Wednesday, February 13, 2008

No Combat! BS!

You have to give Lewis Mackenzie credit, he calls a spade a spade!

On Mike Duffy earlier, he calls BS on the Liberals!

He also has a great article in the Glob that needs to be read to appreciate his sharp mind.

A very good article.

Rule 1. You will no longer attempt to eliminate the insurgency threat to the vast majority of the local population in Kandahar province.

"That will be left to soldiers from other countries yet to be identified. You will redirect your efforts to being nice. Your commander will explain how this will be achieved."

Of course, the lefties hate it, and therefore they attack the messenger trying to divert attention, because they know Lewis is right, the Liberal's position is ridiculous, but the NDP's is even worse.

I've mentioned it before, I will mention it again, the Liberals need to get their act together, and start slamming the NDP on their position, but seeing as the Liberals themselves are split between hawks and doves, guess their best bet is fence sitting. PM Harper had to defend them during question period, he was the one who has made the point that the Liberals were right (HA) when they started the mission, and they are now right to support it still.

Hope Dion and the Liberal's are not like Humpty Dumpty, and have a great fall......Oh wait, I do!

Unambiguously Ambidextrous, has the link to the article, and some comments.

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