Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rapping Polar Bears...Arrested.

Make Love Not War Hippies, are still at it, they are just older. All those global warming protesters think they are original? Better yet, they have now brain stormed and linked War to Global Warming. So what does that get us? Rapping Polar Bears, I kid you not!

During the 1960s, hundred of thousands of people took part in several different protest movements, including the civil rights movement, the anti-Vietnam War movement, the women’s rights movement, the gay rights movement, and the environmental movement. These activists were attempting to change American society through demonstrations, marches, sit-ins, and teach-ins.

This is them now:

Older, but no smarter! Look at all that white hair!

What is the new generation up to? Well they are so "progressive" that they have combined war and global warming. Just like those old guys from the 60's were protesting the environment.

Watch the rapping polar bears, who were arrested.

So, basically nothing has changed with protesters since the 60's, how "progressive".
They are still protesting; war, women's rights, gay rights, and the environment. They are still getting arrested, and they haven't changed society, maybe it's time they got jobs.


Anonymous said...

"... maybe it's time they got jobs."

Heretic!!! The CHRC is on my speed dial and it's time I turned you in Hunter.
Liberals get a job! HAHAHAHA you slay me.

hunter said...

I know it's radical, and as a Conservative it goes against my nature to dictate to anyone...but they really do have too much time on their hands.

It appears that hippies never grow up, maybe it's all those drugs. I just hope they don't ban the bra again, at their age, it would be, well, knee knockingly...oh you get the idea!