Sunday, June 06, 2010

Power By Stealth!

When Conservatives thought their party had gone astray, they refused to vote for it and that led to a political wipe out leaving only 2 MP's. This enabled them to rebuild. It was a quick decisive death. It took 10 years to rebuild, but rebuild they did.

Liberal party supporters are not so smart, they are killing their party with their slow withdrawal of support. They are still Liberals, but they will not support their own party with $$$$. They will not look at their party and rebuild, they are too intent on keeping the old fights alive and dividing their own party. That's perfectly fine by me.

The Liberals are blaming their leader, Iggy, but that is distracting them from the real problem, no moral direction. They present no real opposition to the Conservatives, and they are moving rapidly to the left.

A coalition is being toted as having the confidence of the house, but it will not have the confidence of Canadians no matter how many times they tell us it is constitutional. Iggy has finally come out with his position (not necessarialy the Liberal party position) and I await his recanting in about a week.

I think Ignatieff has it exactly right, and it’s as I’ve been arguing for some time now. Don’t get bogged down in pre-election coalition speculation. Run hard to win in all 308 ridings. But don’t rule out a post-election coalition or other arrangement. If we don’t make the point now that it’s a legitimate possibility then it won’t be on the table down the road, and we’re limiting our options. And he was absolutely correct to rule-out any sort of merger or pre-election arrangement, and also signal working with the BQ wasn’t in the cards.

Right, run to win, but tell everyone that if you don't win, you will form a coalition with the socialists and separatists to gain the power the voters denied your party. Someone is smoking something stronger than a cigarette. This commenter has the essence of Iggy's position down to a tee.


3:52 PM on June 6, 2010

Power by vote if possible but power by stealth if necessary?
In other words our democracy is a joke where the two losers can always form government unless there is a clear majority throwing out our entire history of Parliament and fair play.
Your a tool Jedras and I'd challenge any coalition not on the ballet as legitimate on the throne of Parliament, you can't elect a newly formed party, group, coalition(another name for grouping)or organization not on the ballet. sorry.

Kosman is who the opposition parties should be listening to, "power by stealth", that is exactly what Canadians are upset about. A coalition after an election is a blatant attempt to grab "power by stealth". To the voters, it smacks of dishonesty.

Run as a coalition, don't say you will not run as a coalition, but if you lose, then you will band together to take down the newly elected government. Talk about a hidden agenda!

My advise, stop voting for the Liberals, this will force them to rethink what they stand for, because right now they stand for nothing on top of having no moral compass.

"Power by Stealth", what an excellent description of what the Liberals are planning for the next election. Canadians will not buy it.


CanadianSense said...

Perhaps they are coming to the realization they can't survive as a political party much longer.

Desperate times require desperate actions.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

When you say that the Conservatives were down to 2 seats don't you actually mean that they were down to 54 seats because Reform won 52 seats in the election? After all, "Reform and PC's had the base grounding of conservatism to rely on. We were the same party, with the same philosophy."

Maybe you are just shading the truth a little bit, though.