Thursday, November 06, 2008

How Offensive!

I don't visit the Toronto Star site very often, but the comments illuminate the lefty lack of tolerance for opinions contrary to their thinking. Like this one:

Liberal funds dwindle after election rebates


The Liberals can no longer draw donations from their wealthy corporate friends and can no longer tax Canadians to death. At long last, we have blown them out of the waters. They deserve to be exactly where they are being the biggest losers in the last election and flat broke. I have no sympathy whatsoever for the lying, cheating Liberals.

Posted By Marilyn at 7:04 AM Thursday, November 06 2008

* Agree
* |
* Disagree
* |
* Offensive 1

So you can either agree, disagree, or label the post offensive.

Clearly because Marilyn does not agree with the Liberal point of view her comment is OFFENSIVE.

Then we have this one:

Bring back Adscam.

If the Liberals were in power, they could pay off this debt with just a couple of months worth of Adscam payments.

Posted By Roadrobber at 6:54 PM Wednesday, November 05 2008

* Agree 1
* |
* Disagree
* |
* Offensive 1

Again we have one vote for OFFENSIVE!

What does this show? It shows that the "progressive" lefties are only progressive if you agree with their point of view, if you don't, you are OFFENSIVE.

Reading the article it appears that the Liberals are in real money trouble.

In British Columbia, Liberal candidates in 11 ridings failed to meet the minimum 10-per-cent threshold to qualify for campaign expense reimbursements. No B.C. Liberal failed to qualify for reimbursements in the 2006 election.

In Alberta, Liberal candidates could not make the mark in 14 ridings this election, compared with nine in 2006.

Five Liberal candidates in Saskatchewan and another four in Manitoba could not garner enough support to get their reimbursements. One Liberal in Quebec and another in Nova Scotia, running against Independent MP Bill Casey, also received less than 10 per cent of the vote.

In B.C. and Alberta, most of the Liberals who failed to qualify for the reimbursements fell behind Green party candidates and finished fourth.

Yikes! 36 candidates received less than 10% of the votes, and were 4th behind the Greens? Remember, this is the "natural ruling party of Canada". HA!

What is OFFENSIVE, is that lefties think only their opinions are relevant and that no other opinion is valid.

What is OFFENSIVE is that lefties try to shut down freedom of speech, and the freedom to express your opinions in a free country.

What is OFFENSIVE is that Liberals think only they have "values". They think "values" equate to morals.


Pissedoff said...

And Dion wants to bring down Harper over the crime bill. I hope he can get both Layton and Duceppe to agree. That way we can wipe out the Libs, Layton will lose a few, Duceppe in Quebec has nothing to lose. What does Harper have to lose in Quebec? Just a few seats that he will easily make up in the ROC and that will sideline Quebec politicaly also.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on Hunter. Pick your toys up and put them back in the pram. People of all stripes have a perfect right to feel offended, to say that they feel offended and even to be offensive. But people also have no right to be not offended.

You even have the right to criticise others for complaining of offence being caused when you yourself do exactly the same. You also have the right to limit free speech to some degree in some contexts.

But with all those rights come responsibilities. You have to recognise that the rights you have belong to everybody else as well. You have to uphold those rights whenever they are challenged, in whatever context, even if the person in question is a liberal. And you have to recognise the point at which the degree of offence oversteps the mark. Most people fail to live up to these responsibilities. Most people are huge hypocrites. You included.

You complain that liberals are offended and yet your blog policy explicitly states that swearing will not be tolerated, presumably because you find it offensive. You complain that liberals seek to deny free speech yet your blog policy explicitly states you will delete posts you deem unsuitable.

Here's some cake Hunter. Keep it or eat it. Choice is yours. If you choose to do both though, people will have every right to think badly of you and say so in a manner which you may find offensive.

Pissedoff said...

What's offensive about the examples shown. You have no right to be offended when people write the truth.

Anonymous said...

I read the star and comment frequently. On almost every story, there is somebody who clicks the "offensive" choice for no apparent reason. One could comment that the sun is shining and this type of person would click "offensive". I don't pay attention to the voting on the comments page.

I notice that a significant proportion of commenters support Harper. It appears that some Canadians are recognizing the slags for what they are - slags for no reason other than to blindly and mindlessly slag Harper no matter what.

As I've joked before - Harper could develop a cure for lung cancer and the opposing side would slag him for hating women because he didn't develop a cure for breast cancer. It's the same old story - opposing for the sake of opposing and not for the sake of Canadians.

Jeff said...

ever been involved in freeping a poll with other like-minded folks hunter? you know you have.

what's that all about? is it not about influencing the result to reflect your opinions?

you have a conservative govt in ottawa and a conservative govt in alberta. one would assume you would be happy. nope. still bitchin' and moaning because alot of us have different opinions than you.

you are intolerant of others tolerance and expect everyone else to be tolerant of your intolerance.

Red Tory said...

So one person checks a comment as "offensive" and ALL LEFTIES are suddenly "intolerant"... Brilliant.

Like most of your posts, another complete waste of keystrokes.

Unknown said...

"It's the same old story - opposing for the sake of opposing and not for the sake of Canadians."

I tend to agree with you on this, but Hunter is just as guilty, if not moreso, of it as anybody else. If anything, Hunter is one of the hallmarks of "anything left-leaning is wrong".

Anonymous said...

I am amazed that Hunter has attracted so many people from the other side. Could it be that you secretly agree with her and are trying to convince yourself that she's wrong? Amazing but Hunter's support base seems to lean heavily toward non-right folks. Interesting.

Hunter, I bow to your inner Rasputin. You attract these people like moths to a flame.

Red Tory said...

Could it be you're delusional? Someone disagrees... ergo, they secretly agree? Does logic have NO application whatsoever around here?

Anonymous said...

Red Tory - of course. Classic case of denial...or trying to convince oneself of the opposite of how one feels.

But, the burning question is not whether logic does or not play on this forum but why folks like you persist in hanging around? You obviously disagree so why come around? Do you simply have a need to argue? The fact that you folks congregate here is what defies logic.

Southern Quebec said...

EofE: Us lefties come here because it's really easy to hit the low fruit with a drive-by comment.

Anonymous said...

"But, the burning question is not whether logic does or not play on this forum but why folks like you persist in hanging around? You obviously disagree so why come around?"

Because you can't answer the question yourself. The fact that you are unable to relate to the idea of somebody wanting to correct things that are wrong shows us just how much work we have to do.

Anonymous said...

SQ - so you aim for the low fruit, do you? Aiming low - that's a concept which is foreign to me. But, I suppose somebody has to aim low and it may as well be you.

Google - you get to decide what is right and what is wrong? How amazing. I had no idea that you were the arbiter. How presumptious of me to think that you were just a regular person. Going forward, I will bow to your superiority. When donkeys fly. I mean, really, who are you to say what is or is not correct?

No, Google and SQ - you come here because you just like to shoot down other people's ideas. You know that this is a Conservative blog so you come here to poke holes in anything that Hunter has to say. Please...don't try to convince me that you come here for more honourable reasons.

And you expect anybody to respect your great wisdom when you begin a comment with something like "pick up your toys". You just come here to provoke. Well, if it makes you feel good, feel free. That's the wonderful thing about our country - people can get away with your sort of behaviour.

SQ - I've said it before: you come here to provoke and not to add anything meaningful.

I find it funny that when a Conservative sticks to his or her convictions he or she is intolerant but when a lefty or a lib sticks to his or her convictions, he's correct.

Southern Quebec said...

Google does not get to decide what is right or wrong. He gives you the facts, and the facts decide the arguement. Hunter makes incredible statements with no facts or figures to back them up. When she gets challenged she disappears to the next post.

Anonymous said...

"SQ - so you aim for the low fruit, do you?"

It's the best place to aim. It's known as the Pareto principle. 80% of the available benefits can be gained by focusing on addressing the worst offending 20% of the problem.

"Google - you get to decide what is right and what is wrong?"

No. We all have the opportunity to discover what is right and what is wrong. Nobody gets to decide it. This is a common theme with right wingers and theists; that the truth is simply what you believe in rather than something that transcends belief and defines reality.

"How presumptious of me to think that you were just a regular person. Going forward, I will bow to your superiority."

It was both presumptuous and foolish. But there's no need to bow.

"When donkeys fly. I mean, really, who are you to say what is or is not correct?"

Well, if you would stop the ad hom attacks and actually engage with the meat of the discussion maybe we would find out who is right and who is wrong.

"No, Google and SQ - you come here because you just like to shoot down other people's ideas."

When they are wrong, yes. But you say that like it's a bad thing.

"You know that this is a Conservative blog so you come here to poke holes in anything that Hunter has to say."

No. I only poke holes in the things she, and others on here, are wrong about. The fact that it is a Conservative blog just means it's less effort to find things to fix.

"Please...don't try to convince me that you come here for more honourable reasons."

Ahhh. I'm not allowed to pass comment on factual correctness but you're qualified to know more about my motivations that I do myself. There's cognitive dissonance for you.

"I find it funny that when a Conservative sticks to his or her convictions he or she is intolerant"

Quite a persecution complex you have there. Completely delusional of course but whatever you need to do to keep yourself sane eh? You're not intolerant because you stick to your convictions, you're intolerant because your convictions are intolerant. The fact that you stick to them regardless of any reasoned argument and evidence put before you just shows that you're also irrationally stubborn.

"but when a lefty or a lib sticks to his or her convictions, he's correct."

Not when his convictions are wrong. John McCain ran his campaign based on the (false as it happens) notion that he was a Maverick. There's nothing inherently correct or incorrect about being a Maverick. Criticising Obama because he never disagreed with his party is fatuous beyond belief. Obama's convictions aligned, and align, with those of his party. That's why he's a Democrat. If McCain disagrees with his party so much it begs the question "Why is he a member of the Republican party?"

hunter said...

Don't worry yourself East of Eden, the lefties just hate being called lefties.

I hardly ever respond to the lefties because it ticks them off! They spout junk and expect me to respond. You can't win that way, they never listen. It must be that the lefty sites are so boring that they come here to find some principled commentary.

They also seem to be craving the attention of strong Conservative women, who know their own minds and don't constantly complain about broken nails and the newest shoe fad.

I think they are tired of being metrosexuals and envy Conservative men because they can be real men. Lefty ladies are turning these guys into wimps and they crave the attention and approval of REAL women, like us Conservative ladies.

Problem is, lefty guys/metrosexuals couldn't handle a real Conservative woman, and they know it. They are reduced to trolling Conservative ladies blogs and begging for attention.

liberal supporter said...

I don't bother commenting here anymore, since Hunter revealed herself as a comment deleter. But I couldn't resist today.

I keep coming back hoping to find if this blog was created by The Onion, or if it was National Lampoon or some other outfit. It is most definitely a parody blog. I just wish I knew who is behind it, because it is absolutely hilarious.


hunter said...

You got deleted because you are an idiot. Is that clear enough?

liberal supporter said...

You got deleted because you are an idiot. Is that clear enough?
I didn't ask why you deleted my comment. I don't care why you deleted my comments. But thanks for the snide comment. You can't even do insults well.

Just the fact that you are a comment deleter shows your true colours more than anything else.

But like I said, I come here for the laughs. We just saw Hunter clumsily trying to change the channel. It's like watching Perry Mason here, Hunter is Hamilton Berger, who loses every case.


Anonymous said...

Hunter - Perhaps you've misunderstood what's going on. I'm here to point out the fallacies in your positions as and when I find them. Not to change your mind because I know your views are fixed, but rather to ensure anyone less, shall we say 'challenged', who happens across your blog, does not become infected with your ideologies. Responding to a reasoned argument with playground slurs on a commenter's sexual prowess serves only to assist me in my work here. Of course, me pointing out your tactical errors doesn't do me any good but I just wanted to give you a fighting chance.

West Coast Teddi said...

I must be early for the Friday Night Funnies.

Been a chuckle so far. Even Red has "deleted" himself from a lib-blog because he couldn't take the "heat", and didn't like the slander coming back at him. I'm sure he will respond that it was the "threats" and I'm sure he is probably right but none the less his "fans" are so hurt. "Don't Go Red".

We Conservative conservatives will continue ruling the world cutting the unwashed lefty hoards off at the trough of "life" whenever the sty gets in their eye. We control the money and the lefties always "work for us" for we are the producers.

Those that can - do.
Those that can't, teach.
And those that can't teach become left wing nut bars.

hunter said...

Hey West Coast Teddi, it is getting to be like the Friday funnies around here.

I think "google" is really Canadian Cynic, or a clone, it can't stop stalking me.

Now you wimpy lefties, you couldn't handle a Conservative woman even if we bothered to give you the time of day. Which we wouldn't, a guy with a purse just doesn't do it for us girls. Now, a guy who brings home a dead moose for us, YAHOO!

liberal supporter said...

We're all looking for Conservative women? Pshaw! Since your site does not allow swearing, I assume you wouldn't appreciate even the scientific names for certain activities.

Right now, while half-reading your snit that conservative women are hot, I am experiencing something from a very liberal woman that is usually only politely described by its latin name.

My main concern is she will look at the screen and start laughing, which could cause a painful accident for me.


liberal supporter said...

By the way, I don't usually comment on blogs and, well, you know, at the same time. But that very liberal woman, after reading the nonsense here, insisted!

And that's enough here for tonight.


jm66 said...

You do understand LS that you have opened yourself up for this....sorry Hunter.

LS, you are really going to have to set boundries with your Mother. You have to let her know that upstairs is her space and downstairs is yours.

Now don't get me wrong, those spaces can overlap. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with you going into her space to get some good food. I'm also sure that there is nothing wrong with you going up stairs to the bathroom to, well, you know.

Same as I'm sure that there is no problem with her going in to your space to clean, or get those crusted, well you know, underwear to wash.

What you tried to describe to us though, is not right! What do you need from the rest of us to keep Mom from laughing? We will do what we can.

hunter said...

JM, good one! Subtle enough that my kids won't understand the real meaning, but will Liberal Supporter?

Anonymous said...

What is OFFENSIVE, is that lefties think only their opinions are relevant and that no other opinion is valid.

What is OFFENSIVE is that lefties try to shut down freedom of speech, and the freedom to express your opinions in a free country.

What is OFFENSIVE is that Liberals think only they have "values". They think "values" equate to morals."

These statements are unsubstantiated.

Southern Quebec said...

Wow; West Coast Teddie insults teachers everywhere!

Hunter; Lefties don't mind being called lefties. Really. It's not an insult.

Mystereo: Hunter just deleted a comment she disagreed with. Is she cutting down on freedom on speech? Please clarify.


hunter said...

Well Southern Quebec, I didn't delete any comment on this thread so I have no clue what you are yapping about.

Even if I did, this happens to be my blog, go start your own if you are unhappy, and take the other leftbots with you.

Maybe during fall cleaning, I should just institute a no lefty troll policy.