Thursday, January 27, 2011

"I Love CBC"....Really?

Are these people serious? A rally to support CBC against "imaginary" cuts? What cuts? Oh do they mean the cuts that "might" happen if the Conservative party gets a "dreaded" majority? I used to think all the nut bars were in the NDP party, but it seems the NDP are the reasonable ones these days.

PETERBOROUGH, Ont. - About 120 people sang, chanted and marched through the downtown of this small central Ontario city on Thursday in support of the CBC.

The group, called I Love CBC-Peterborough, announced a postcard campaign to save the public broadcaster from federal cuts and handed out “I Love the CBC” bumper stickers at the Peterborough Public Library before marching downtown.

The group is a branch several CBC support groups that have launched since a local member of Parliament – and a parliamentary secretary to the minister of Canadian heritage - quipped publicly in 2010 about pulling the plug on the CBC.

“Maybe it’s time we get out of the broadcasting business,” Peterborough MP Dean Del Mastro said in November.

“There’s a suspicion among this group that the Conservative Party is hostile to the CBC,” Roy Brady, one of the rally organizers, said at the rally.

Kady Denton, another organizer of Thursday's march, said she has heard from many people in Peterborough that they are embarrassed by Del Mastro's comment.

“We want the government to recognize the CBC as a national treasure,” she said.

Oh my God, they want the CBC recognized as a national treasure? Seriously, these people walk among us. I say, if they "love" the CBC soooo much, they can support them as a public broadcaster. You "love" them so much, you pay for them! Leave me out of it. I want none of my taxes going towards this Liberal shrill organization. Dean Del Mastro is correct, the government has no business funding this useless organization with our tax dollars, same goes for the UN.

Same goes for the separatist Bloc, who use blackmail to get what they want (huge pensions paid for by all Canadians). Gary Clement has them pegged to a tee!

Maybe we should start a facebook group called "I Hate CBC" and see who gets more hits. No, that would be childish, and only make us lower ourselves to the protester level, which is a tool the Liberals and NDP use without a thought and of course the media never calls them "attack facebook groups".


Anonymous said...

I love CBC.

Anonymous said...

"I want none of my taxes going towards this Liberal shrill organization."


Southern Quebec said...

Funny...they don't look shrillish...

I listen to Radio Canada.

robins111 said...

This looks like an NDP 'rent a rally' made up of union shills from the CAW

Mr. Lorne said...

Make the CBC a PPV service. Anyone who wants it can subscribe to it paying the full cost of its operations. What could be more fair?

West Coast Teddi said...

May the SUN NEWS TV shine on "Misty-sue" and the very "de-lite-full" EsQue.

Alberta Girl said...

Well that explains Mysto and SQ's bias - you guys should get out more, listen to something more than CBC - you might be surprised at how you have been brainwashed!!!!

liberal supporter said...

Leave me out of it. I want none of my taxes going towards this Liberal shrill organization. Dean Del Mastro is correct, the government has no business funding this useless organization with our tax dollars, same goes for the UN.
And those church subsidies, they have to go too.

We should simply give all the spectrum to Mr. Murdoch. It's too hard for us mere peons to manage anything like broadcasting. Why with all the conflicting opinions, it's just too confusing. There should only be one network in the world, and it should belong to Mr. Murdoch. He can sublet some of it to people who are important enough (i.e. rich enough) if he likes, but none of this CBC stuff. I mean, it was started by a um, Conservative government. You know the one before the name was taken over by the far right?

JR said...

Right on, hunter! These nuts are everywhere. You couldn't drive two blocks in Victoria without seeing an "I Vote CBC" bumper sticker. Mind you, to Victoria's credit, there were also quite a few "I Hate the CBC" stickers.

I pay for my Fox News subscription. Why am I subsidizing what these knuckleheads want to see/hear?

hunter said...

You love CBC so much mystereeoso, you pay for it with your own money, leave mine alone.

Robins111, I think you might be right, bet they are part of the NDP constituency office in Dean's riding.

JR, I want a "Honk if you hate the CBC" bumper sticker.

bocanut said...