Saturday, November 01, 2008

Coming To America!

Interesting information about Obama's aunt, found at Small Dead Animals.

I received this cartoon a few weeks ago, but thought it wasn't really relevant, guess I was wrong.

Obama relatives coming for a visit at the White House. (Hey lefties, it's a joke!)

So, Obama didn't know his aunt was in America illegally? Poor Joe the Plumber gets his records checked illegally by Obama supporters, now his aunt is found to be in America illegally and has contributed to his campaign illegally, with only a whisper in the press.

Are Americans going quietly into socialism? Here is a good take on freedom of speech, and the 2nd Amendment:

Kind of says it all doesn't it.


maryT said...

Imagine if that was Sarah's aunt.
I read that he sent back her donation.
Wonder if the networks have people in the streets to get the first pics of the riots on Nov 4.
I think there will be carbques regardles if O wins or loses.

Anonymous said...

Hi MaryT. What is a carbque?

Southern Quebec said...

What is truly funny about that sign, is that Sarah would not get the joke. Also, I believe the GOP ticket is McCain/Palin not the reverse.

Yeh, what is a carbque regardles? and why will there be riots on November 4th?

Grumpy Old Man said...

S/Q, a gentleman always lets the lady go first. *grin*

BTW, I love the sign.

maryT said...

When they had all those riots in France and other places, the cars were torched, hence carbque.
Why will there be riots, because that is what idiots do, whether it is a sports win/loss, cartoon, threat of working longer hours, or a hurricane.

Calvin said...

"wow" , and would you say that someone needs some anger management with that sign ???

sinned34 said...

Wow, sign-stealing? Unbelievable! I can't believe someone could stoop so low! Except, of course, if a person were willing to KILL someone over stealing a political sign. (Disclaimer: the sign is actually a little amusing)

At any rate, there's definitely idiots on both sides of the political divide!