Sunday, February 10, 2008

Global Warming Kills Hundreds....

In Afghanistan.

Feb. 10 - More than 750 people have perished in one of the worst winters in living memory engulfs Afghanistan.

The harsh winter has pushed up prices of food and fuel. Last month, the World Food Programme appealed for additional food assistance for 2.5 million Afghans until the next harvest in June.

Helen Long reports.
Watch the video. I have never heard of heat causing fingers and toes to be amputated.

So, another story of that nasty global warming, and how it is bad for us. Could cold be more of a killer than heat? How are those crops in China doing in this cold? Thought so.


Anonymous said...

It would sure throw the global warmers if it snowed in
Hawii or some other "hot" tourist attraction. I blame it all on the Kyoto confreance in Bali - they flew there by the thousands pollutiting everything from the land [do they treat their sewage?] sea [how many motor-boats were used?] air [do you know how much carbondioxide was exhaled?]

Worst of all when they came back to Canada it was to cold and a blizzard canceled many of their flights. Then we had a cold snap across most of Canada - did they ask for their polluting/carbon based utilities to be turned off? You sure would have heard an earfull if Alberta turned off the gas east of Man.

It is great that they get news coverage on protesting global warming - yet. there is no coverage following them back to their polluting cars/vans/trucks emitting more carbon into the atmosphere. {I have yet to see these people of the religion of "Global Warming" burn their drivers licences.}

Yes they do have a hard time proving Global Warming with the weather this winter, yet now they call it global change instead of global warming.

I say we succeeded in beating global warming problem - quiick, we most put more carbon into the air before we have a mini-ice age.

Anonymous said...

ya wait until the socialists raise our fuel costs here. i for one will show up in ottawa and live at the house of commons. to hell with all agw believers.