Monday, February 16, 2009

Iffy Wants In!

Well, the cries of "The West Wants In", have died down, now that we have a government that understands the west. Poor Iffy, only back in Canada for 3 years and he thinks he understands the west. HA!

Iffy wants in! He can come here to Edmonton and some transplanted Liberals will go hear him speak, but he will be unable to connect with real Westerners. He has no clue what makes the west tick. For too many years the Liberals have ignored the west, their policies have hurt the west, and this guy thinks he can come here and tell us all is forgiven while maintaining that he will still form a coalition with the far-left/socialist NDP?? He wasn't even elected as leader of his own party, and he expects us to listen to him?

Well he can stick his Harvard educated, arrogant, non-Canadian butt out of our business. Being from Harvard might sell big to the Toronto elite, but it won't buy you spit out here in God's country. Here is the problem:

Western rage helped sink coalition: Ignatieff "You are, after all, looking at someone who turned down the chance to become prime minister of Canada, and I did so, in part, because I felt that it would divide the country," said Mr. Ignatieff. "I want to be someone who unites the country, and that includes the West."

He turned down the chance to be Prime Minister??? When?? What world does this guy live in? Did we elect him and he turned it down? Where was I when that happened? Also, someone who unites the country does not sign a coalition agreement with the separatists.

Our country was more united than ever before until the coalition raised it's ugly head, and turned Quebec into even more of a power grabbing province then they were before.

"I'm in this business to win a majority Liberal government. But I have to also responsibly say, if we fall short of that, then it might be conceivable to be in discussions with, say, the NDP.

At least he comes right out and tells us he wants a majority, even if it means a coalition with the NDP. PM Harper can't even dare mention the word majority without the lefty media going crazy crying "hidden agenda" and "he's taking away woman's rights".

I am so sick of lefty whining about national daycare and global warming. The Liberals are drooling, hoping the economy tanks so that they can ride in on their eco-friendly cars to save the day, with carbon taxes and GST taxes, and personal and business tax increases.

Shovel ready? Yup, mine is ready to shovel the crap back at the Liberals and their unelected leader from the US of A.


Archie said...

Lets face it Hunter, Count Igor is controlled by the Liberal Quebec wing. The West will always take a back seat to Quebec and with the Liberal party being controlled by a select few of Quebec politicians how can the West trust them. Look he's even brought back a lot of the brown bag boys from the old corruption days to advice him. What I cannot understand why nobody has ripped Igor apart for having these people, it seems the CPC and the media is giving him a free ride, or was this part of the deal to support the budget. Or is Harper waiting for the on big knock-out punch.

Martin said...

Ignatieff lived in the US for about 6 years. He lived in Britain for far longer. Get your facts straight.

Iggy doesn't need your vote. He only needs to pick up a few seats across the west.

BC is very much in play and he can win a few in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, hey, maybe even in Redmonton.

The rest of Canada is so over Alberta and it's endless whining. Ontario and Quebec elect our governemnts.

Pearce said...

"Well he can stick his Harvard educated, arrogant, non-Canadian butt out of our business. Being from Harvard might sell big to the Toronto elite, but it won't buy you spit out here in God's country."

God's country, where having an education is somehow a fault. God's country, where having experience abroad actually counts against someone wanting to be the Prime Minister. You know, the guy who is our spokesperson abroad. Anti-intellectualism is an ugly perfume, Hunter.

"Our country was more united than ever before until the coalition raised it's ugly head"

Finally, God's country, the bizzaro world where Stephen Harper is a "uniter" instead of a man who single-handedly threw the country into chaos with a blindingly partisan Fall economic update.

Michael Ignatieff is playing the grown-up here, admitting past mistakes, and offering to work with Western Canada. If you are trying to fault a man for that, then I don't even know what to say to you.

If you cry "opportunism," how do you explain that he has said all the same stuff to ridings in Quebec, where his calls for unity with the West do nothing but hurt him? When's the last time you heard Stephen Harper standing up for the oil sands while speaking in Quebec?

Anonymous said...

I love it, and said by a "westerner".

You see from Iggy's comments that the entire opposition had done a number on themselves of which they bought in hook, line and sinker. It does not occur to him how wrong the whole coalition things was. Stephen Harper was not anything of what they said he was. They seized on anything they could to make a stew of it. If this Iggy still consider the NDP as a viable second party winner...then he is completely out of touch. We do not need this guy anywhere near the public purse.
The liberals have spent their time conniving and scheming with never a thought to being a party for canada and it's concerns. Parties that spend time in a bubble rarely have their hand on the pulse that matters.

Thank you for your post....
Onward and Upward...

Anonymous said...

darn...I typed a whole big paragraph in reply to your post and because I was not signed into wordpress to use the open id area from your blog...I lost it all WHAAAAAA!

--in summation though--
I agreed with your post and welcomed it.
What does it tell you about Iggy if he still thinks the NDP would make a good partner to liberal ambitions. He still does not "get it" --
(a) it was wrong to do the coalition thing in the first place;
(b) jack layton is not the man of the hour, let alone the man of the future -- he is viewed as a radical energy that should be avoided;
(c) the liberals live in their own bubble and rarely put their heads out of it to take the pulse of the nation or to listen to them it is all spin and conniving...that is their world...with the ultimate goal of getting their hands on our purse again and power to keep their bubble afloat.

--makes we want to ( and I probably will ) go out and make another donation to the Conservative that floats my boat. I want to support the government and prime minister who keeps on working for us, (getting things done) regardless of the slings and arrows tossed his way.

Good post and would you consider moving your blog to wordpress... lol...I used to blog with blogger but then discovered wordpress... ( I like it better ) All of the wordpress bloggers are linked... it's a good feature.


Pearce said...

Martin - that's really unproductive. The mantra that "Ontario and Quebec elect our governments" is outdated, particularly in this new era of minority parliaments. It's also the exact attitude that got us to where we are now... A petty, divided nation.

caz said...

'The rest of Canada is so over Alberta and it's endless whining. Ontario and Quebec elect our governemnts." Martin....we'll see what we can do about that for ya. Alberta doesn't whine...Ontario and Quebec wrote the book. We'll see what CANADA does when the west says: The West is SO OVER the east. Be careful what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

Remember. After working your way through the whole draft, TESTING YOUR THINKING AGAINST THE EVIDENCE, perhaps changing direction or modifying the idea you started with, go back to your beginning and make sure it still provides a clear focus for the essay. Then clarify and sharpen your focus as needed. Clear, direct beginnings rarely present themselves ready-made; they must be written, and rewritten, into the sort of sharp-eyed clarity that engages readers and establishes your authority.

advice courtesy of Harvard - emph mine

see also

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I see you have the indignant trolls on let's set Hunter right patrol....lucky you...

If they have nothing to worry about...why bother trolling...

No matter what time he spent in the USA or time in London with the was half his lifetime outta Canada... get it???

Archie...given enough rope...time will tell what we have in Iggy... do not sweat it... We are in good hands.

maryT said...

The only person I know of who refused to be a leader was Edward, who abdicated. But iggy is supposedly a count so I guess he could also abdicate. And wouldn't it have been PM Dion if the GG had said yes.
There is no evidence she would have not called an election.
What iggy gave up was the opportunity to go to an election and have liberals decimated.

liberal supporter said...

Looks like he's got you all rattled. Even the party brass/operatives are showing up here to test drive the new spin.

Based on the sneering and howling, it would seem that Iggy's message failed. Based on here only though. But to continue, exactly what could he have said that would have been acceptable to you?

Francisco said...

And what has Harper done for the farmers in Western Canada who want the right to sell their own grain back from the governments Wheat Board? Nada, zip, nothing. He keeps talking about it but he has yet to do a single thing. Election after election after election our farmers hear the same rhetoric from Harper but at the end of the day he'll still put them in jail if they try to sell their own wheat to the highest bidder.

If Ignatief (who isn't even in power) came out tomorrow and said the wheat board should be voluntary it would happen in the blink of an eye. It would sail through parliment as fast as the Liberal budget.

Bec said...

Western Canadians, have been suckered before by LIE-beral wolves, dressed in sheep's clothing.

The coalition, has spooked the West, once again.
It was not the West, that head, wolf herder, Ignatieff, chose to WOO first, it was Quebec. He then allowed 6 MP's, to vote against the budget, favoring a rebel Premier.

At no time, were the hard feelings and separation sentiments of the west, on the radar for signator, Ignatieff until, TA DA, a POLL!!

You have it folks, a poll, showing the Conservatives and the LIE-berals neck and neck.

But....we have trolls visiting this site, lathering the sincerity and the fence mending that this Canadian wanna be, is attempting in Western Canada.

Guess what, trolls, we are not suckers, stupid or blind. We see wolves no matter what they wear and find ones that wear foreign flags half their life, particularly distasteful.

hunter said...

Franc- You haven't been paying attention to the agriculture sector have you? The Conservatives held a vote for farmers and 60% wanted choice in marketing their wheat, it was Liberal MP Wayne Easter that was most vocal AGAINST allowing our farmers choice. Have the Liberals changed their minds AGAIN??

Do you not understand minority Conservative government? All three other parties refused to pass anything that would give our farmers choice. It was the LIBERALS who jailed our farmers. Add that to the list of why the west will not trust Liberals.

By the way, Iffy is NOT the Prime Minister, he is your unelected Liberal leader, that's all.

liberal supporter said...

hunter, why not have a discussion about the wheat board? I was under the impression some farmers do want it, some do not. What are the pros and cons of it?

Francisco said...

Hunter, I have three words for you, "non confidence motion".

If Harper wanted to set farmers free he could have done it many times all ready. He has chosen not to. His non action speaks louder than his words.

The excuse that the Liberals wouldn't let him is just that, an excuse.

jad said...

Harvard-educated ? Tsk, tsk, Hunter. The media persist in referring to Ignatieff and Obama as alumni of Harvard, but in fact he was educated at Toronto and Oxford. At Harvard he was simply a humble director of the Human Rights Policy Centre. Not even an associate professor.

Anonymous said...

Ignatieff was THE Director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard for five years, as such, I'm pretty sure he held the title of professor there.

maryT said...

The liberals did stop any changes to the CWB. Blame a guy name Ester.
I wonder how union guys would like to tell their boss, by March 31, how many hours they will work, and how many hours they would spend on each item. Then have their boss tell them a few times a year, hey you worked x hours and we will pay you part of your wages for only part of those hours. If we have a profit at the end of the year, you will get the rest of your money.
Sorry, even tho you worked x hours, we will only pay you for y hours, and perhaps next year you will be able to collect for the rest. Oh, and remember, tell us by March 31, and at the start of your pay period, Aug 1, wages will be decided.
It takes 3 crop years for a farmer to get the money for one crop.
March 31, tell them what you will seed and how many acres for each crop. Harvest crop is the fall, which is the next crop year, get final payment in Jan/for the previous crop.
The crop year is Aug 1-July 31.
And then take off all the expenses of selling your grain, like freight, elevation charges, cleaning charges, which usually take at least 30% of your cheque.

Francisco said...

Ah, so it's Wayne Easter who actually runs the federal government. I hadn't thought of that one.

maryT said...

Chuck Strahl, as Ag Minister, tried several times to get the CWB debated or changed. They did get a vote for farmers. Most voted against the CWB. But, lots of problems, and I am sure that Newman and others had to google CWB to see what the fuss was about. And as per usual, Wayne was out there defending it. And it was a liberal govt that jailed western farmers for selling their own grain, without going thru the elevator system, and hauling it across the line to sell it. Yes, they did put farmers in jail, and Iggy thinks he will win seats in the west. And it was PET who said, why should I sell your wheat. He wouldn't sell it, but they put farmers in jail for selling it.
And in case no one knows, the CWB only affects western farmers, not eastern ones. They can sell to anyone.

liberal supporter said...

maryt, the way you paint it, the CWB sounds pretty bad. Why would such a system be constructed in the first place? What were they trying to accomplish?

maryT said...

LS, ever hear of control. I suggest you google the Canadian Wheat Board. Or get the history of it from the library. It started because of some problem with the Winnipeg Grain Exchange going bust.
It worked well till they come up with the quota system. The quota system was, every now and then the CWB would tell farmers, you can sell x number of bushels/acre seeded to that grain. And lots of times that was only 1 or 2 bushels. That led to farmers having to get bigger and forced out many small farmers.
Are you aware that the govt sold thousands of bushels of wheat to Britain for 2.00/b and that grain never reached England. England sold it to other countries for much more, to finance the war.

Francisco said...

Yes, the Liberals were in power the last time farmers ran the border. The thing is the law hasn't changed, the Conservatives haven't changed it. If farmers ran the border today they would still go to jail and this time it would be the Conservatives who were in charge. The Conservatives have talked a good game but they have changed nothing.

liberal supporter said...

I suggest you google the Canadian Wheat Board.
I did.

Is there some mistake in that article? It says:
"On 7 December, 2008, western Canadian farmers voted in favour of maintaining the wheat board by electing four pro-board candidates with one marketing choice candidate being elected. Stewart Wells, president of the National Farmers Union, said " The message can't be any clearer"."

But you said "They did get a vote for farmers. Most voted against the CWB. "

Why does the article say the farmers are in favour while you say they were against?

maryT said...

There have been several cwb votes over the years. All I know is we lived under their rules for 50 yrs, and managed to raise and educate 5 kids. Some votes were only for one grain,others for all, and after one vote that caused a lot of contraversy and charges of rigging etc. After all was done, the staff of the CWB were given 1000.00 stress bonuses (farmers money of course) Basically, you had to be there to understand. Regardless, those books should be
given a through forensic audit. Over and out.

Francisco said...

I believe this is the vote being referenced

You can also see ten years worth of CWB farmer survey results on the subject here

Most farmers want the ability to sell their own property. But so what if they were in the minority? It's their property, their grain and they should not go to jail for selling it to someone other than the government.