Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Funnies: Printers and Cats!

Smart A$$ Women

Ray & Bubba ( West Virginny engineers)

were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up.

A woman walked by and asked what they were doing.

'We're supposed to find the height of the flagpole,' said Bubba,

'but we don't have a ladder.'

The woman took a wrench from her purse, loosened a few bolts,

and laid the pole down. Then she took a tape measure from her

pocket, took a measurement, announced, 'Eighteen feet, six inches,'

and walked away.

Ray shook his head and laughed. 'Ain't that just like a woman!

We ask for the height and she gives us the length!'


Happy Thanksgiving America!

Thought for the day

Handle every stressful situation like a dog.
Piss on it and walk away.

Out of my cold dead hands! Charlton Heston's gun vault:
Why your printer won't work!

Have a great weekend, even you lefties! (SQ and Jeff, these are funnies, you know, jokes, or all all lefties missing their funny bones?)


Bec said...

Is that really Charleton Heston's gun vault? we know why he, was such a grouch, with Michael Moore..haha! Cheers, Hunter and you too have a great weekend....go STAMPS go!

hunter said...

Yes that's Heston's vault! I agree, seeing as the ESK's aren't in it...
Go Stamps Go!

Southern Quebec said...

I believe that should be "GO ALS GO!!!" :)