Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting where they will tackle Arctic matters.''
I see La Bavarde in QC has shown up to support the troops.
Fun's over...
While Liberals have their convention about nothing
to crown their American plant,
the Government of Canada is promoting our country.
Canada-EU trade deal
Charest and Harper
While Liberals have their convention about nothing
to crown their American plant,
the Government of Canada is promoting our country.
'Canada, which has negotiated free trade deals with Peru and Colombia,
plans to explore interest in bilateral talks with other countries.
Canada plans to continue negotiating a free-trade agreement with the 15 member countries of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM)'
Lowercase wilson, you've just illustrated with your posts at
8:07:00 AM,
8:11:00 AM
10:02:00 AM
10:09:00 AM
10:13:00 AM
what the CPC should be doing on ONE website dedicated to informing the public.
That last one was added while I was composing my comment - you're amazing, Lowercase wilson!
Although I greatly admire the efforts of people like you who search for and post such information, that kind of research should not be limited to staunch supporters like you and others.
The CPC must do its part in pointing out its achievements. It won't accomplish much, IMO, by concentrating its focus on Ignatieff's or his spin-meister's shortcomings.
That last one was added while I was composing my comment - you're amazing, Lowercase wilson!
I especially liked the repeated line at the top of each one:
While Liberals have their convention about nothing
to crown their American plant,
the Government of Canada is promoting our country.
Not only is it effective at conveying you think Canadians are stupid, it has that great "Four legs good, two legs better" bleating ring to it.
Thank you lower case wilson!
"... it has that great "Four legs good, two legs better" bleating ring to it."
My, my! What a brilliant comment!
Four legs = animal kingdom, e.g. donkeys.
two legs = mankind
And conservatives are the stupid ones?
My, my! What a brilliant comment!
Thank you! Too bad you didn't get it.
Four legs = animal kingdom, e.g. donkeys.
two legs = mankind.
Really, you didn't get it?
Back in high school, which according to your memes is dominated by leftists, we studied a book called "Animal Farm" by George Orwell. It was a cautionary tale, pointing out the dangers of communism, especially the slippery slopes and historical revision that are hallmarks of all dictatorships.
One of the signature quotes is the above line that you just didn't get. First it was sheep bleating "four legs good, two legs bad", after the animals took over the farm and chased the farmer away. The initial stages after the revolution. Later when the pigs instituted a dictatorship, complete with a reign of terror, the head pig finally managed to walk on two legs, and the sheep, right on cue, bleated the new slogan "four legs good, two legs better". Every animal was supposed to forget the old one, and mindlessly cheer the new dictatorship of pigs, which was no different than the humans they had overthrown.
Just like wilson, bleating the latest slogan over and over, hoping everyone forgets the old ones.
Hope that wasn't too much for you to follow, I think that book is studied in Grade 10.
And conservatives are the stupid ones?No, of course not. But you certainly are. You aren't putting me on, are you? Did you really not get that?
It is only in your "poor me" whining, that we hear the claims anyone says conservatives are stupid. Now, if you talk about Reform/Alliance far right so-cons, that's a different story.
"Could we ever know each other in the slightest without the arts?"
Gabrielle Roy
My dear Lib Supporter, your answer confirms what I suspected: you have most likely recently graduated from high school.
The fact you remember a line from a novel (congratulations! you read!) which is part of the high school curriculum would thus not be surprising. Hey! You must be so proud you managed to pass.
Unlike you, however, my high school years are way behind me. Consequently, my forgetting such a reference would also not be surprising. Despite Robert Browning's line "I am a part of all that I have met" - all that I have met (such as memorable lines from novels) are not necessarily a part of me, nor of my short or long-term memory.
Since you are so proud of your reading prowess, though, I would recommend you pay as much attention to your writing. Clarity, my dear, is paramount in communications such as this.
Had you been honest and attributed the quote to whom it rightly belongs, George Orwell, my response would have been different.
But I see I gave you too much credit - I attributed the quote to your own originality, so I took it at face value. My mistake.
"It is only in your "poor me" whining ..."
As one of your travelling companions often says "you're projecting." Show me where I have adopted a "poor me" whine.
On second thought, forget it. I'm not interested in your adolescent accusations.
My dear Lib Supporter, your answer confirms what I suspected: you have most likely recently graduated from high school.
Wrong again, as usual.
The fact you remember a line from a novel (congratulations! you read!) which is part of the high school curriculum would thus not be surprising. Hey! You must be so proud you managed to pass.
Dissembling to cover your own obtuseness.
Unlike you, however, my high school years are way behind me. Consequently, my forgetting such a reference would also not be surprising. Despite Robert Browning's line "I am a part of all that I have met" - all that I have met (such as memorable lines from novels) are not necessarily a part of me, nor of my short or long-term memory.
In other words, ignorant and proud of it. Hi Sarah!
Since you are so proud of your reading prowess, though, I would recommend you pay as much attention to your writing. Clarity, my dear, is paramount in communications such as this.
And right on cue, the good old scolding. Very handy when you have been made a fool of.
Had you been honest and attributed the quote to whom it rightly belongs, George Orwell, my response would have been different.
Now it's "you are dishonest", because of YOUR shortcomings? Typical CPC dissembling, of course. The quotation marks should have been a giveaway, to anyone who reads and remembers, you know, that old reading comprehension thing.
But I see I gave you too much credit - I attributed the quote to your own originality, so I took it at face value. My mistake.
Yes, it is your mistake. But of course you can only admit to a mistake with nonsense along the lines of "it was my mistake thinking you wre not an idiot".
Pretty laughable, for someone who constantly speaks in code.
"It is only in your "poor me" whining ..."
As one of your travelling companions often says "you're projecting." Show me where I have adopted a "poor me" whine.
Right here: And conservatives are the stupid ones?. It is certainly whining, and of course the topic of this post is about the Party being unappreciated. Oh, yes, capitalizing Party is another George Orwellism, as in the CPC Inner Party has to do more to get the message out.
On second thought, forget it. I'm not interested in your adolescent accusations.
Nice condescending sneer to round out a comment after you were made a fool of.
Oh! I'm so glad you feel all tingly in having shown my memory is not that good.
Well, that's one way of getting your jollies. Enjoy yourself - and I mean that literally.
"Nice condescending sneer to round out a comment after you were made a fool of."
«However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him [or her]»
Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux
«Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.»
William Shakespeare
Leave the personal attacks out of this discussion.
It appears that the lefties have messed up their own parties so badly, they want to try their hand at messing up ours. Not going to happen.
Gabby, I do not want attack ads, I want positive videos and information posted on the CPC website. Like the real wilson shows, there are many things the media will not cover about what the CPC party is doing, many distorted facts like culture cuts to Quebec that the CPC could be responding to on their site, but it's not happening.
The government site has boilerplate info about the Ministers, what the CPC could do is show the human side of all Conservative MP's. Instead we get the same boilerplate from them. The CPC is a political party, they need to highlight what their MP's are doing, just because they are the government shouldn't make a difference.
Oh! I'm so glad you feel all tingly in having shown my memory is not that good.
Funny how you demanded I show where you were all "whiny" and I did. Care to enlighten us on where I said I feel anything in particular, let alone "tingly"?
Leave the personal attacks out of this discussion.
I was attacking the CPC's "new" ideas of
a) self criticism, and
b) repeating the same thing over and over, hoping it will stick.
And I was rewarded with proof that the "self criticism" will never work, said proof being the ad hominem personal attacks on me.
It appears that the lefties have messed up their own parties so badly, they want to try their hand at messing up ours. Not going to happen.
I remain mystified at where you got that idea from. Who is trying to mess up your party? You're doing it yourselves just fine!
Gabby, I do not want attack ads, I want positive videos and information posted on the CPC website.
Given the examples of party apparatchik we see here, you have quite an uphill battle.
The government site has boilerplate info about the Ministers, what the CPC could do is show the human side of all Conservative MP's. Instead we get the same boilerplate from them.
The gc.ca is supposed to be just government, and non partisan. Should it not show the human side of non-CPC MP's as well?
The CPC is a political party, they need to highlight what their MP's are doing, just because they are the government shouldn't make a difference.
It does make a difference. You have to walk a fine line. Remember "Canada's New Government" plastered all over what should be simply government announcements and pages? It was getting hard to tell gc.ca from conservative.ca. Perhaps you think that constantly shoehorning the CPC into every corner of gc.ca was a good idea, in case somebody forgets you are currently in power, but most people found it annoying.
The gc.ca site is for the government Ministers not the opposition MP's, that's why all parties have their own sites.
That's what I have been talking about, the CPC should highlight it's MP's, the lefties should highlight their own MP's, not at the government site. Is that too difficult to understand?
The Conservative MP's have been doing an awesome job, working hard throughout this downturn and now through the flu scare. The CPC site should be updated with this information.
The opposition have nothing to do but complain and whine, Liberals aren't even going to their own Iggy Coronation, how bad is that. No policy is going to be voted on? So what are the Liberal policies? Even Liberal don't know.
I am leaving mystereeoso's video link up because it is about Bush and waterboarding, and last time I checked, it is Iggy who supports torture. Much as Liberals like to use the Harper/Bush analogy, I think Iggy/Bush were way closer aligned. Is Iggy really a Liberal?
The gc.ca site is for the government Ministers not the opposition MP's, that's why all parties have their own sites.
That's what I have been talking about, the CPC should highlight it's MP's...
You obviously don't understand the distinctions between government, cabinet, parliamentarians and party. If you had to take a citizenship test, I bet you'd fail.
Oh, Gabby! Someone's in real need of a stern lecture. Your time to shine.
Gabby! Gabby! Gabby! Gabby! Gabby!
You know, Hunter, really famous rock stars have groupies. I consider you pet trolls to be just that - groupies. You've hit the big time, my dear. LOL.
No matter what, they flock to you like moths to a flame. You, my dear, have charisma and magnetism. No matter how much they protest, there is only one reason they come here - to "see" you.
Stand up and take a bow. LOLOLOL.
"Gabby, I do not want attack ads, I want positive videos and information posted on the CPC website."
Just to make sure we understand each other ...
here's what I said at 10:01:00 AM:
"I hope you're not advising going negative with attack ads. ..."
I did not say you actually wanted negative ads.
As well, in my 11:09:00 AM comment to Lowercase wilson, I applauded her great work in pointing out many of the government's achievements.
So I believe we're on the same wavelength.
EofE, I had this creepy guy with coke bottle glasses staring at me for over an hour at the poker tournament, made me wonder if it was one of my trolls. HA!
Having a 70lb dog with me everywhere I go is a good thing. I recommend it to all females.
The poor trolls actually get upset that I call them trolls or lefties, they seem to think that they have some sort of positive relationship over here. They are trying to climb out of the dark, into the conservative light, they just keep bumping into each other in the liberal darkness, and get confused about where the true light is for Canada and their children.
Are you going to allow comments like the one at 4:42 Hunter?
I see my Twit is out of his/her cage again.
Don't worry Kory, I'm sure hunter will be along soon. She's at the fax machine getting today's talking points.
I think it is safe to say Hunter, Canadians are not all that interested in crusing party websites in between elections,
but especially during an econo crisis and swine flu.
So, no need to give Iffy and the clueless any idea of where the CPC will fight the next election.
Surprise them.
No surprise Iffy will run on social programs designed to buy Dippers votes, and raise taxes to pay for it.
A coalition with the Dippers,
that will be a tough sell,
Iffy will mess up.
Few Canadians know (no media coverage) that since the CPC won in 2006,
export dependency on the US has fallen from 3/4 to 2/3.
They will be told, during the election.
I'm betting it is one of five themes.
HA, this post obviously got the lefty trolls excited! Poor things the liberal darkness has invaded their minds and eaten away any last ruminant of brains they might have had left.
Gayle, control your little lefty buddies, and I might post your comments.
Kevron says: Mission Accomplished!
So, by acting like idiots and posting nonsense the lefties think that having their voices cut off on my blog is a good thing. Shows you the intent of lefties, silence all voices that do not agree with you.
In this case it backfires because the only voices being silenced are those of the lefties. Funny how that works when you come to a Conservative blog not to discuss an issue, but to shut down comments.
Comment away lefties...HA!
Give me a hint, Hunter. What was the jist of Gayle's comments before she was sucked into your bug zapper and sizzled?
Let me guess...something along the lines of you being a big meanie and not playing fair?
The resident trolls sure remind me of the ant and the grasshopper story. This is YOUR blog, you work hard to keep it up and running and they want to enjoy the fruits of YOUR labour, but they still want to bellyache about YOUR free service and almost demand control of things around here.
Prove positive that the Liberal and NDP are beacons for the sloth and the lazy who think someone else owes them a living.
Go figure.
Hunter - I am not sure why you think people who you label as "lefty" are either my buddies or under my control.
Whether or not you post my comments is up to you, but if you are serious about your suggestion that I control something that is completely outside my control as a pre-condition to posting my comments, then I suppose you really just do not want to hear from me. This is you right, of course, but if you do not want me to post you need but ask me to leave, and I will honour that request.
Eskimo, did you ever hit the nail on the head, look at Gayle's comment at 10:18, just what you predicted she would say.
Gayle, I actually don't mind your comments, you just posted after the juvenile delinquents and I was in no mood for more garbage.
Funny how when CC and Red Tory post something about my blog all the usual suspects show up.
SQ and LS are always here so they get some free passes. They are like pets not yet potty trained, you don't give up, you keep working on their manners.
I know how you feel, Hunter. At work there are two guys who, any time we're in the elevator, stare at me. One of them even has an expectant smile on his face. I have no issue whatsoever what anybody else does with his or her life, but to be honest, I'm don't find it at all enjoyable when other men ogle me - it's kind of a dead end for them so why would they bother?
And no, SQ, LS, Mystereoso and all the others who wish to jump on the bandwgon - I am not homophobic. I'd say that some of my best friends are gay but that wouldn't be true. Some of my casual friends are gay, though, and at least a third of my clients when I volunteered in the area of suicide were gay men coming to grips with their sexuality. And not one of them took his own life as a result.
Did any of the trolls complain when Howard Dean spoke to the liberals. Are they upset libs are buying their software to try and contact voters. And who said taxpayer money was used to pay for those americans. Have you seen the cheque, or the invoice for services. At least it was done out in the open, not via brown paper bags to advertizing companies in Quebec. Maybe that is your problem, doing things out in the open.
I see the Wilson twit is out again. Do those trolls come here to insult, in an effort to get us to visit their sites. It is not working.
You're starting to catch on Hunter. I agree, these turkeys need a swift kick in the pants.
The only way to do that is by witholding money and your vote. Trying to reason with them doesn't seem to work.
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