Monday, October 25, 2010

Sharia Stinks!

I had a fight with my MALE MP because I wrote on my blog that Islam suppresses women. He thought I was being too harsh. I thought he was being blind to the problems of Sharia. We both decided to agree to disagree.

I don't think males understand the fear that females have about sharia. I do not want to have to bow down to Muslim males. I fought hard to achieve the career I have now, I think ALL women should have the same chance, but sharia will not allow Muslim females to achieve their goals. We are seeing sharia creep into our justice system with the ruling that a female can cover her face when testifying. It is a slow progression, but it is happening. Journalists are afraid to report about anything Muslim, we saw that with their refusal to show the cartoons depicting Mohammad. Now our MP's are doing the same thing, they are refusing to acknowledge that Islam is a danger to women. Maybe they should listen to a Muslim about the issue:

Wafa Sultan is a strong voice in support of Muslim women and ultimately all women. Funny how feminists ignore her and her message. I want my MP to come out of the dark and support those females who are brave enough to stand up against sharia. I do not want to wear a sack, I do not want to have to be accompanied by a male representative wherever I go. I do not want my female grandchildren mutilated, and I do not want them subjected to a harsh environment of suppression and servitude to males.  I do not want the government to follow political correctness, but I'm afraid that they have already been compromised.  It's time for the silent majority to get LOUD!


Southern Quebec said...

Hunter, you would not be subject to Sharia(head covering) any more than you would be subject to Tzniut (head covering).

Quick...which religion says this every morning?
"Blessed are you, Hashem, King of the Universe, for not having made me a woman."

ALL religious fundamentalists are crazy.

Anonymous said...

send your MP a clip of Ali Hirsi Ali, or even one of her books - her brave and telling expose of the real meaning of Islam, is the best argument against creeping Sharia - thugish practices utilized by a universal religous/political system to enslave all women - SQ compares an ant to an elephant

Anonymous said...

sorry - meant to type "Ayaan Hirsi Ali"

Jan said...

I noticed that after the bishop in Kelowna, B.C. was attacked and beaten, we don't have any Catholics or Christians protesting in the streets, blocking traffic or burning buildings. Hmmmm--you might mention this to your MP.

Southern Quebec said...

Jan...the bishop was attacked by a person with mental health issues. What is your point, exactly?

MariaS said...

Hunter - please send your MP the
link below and ask him if he would prefer that Canada become like England. England is going down and there is nothing anyone can do about it at this late stage. If we do not fight tooth and nail from right now, what you see in England is what you will see in Canada within a few years.

A couple of my friends tell me that they have sent my Faster,Faster England blog posts to a few people in our govt. This link has all the posts up to the latest one that I posted yesterday.

Send it to him and then ask him to respond to you on it.

Southern Quebec said...

Does anybody here understand that Muslims can not subject you to Sharia any more than the Catholic church can dictate to a Pastafarian that abortion is wrong?

Anonymous said...

Keep feeding that alligator S.Q.

Frances said...

If they have the right to be anonymous, I should have the equal right to deal with someone I cannot identify.

Anonymous said...

Actually, what makes me chuckle is that when Islam takes over North America, it won't be us Christians who suffer - it will be the bleeding heart seculars who will be targeted. Islam actually reveres Christ but secularism? Whooo boy. Wait for it, all you Christian-haters and diversity-embracers. You'll be the first to go.