Monday, February 02, 2009

Newfoundland Screech!

Well, they are at it again, stretching the truth and screeching. PM Harper told the provinces what to expect, and Danny Boy appeared to agree, but like any snake in the grass he waited, and spit out his venom on all Canadians, and his Liberal MP's (not Iggy's) are taking up the cry.

Both Newfoundland and Quebec think they are special and deserve more than other provinces. This has to stop. Danny Boy started this problem by yapping about the Atlantic Accord....blah, blah, he is back at it with his Liberal MP's yapping like terrier's at a great Dane. Iggy is being shown how little loyalty Newfoundlanders have for him and his Liberal party. Will Iggy do something or ignore these Danny Boy MP's?

Quit pretending to be victims! Quebec is getting 8.3 Billion, a 70% increase since the Liberals were in power, and they are still crying for more. ENOUGH!


Anonymous said...

HArper will throw money at the problem and hope it goes away.

Anonymous said...

I thought Lizzie Mae was the only screecher. LOL.

wilson said...

Hunter, was listening to the radio yesterday,
and they ran a clip of Stock giving Iggy the gears

'having lived in the US the last 30 years, you should know....'

Yet haven't seen anyone do a video.
...please, will you...?

PMSH just turned down Iggy's plea to wait a year to make the changes....hahah GritPatriot.
You guy is a wimp!
Please please pretty please, help me out here Steve old buddy old pal..

Like Dion before, make personal attacks and threaten...then back off.
Just another Liberal wimp.

Ardvark said...

If Michael allows these MP's to vote against the budget, he should do the same for all and just make it a free vote.

The only problem is that if he did make it a free vote, those 71 other Liberal MP's might remember that they just recently signed their names to a petition to the GG stating that they had no confidence in the government and might actually want to honour their signatures.

What is an interim leader to do?

Kai said...

We invited NFLD into Confederation im the late 40's. Is it too late to tell them to leave?

liberal supporter said...

If Michael allows these MP's to vote against the budget, he should do the same for all and just make it a free vote.

In a coalition government, one would expect to allow some factions to vote against your measures as long as you don't lose a confidence motion.

So Iggy's just practicing for coalition government. Which will come right after the budget is voted down.

Yes, there's a February Surprise coming for Runaway Steve. As we saw in December, they have to lure Chicken Steve into the House for a vote since he'll run crying to Auntie Michaele if he thinks he won't get his way. Poor Scarey Cat Steve, only a few weeks on the job and Iggy has already provided more leadership than Fraidy Steve did for three years.


maryT said...

LS, turn on the tv, budget passed.
211 for-91 against.
Does anyone believe there will not be payback to those nfld 6.
Bet they never get invited back to Stornoway for wine and supper. Bet they never get off the back bench. Bet they are ignored in caucus from now on. They have had their f15 minutes of fame to show how rude they are.

Anonymous said...

LS - where do you obtain your information? It was a done deal that the LPC would support the budget. You sound like the robots prior to the last election - the ones who referred to Dion as "my future prime minister". Or the former MP who blogged "man, we are so winning". Never count your chickens before they hatch.

liberal supporter said...

LS, turn on the tv, budget passed.
211 for-91 against.

I didn't need to turn on the TV to know that.

LS - where do you obtain your information? It was a done deal that the LPC would support the budget.
Of course it was, but note that nobody here said that until it actually did pass.

I made that up, simply to tease the frightened CPC, and see how confident you really are. Obviously you were worried.

You sound like the robots prior to the last election - the ones who referred to Dion as "my future prime minister". Or the former MP who blogged "man, we are so winning".
I find this blog to be a great place to hear trash talk for the bad guys and glorification of the good guys (good and bad in your view of course).

Never count your chickens before they hatch.
Words to live by!

Anonymous said...

"I made that up, simply to tease the frightened CPC, and see how confident you really are. Obviously you were worried."

Where do you get this stuff? We were not frightened - Ignatieff was very clear that he would support the budget - even before it was tabled. We were worried? Uh, no, we were NOT worried. You really must think before you post, LS. You really do sound like a robot with your fantasy proclamations.