Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Question Period Summary: One Brave Liberal!

Question period makes strange bedfellows, one brave Liberal goes against Kinsella and the Liberal party. Notice no Liberals applaud his statement. This is not an issue that should be us against them, this is an issue about common sense, you support all people who are suffering not just one side, this is where progressives fail.

Feminists support women who want abortions for free, but do not support women who want children. Feminists yell blue murder when they think their right to equal pay is being eroded by Conservatives, but we get silence from them on the right of Afghan women to an education. Feminists support gay rights, but forget about all those children that are being killed because a family thinks they have been dishonoured, and have the right to kill their daughters for not wearing a head covering. Feminists want more research into why women get beat up by their husbands, but fail to rally around the women who need actual shelters to live in. Feminists are part of the problem, they are not the solution.

Progressives think the government can solve all problems. They reject individualism and capitalism. They crowd together in solidarity, because they can not function as individuals, they are failures masquerading as successes. They hail the racist United Nations as progressive, they yearn for a global government because they hate anything that smacks of patriotism. They embrace global warming because they realize it could lead to global government where everyone suffers and no one is happy or successful. The weak always try to take out the strong, they do it by corrupting our justice system, and making every criminal a victim. They cry crocodile tears for terrorists like Khadr, but offer no support for real victims. They cry about the average worker needing help, but then fail to support any measures that would actually lift the people out of poverty. They develop whole industries around poverty and climate change yet never pick up a hammer to build a house for them, they prefer to hold useless protests while dressed in polar bear suits, yet they have never even bothered to tour the oilsands.

They are intellectual midgets who chant about not flushing your toilets and think that will save the world. You never find them planting a vegetable garden, they are too "hip" for that. They never actually get their hands "dirty" but they are quick to label people "deniers" without any proof that they are right. They are the weak, the misfits, the people who are unable to achieve, so they try to take what is not theirs, they create nothing, they build only discontent, they are the destroyers of freedom, but only for those who achieve. They love being victims, and they are so discontent with their own lives that they want us all to become victims too, sobbing into our collective glasses of water about how unfair life is.

Well, I refuse to be their victim. I refuse to think that my success and happiness in life can be destroyed by some wet behind the ears idiot living in their parents basement screaming at the top of their lungs...."I want to be loved, I deserve it".

Get a real job, and suck it up kiddo.


sor said...

Who would have thought good old Joe Volpe would have it in him. It must have gotten under the skin of a few Liberals. Nice to see the divisions are still there.

I just sent you a LOL joke.

Roy Eappen said...

Excellent post Hunter. I was hoping you made a video of Jason Kenney's statement. Who knew Volpe was a grit sheep.

Red Tory said...

It's not Question Period. But don't let FACTS get in the way of your partisan rhetoric or skewed editing.

Anonymous said...

Why do we always have to hear from people like RT? Spoils the tone of a blog.

Anonymous said...

I want to know how you get from:

"This is not an issue that should be us against them, this is an issue about common sense..."


"... I refuse to be their victim. I refuse to think that my success and happiness in life can be destroyed by some wet behind the ears idiot living in their parents basement screaming at the top of their lungs....I want to be loved, I deserve it".

If progressives and feminists are the intellectual "midgets" you suggest they are, how could they possibly "destroy your success and happiness in life"? And what does that have to do with the issue on which you start out by saying that common sense should unite us?

Red Tory said...

Sorry to interrupt your little echo-chamber there, Easty.

hunter said...

Hey lefties, if you don't like MY skewed editing, do your own question period video!

Mysteree, what can I say, it just flows out of me, like poetry!

Michael Harkov said...

Thats okay Red. I know your particular echo chamber gets a little tiresome and you need a break out to troll someone else's. :)

Anonymous said...

I meant Volpe is not a grit sheep. Bitter as ever eh RT.

Reid said...

I was surprised by one thing in that video. After Volpe's statement you see Irwin Cotler right behind him not applauding or "here-here"ing. Irwin is usually a supporter of Israel.

Fay said...

Good for Joe Volpe , I also was suprised that Cotler was not applauding Joe Volpe.
Good for Stephen Harper in calling out the insufferable Bob Rae.
Another excellent post Hunter.

Anonymous said...

My question was in three parts, Hunter. Ok, you've answered the first part. You went from a professed interest in supporting all people who are suffering rather than taking sides to a diatribe against progressives and feminists and people who live in their parents' basements via poetic flow.

If progressives and feminists are the intellectual "midgets" you suggest they are, how could they possibly "destroy your success and happiness in life"? And what does that have to do with the issue on which you start out by saying that common sense should unite us?

Bec said...

Fan-flippin-tastic, Hunter!

I guess you must know the same feminists, that I know.
Perhaps they are all robotic mistakes.

Joe Volpe? One has to enjoy the courage he demonstrates and as for Irwin Cottlers', non reaction?
That is rather baffling, frankly. Maybe clapping for anything Joe Volpe says, is politically incorrect?

Babylonian777 said...

That was a great video. I will ask one thing, maybe they didn't clap for Volpe b/c there weren't too many sitting around while he was speaking (I disagree with this, there were enough to clap, but I just wanted to throw this out there).

Is this the same Hunter who would do the "Smackdown" vids? Goodness I miss those! Me and my sis would always love to watch those. :D

Anonymous said...

You know what gets me, Hunter is Jack Layton setting himself up as the guy who will defend the downtrodden. I would say that women in Afghanistan are about as downtrodden as you can get. And, yet, he wanted to negotiate with the Taliban? The Taliban, which single-handedly took women from something resembling equality to being treated worse than dogs. Imprisoned in their lives and their clothing; beaten arbitrarily; removed from schools; disfigured...the list goes on and on. And, not even men were free from Taliban injustice - men, also, were imprisoned within the Taliban system although by no means as horrifically treated as women. And, yet, Layton would have us negotiate with this misogynistic group of satan-inspired corrupters or Islam?

And, I second your sentiments. Where are the feminists where Afghan women are concerned? Where are the lefties, the do-gooders, the bleeding hearts. Nowhere. They're too busy not shaving their legs or underarms and leading worthless protests.

Anonymous said...

While we're on the topic of feminists, one phrase I've been seeing a lot, lately, is "women have control of their wombs". The latest was in connection with that twit in the USA who just gave birth to 8 more children on top of the 6 she already had. You know, the twit who says that God will provide. Well, God didn't provide her with her 14 kids - a test tube did, but that's a whole other story.

Not one of these feminists considers the children - oh no. This stupid twit has total control over her womb and to heck with the lives of the children or her parents who are helping her with them or the taxpayers who will eventually end up paying to raise her kids all because she has control over her womb.

Well, if she has control over her womb, why didn't she control her womb and put a "closed" sign on it. Having womb control does NOT mean that a woman can pop them out one after another. The original intent was to elevate women from baby-makers to women who could choose to NOT be baby machines. The intent was for a women to be respected when she said "no".

The original intent was not for women to have the choice to pop out multiples with no consideration of the child's life or the cost. The original intent of legalized abortion was to terminate pregnancy if the woman's life was in danger, if there was something terribly wrong with the baby, or if the pregnancy was the result of a rape or incest. It was NOT to allow women to have wanton, unprotected sex and have the baby murdered all for the sake of convenience. No, that was not the intent. Wanton murder was NOT the intent.

The intent of feminism was to give women a choice - to be a traditional wife and mother IF SHE SO CHOSE OF HER OWN FREE WILL AND DESIRE or not. Feminists have morphed into some kind of mutant life form that hates babies (hence wanton murder of babies in the womb) and hates women who have babies and want to...gasp...raise them.

I'm sorry - but the whole women's lib intent has been terribly corrupted by twisted feminists who probably couldn't get...well...let's just leave that one aside, shall we? But the point is - the bitterness and hatred is astounding.

Lefties - oh, they do love to protest poverty but...do any of them actually take a poor person or family into their homes? Do they financially support or offer employment to poor people? Uh, no.

Hypocrites - the whole lot of them.

Anonymous said...

East of Eden, though what you have just said does align with Hunter's remarks, what does any of it have to do with Volpe's stance?